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Croydon North Street (Continued)


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Hi all.


I have owned Croydon North Street since the end of April this year - This masterpiece was purchased from Pete 75C fellow RMwebber.


With time not on my side at the moment due to very a heavy workload the idea of purchasing a ready built layout with only having to add my own personal finishing touches seemed the way forward.


North Street is 12' x 18" made up with two boards, the tops are traditional 9mm ply tops with 12mm ply sides and ends. Bracing underneath is softwood.


North Street is a small terminus layout set in the outskirts of London. North Street has a third rail and serviced mainly by EPB's but in rush hour the VEP's are deployed. Three car class 207's and two car 205's are a common feature at North Street bringing passengers in from the West. North Street also has a very small one bay TMD and at times the odd class 50 and 47 can be seen getting worked on to take the workload away from the main TMD. There is a daily mail train normally in the form of a MLV but at times loco hauled. It is not unknown to see some small departmental trains stabling on North Streets bay platform waiting there next duties. This layout will take you back to the NSE hay days in the late 80's early 90's.


The first original Croydon North Street thread can be found at the link below before my ownership.







The track plan below was created by Pete 75C  he has given me permission to use this just in case you never saw it the first time around.







Now I will stop typing and share some pictures of Croydon North Street.

































Hope you all like the update! More soon


All the best Darren NSE DAZ

Edited by NSE DAZ
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About time. Was beginning to worry you'd thrown it in a skip! I see you've replaced the platform lamp I snapped off. Oops. I spot some nice little scenic additions too. Thanks for the update Darren... nice to see it again.

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About time. Was beginning to worry you'd thrown it in a skip! I see you've replaced the platform lamp I snapped off. Oops. I spot some nice little scenic additions too. Thanks for the update Darren... nice to see it again.


Ha ha not a chance of this one going in to a skip Pete!! It has been so nice just adding a few scenic items and it's job done - More time to play trains now  :senile: I will bombard you with more pictures later!


All the best Darren NSE DAZ

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Nice to see a 3D I presume a DC kits model. I have one part built but need to get finished for my forth coming layout.


Keith HC, Dursley


Hi Keith


The 3-D is a britannia pacific models kit. My first venture into these but am really pleased with the finished unit. (I also have a CIG from britannia pacific)




Very nice, love NSE 47 ! Who made it?





Hi Scott


The 47 is a Bachmann limited edition from  Modelzone (These are popping up on well known auction sites quite often!)


Hope that helps?


All the best Darren NSE DAZ

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Hi Darren

Nice to see you back I know what you mean heavy work load we are short staffed so at the moment it's six days keep doing the odd little bit on mine that's if i'am not asleep the layout looks impressive look forward to more pictures


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HI all


Just a couple more of some traction movement around North Street  :senile:


Class 207






Class 108






Class 47's






Just a start of the collection more soon.


All the best 


Darren NSE DAZ

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17:30pm rush hour - A class 421 (4-CIG) arrives at North Street with head code 18 from Waterloo. North Street is bursting with activity today.




















More soon!!


All the best Darren NSE DAZ

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What came in to rescue the 4CIG as its stabled off the juice.........


Keith, Dursley


Ha ha well spotted Keith! Its being propelled by a class 33 honest  :no:


All the best


Darren NSE DAZ

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Hi Darren,

I was being a bit cheeky! However in my planing for my model based in Rowfant I have come up with a potential scenario to include a 4CEP off the juice. There was a siding just east of the north platform. Now thinking along the lines of the Ardingly branch. Some of the units for the Kent electrification where warm stored and taken out and run up and down occasionally. Now I am supposing that Ardingly was full and extra units had to stored else where eg Rowfant and East Grinstead High Level. So a nice brand new unit could be seen running through both Rowfant and Grange Road. Ok ok its my railway so I can do what I like.........


Keith HC, Dursley 

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  • 2 months later...

I hope Darren doesn't mind me posting this. He's gone very quiet, so he's either chucked North Street in a skip or he's beavering away with fiendish plans.

Andy Y came and took the pictures for a future BRM article back in April and I've only just got around to writing the text for the article itself, so hopefully Croydon North Street will hit the shelves in the near future. Daz, I miss it, so I'm seriously considering a Mk2!


Edit: Daz... I'll give you twenty five quid for it if you'll deliver...??? :jester:

Edited by Pete 75C
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Hi Pete

Firstly I can confirm North Street has not been a victim of Mr Beeching AKA the skip!! North Street is up and running perfectly, It also has 3 exhibition invites next year!! (More on this soon?)

Thanks for letting us all know about the upcoming BRM write up on North street looking forward to this.

I am secretly behind the scene adding a few bits and bobs also creating a fascia and adding lighting ect for the upcoming exhibitions!!

More soon,

All the best Darren NSE DAZ

PS £25 Let me think on that Peter??? Ha ha  :no: 











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