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Itrain detection


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Hi all can someone explain in simple terms how I link the block detector 10808. I have set up a simple straight track with three sections (blocks)

and connected the 10808 to the track if I watch the detector in the Z21 Maintenance tool i can see the detector has an address of 2 and I can watch the train change the

inputs as it travels along the track. Now the problem is I can drive locos in itrain and have setup the single track with three blocks and three feedback sensors but i dont see the sensors change as the loco advances. I am not sure how to link the itrain sensors to the actual detector I must  e missing something simple. Can someone help please.


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Have you setup the feedback in iTrain with an address of 2 and then created a block containing that feedback?


Can I also suggest that it is better to use the iTrain forum for iTrain issues as the mail system works much better on that than here (it can take several hours for messages to be sent out) and there are more people able to support you there than just me on here :)


the iTrain forum is here and you should have been registered when you purchased a license.




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I know this is over a year ago, but I thought I'd answer as I had the same question.


The problem is that while the 10808 unit has an address in the Z21 app the individual feedbacks do not.


In order to work out which individual address to use for a 10808 unit in iTrain then use this formula :


(A-1)*8 + F (where A is the address of the 10808 and F is the number of the feedback being used.


So if the 10808 has an address of 1 then it's individual feedbacks have addresses of 1 to 8 in iTrain, if the 10808 has an address of 2, the feedbacks have addresses of 9 to 16, etc.


As far as I can tell, this is only documented in the German language 10808 Tutorial manual.




John P

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As I have got further into iTrain I realised that my previous post is not the full story.

In iTrain you CAN enter the address feedback as I described, but there is also a setting to tell iTrain that you feedbacks are grouped by 8' or 16' etc. If this option is chosen then the address for a feedback channel 5 on a 10808 with an address of 3 would be 3.5.




John P

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this has always been there and if you are always using feedbacks, or accessory decoders, in the same groupings then it is a handy way to keep track of wiring - especially useful for fault finding.


I place all my feedbacks with addresses below 100 is blocks of 16 which gives me 96 (6 x 16). I place single feedbacks above 101. I do similar with turnouts using blocks of 8 below 56 and single cobalt motor at above 64

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