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  1. Would we not see a buffer on what is the end of the wooden frame?
  2. Is it me but there is something odd about that wagon. The Buffer does not line up with the wooden frame. The buffer is completely wrong looks like a selfcontained buffer. I wonder if its a 2 plank wooden body and frame sitting on something like a Serpent?
  3. Hi Sorry I didn't explain myself on my last post. Yes I was looking for two things actually 1: Hex bolts and 2: can they be positioned in a order as a corner plate of a wagon. I can see that item 2 may be not worth the cost so I can understand that. I work in 7mm and you can see the difference between bolts and rivets. When you are close to your model and as you say they mayn't be so obvious when on your layout a couple of feet away. But the interesting thing is when its 1: weathered the detail has a effect of standing out and the way the light hits the bolt or rivet helps with the illusion of the original. If you look at say the Websters 4 plank GWR wagon kit now marketed by Peco the rivet and bolt detail is to scale and you can see the detail. If you think about it, model railways is all about the illusion. And like in every avenue of this hobby if you are happy with the model that is all that counts. I have draw a 3D wagon and the bolts were to scale some Hex and some Square heads. When printed they are noticeable in their shape by the the way they light catches them. I saw your transfers for the first time at the weekend, early GWR wagons that had been commissioned. I have to say I am very impressed.
  4. Hi Thinking of wagons, Can you print bolt heads and or nuts with a bolt sticking slightly out say spaced out on a corner plate of a wagon?
  5. My feeling is that 15"6" wagons that had wooden underframes match the photo on page 53 of Saltney book. But happy to be proven wrong
  6. page 48 in the Saltney book, also number first then GW , another complication. Did they get swapped on the otherside?
  7. I produced this 3D model of a 1plank using the various of the sources listed. As it was my first go I made a couple of mistakes which you my notice for the lot number 33 I produced. Answers on a post card🤣 On the incised numbers and lettering there are drawings and photos that show only GW not GWR so beware. ian
  8. You can go on the Facebook link above and not log in but read it, if that helps.
  9. I been considering the red issue for years myself hoping too build a layout in the 1890's period. My theory is this and it's only a theory; all the woodwork would have been painted red sides and the wooden underframes, and when attaching metal parts ie the Axleboxes, Brakes and W Irons it would be likely all ready painted before fitting, black or dark grey. Then when they moved to metal underframes they would have painted them black or dark grey. But the wood would still be painted red.. I do appreciate that the metal work on the wagon sides should be dark under this theory so it may fall down on that point.
  10. Hi Martin Unfortunately I was not able to watch the live stream. But I have just spent the last 1.5 hours watching the recording, really enjoyed it and hope to see more, but I realise it does take up time doing them. If I make a few comments from watching the recordings. Firstly I enjoyed the fact its not edited, the pace I found gave me time to consider what you are saying. Secondly I now understand your thinking behind, Make control, Background and Box. So I found that part of the stream very informative. I liked the fact that you covered information for the more experienced and beginner. Even as a beginner you are learning something by just watching. So going forward if you do not mind, I would like an explanation behind Pegs /Align tools at some point. I was slightly worried that the demo only lasts 14days on the Twitch website. As I am sure in a couple of months time I might want to watch it again. Again thank you. I feel with more videos like this, more people will feel confident in using Templot which will be a great legacy for all you years of effort. Ian
  11. These are the smallest files I have but they seem to be sadly not made any more. Lucky I brought 2 some years ago which I treat like egg shells Square File : VALLORBE ULP1480-2-4 https://www.eternaltools.com/square-seconds-hole-file
  12. I emailed Historex Agents and they sent me this link http://www.historexagents.com/historexlink.php?SupplierCode=M4 Funny I do not remember seeing it when I looked the other day. I assume its an age thing !!
  13. I have been on the Historex Agents site and I cannot see anything re Masterclub rivets or bolts. Am I missing something
  14. Been on the Fusion 360 web site There is a web page on the personal use and a section on the 10 active drawings. it seems that you do not loose any drawings and you can still recall them. He is the web page https://www.autodesk.com/products/fusion-360/blog/changes-to-fusion-360-for-personal-use/
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