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The cat strangling thing got a bit out of control at one point.....luckily the cat turned round and strangled the perp....Kismet..or Kit-e-Kat...who knows.


As for deep fried haggis send it all to Mars..they know what to do with it.


Welcome aboard  birdie.

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Settle for the Morris any day of the year...mind you my old Fiat wasn't bad either. No comment on Lancia Beta Coupes..yes..I am the mug who bought a new one and watched it disappear back to the recycled U-boat it was made from within six months! Also had an Alfa Giuletta  which worked for about two fabulous days a year...no wonder the Italian Police can't catch the Mafia [ which doesn't exist allegedly]

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You're not concerned about grown men dresses in garish clothing running around with big wooden sticks and waving hankies whilst rattling the bells on their ankles?  It makes me nervous.

Was the Lancia Beta just a test version like Windows Beta?  Maybe thats where you went wrong.

Is North Brit on another cruise?  He seems to have been absent for ages.

Hope Wales is still there in all this wind.  Is Tonypandy any relation to Andy?

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Yes indeedy...Andy and Randy Pandy are indeed related to Tony..The Puppet Of The Valleys as he is known hereabouts.


I think ALL Lancia Betas were test beds for that other wonder of the world Windows 10.


Regarding the haggis muncher do they still do steerage class on Macfisheries Cruises? Twice round Leith Docks and a fried Mars Bar thrown in along with a jolly good Lowland V Heeland punch up. Those Jocks know how to live ye ken. By the way..who is Ken?


PS...Wind gusting to about 410mph...leeks and wigs taking off everywhere.



Edited by choo1choo
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Emmental......does that really qualify as cheese?.Doesn't curl my toes or go down with a pint or two of Felinfoel. Now Colliers Vintage Cheddar...that is proper cheese washed down with at least six bottles of Tribute....Kernow's finest ale available even in darkest SW Wales.


Your cheesy comments pleeze.

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