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'Spect you're right....the whole of RMweb seems to be on a strange spooky sort of holiday.  Could always do some modelling instead......contemplating a Gauge 1 layout of Jezzer's nut...trouble is it would be a one way line to hell with no chance of a return ticket.






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Not the Great Western....PLEEZE........or is that wheeze? The best kettles in the world are by Russell Hobbs and William Stroudley....spesherlee them yellow ones..all that luvverlee gleaming copper..just like my hat when I go busking in Carmarthen Market.

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That was great TV....Croissants with Monsewer Benni and his Jets....not forgetting the gorgeous Miss Diane. Just watch that scenery shake and what superb acting...ooohh...them was the days Mary 'Opkins.  If you have the chance to visit the Jewel in the Crown that is Cymru you could of course catch the gem that is Pobl y Cwm...you thought fine soap operas were dead?.No siree Bub..not here they're not.

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Everybody who is anybody still lives up there boyo.  Gladys Pugh has a day care centre for retired sit com actors in Pontypridd......they're all there...every stereotyped Welsh person from history. Taffy has a taffee factory in Maesteg and the Teletubbies live in splendour near Mountain Ash under a reclaimed spoil tip....They are lovely boys!



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The heartbreaking news is that Sosban....home of the £100 lunch...has bitten the dust. Most of Llanelli is in mourning..all 307 chippies are rejoicing...me.....couldn't give a  fried Mars Bar.


Polly Steps has never been the same since my dinghy racked up and rocked off back to Cornwall.

I've never been the same since I emigrated to Cymru from Kernow.


Well haute cuisine is wafting up the stairs...chips and egg...yum yum yum....time to vamoose..

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'ere don't bring Polly into this she needs to step up.  Did you used to go cruising or wasn't it a cabin cruiser?  I wonder if they go dogging.  Maybe they call it sealing.

I'm off for a glass of red and drown my Spurs sorrows.  Sometimes I wish I hadn't been born in Norf lundun.

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