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St Helen's Avenue


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Right, new year and time for my first ever, serious layout project. Having previously only done detailing/weathering and some track-laying I've finally got down to cracking out a plan. It is going to be either 6' or 7' by 1' (in two boards) so it can fit in my student room at university, and will be fully portable once finished. The plan is to have a small diesel depot owned by EWS, with a couple of engineers sidings and a small 1 platform (3 car) station toward the back of the board.


The track plan has yet to be finalised yet, however progress on stock and buildings is going well, and pictures will be added soon. However I was wondering if anyone had any recommendations for a kit for a diesel depot (2 or 3 roads), as I know there is the Bachmann Scenecraft one, that is quite costly though (at £45), so would be looking for something cheaper!


Any help would be greatly appreciated.





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