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  1. Question: Compare Enterprise Architecture and Business Architecture

    NO !


    It is a soul destroying tedium and I really wish I didn't have to if you don't mind.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Hroth


      Being terms I've never encountered, I did a quick google. I didn't get past the first paragraph describing EA in Wikipedia, I didn't get past the first sentence describing BA in Wiki.....


      Who thought up this turgid rubbish?

      Was it for some sort of bet?


      Here's a better question, "Produce analyses of Sh!t Creek using Enterprise Architecture and Business Architecture". Of course it would be structurally equivalent to the original question...


    3. woodenhead


      Last week I had to develop 32 console apps to demonstrate my c# skills, that took a few days but was fun.  Today I just looked at various websites to write notes on Enterprise Architecture.  My email was off as I knew it would take only the slightest interruption for me to find an excuse, any excuse, to do something else.


      Took me back to age 18 doing 'the organisation in its environment' modules.


      Never have I had so many excuses to pop down to the kitchen for another quick snack.


      Next assignment is Scrum, Kansan and stuff like that which is actually more interesting as it deals with getting stuff done rather than high level strategy and management speak.

    4. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      I'd rather have a Babycham.


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