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Status Updates posted by GEOEng03

  1. Just taken delivery of a Athearn Genesis 2.0 SD90MAC in CP livery.  WOW, just WOW...! The quality of American stock is something else and this is on a par with ScaleTrains ET44/Dash 9

  2. I just can't decide on US or UK modelling. It's made harder by the wife not being impressed for wanting to change and a 'limit' on how many locos can be seen to be had... 


    Love both for different reasons...

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Guest


      Thanks to 2016 and upheavals in the USPS, the cost of personal imports has risen exponentially whilst the quality of the models has remained the same. Importers of US outline in the UK and mainland Europe has ceased trading. Whilst some EU retailers have ceased personal exports to the UK.



    3. GEOEng03


      Thanks Jack, I have noted how expensive it is to import.  What look like attractively priced units are suddenly as expensive as sound fitted if DCC ready etc... While Rails have started to fill some of the void, I do feel the cost has caused a loss of UK based traders.  I am also quite interested to see the price of ScaleTrains Et44 at £375 at one of the UK dealers, while they are £85 more expensive than Rails for Athearn as well - at those prices, is just making me question whether it is worth it!  Agreed that the new features are minimal as well for the cost - but the same can be said for the UK market too. 

    4. Guest



      The irony is that the quality of the models has not increased one iota, merely the cost. Even an envelope containing tiny details or decals costs $22+ for USPS air mail. 
      Whilst some Eu traders simply stopped direct sales to the UK. 
      Just one of the many reasons that I abandoned modelling overseas railways and returned to UK outline.


  3. Looks 18, Feels 14, Acts 8, That makes me 40

  4. Paddington has arrived from all the way across the other side of the world...

  5. Just smiled at the prices from a decade ago while using the Railway Modeller Archive... Wife used to complain about the price my spending then... :rolleyes:

  6. Bagged a S Stock bargain on eBay on BiN.  It turned up today after seeing another go for double days later... Very Happy...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. bart2day


      What price did you bag it at? Are you going to fit it with sound.

    3. GEOEng03


      £195. Yes, will source the sound/lights to it when I get around to it. 

    4. bart2day


      Nice. I paid £280 for mine when it first came out four years ago.

  7. Brought HMS Westminster in 1/350 scale. Is this betrayal of Model Railways...

    1. Londontram


      No not at all, bit of variety never did no one any harm

  8. Calvercar Town in this month's Model Rail is just fantastic. The detail for the scale and the amount of scratch built modern image... Wow...

  9. Get going again and finish the last baseboard and BAM 8 stiches in the thumb and no hobby for a few weeks.

  10. Decided that I am going to adopt the run what the hell i want approach. It's hard work being region and time specific!

    1. PhilEakins
    2. Hroth


      The one and only!


      (Its that line up at the end of the departure platforms at Kings Cross. CotN, Britannia, B12, Hogwarts Castle...)

    3. GEOEng03


      Well, I have adopted Rule 1 wholesale now. Modern Image Midland vs SW and 1990's and 2000' WCML...

  11. The Class 68 under full thrash on depature, sounds rather impressive.

  12. How many full HST sets is too much...

    1. Hroth


      As many as have actually been in service + 1 ?

    2. GRUNFOS


      or just 1?

  13. Do i reduce my 2+7 GWR HST to 2+4 or will i regret this (still have a 2+7 FGW Dynamic Lines Set). About to add OOC decals to it as well...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. loickebros


      you will need to change the doors 4+2 has sliding doors

    3. GEOEng03


      Was just thinking about freeing funds up. Not sure the layout can take 2x 2+7 sets and the IEP I now have. Aware that the doors are an issue, but modelling licence and all :-)

  14. Am i the only one who has a wobble over region/sector that they'd like to model! FFS!

    1. eastwestdivide


      No,you're not. But if you post a question on here, you'll probably get twice as many suggestions to choose from!

    2. Regularity


      I have heard of FS (Italian State Railways) but FFS is a new one...

  15. Suitably impressed by the new Class 800 set as it entered Reading ahead of old faithful... Sleek and stylish.

  16. Suitably impressed by the new Class 800 set as it entered Reading ahead of old faithful... Sleek and stylish.

  17. Suitably impressed by the new Class 800 set as it entered Reading ahead of old faithful... Sleek and stylish.

  18. Suitably impressed by the new Class 800 set as it entered Reading ahead of old faithful... Sleek and stylish.

  19. Suitably impressed by the new Class 800 set as it entered Reading ahead of old faithful... Sleek and stylish.

  20. Suitably impressed by the new Class 800 set as it entered Reading ahead of old faithful... Sleek and stylish.

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