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What is a "borderline trainspotter"?


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Late middle aged? He's 66 and a pensioner!

Best, Pete

So what? Even "late middle aged" is a bit of an insult to the rest of us in the same boat AND still working for a living - as an MP he is working.... or at least supposed to be ... not that badly paid and has certain perks (all of which he will refuse of course).
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The BBC profile of the new Labour leader, drawing heavily from a piece in the FT, notes that Jeremy Corbyn "makes jam from fruit grown on his allotment" and is "almost a borderline trainspotter".


A what?



A fruit loop?

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60 is the new 40 (so we're told)

Mike, I look forward to meeting with you when we are around 120!  I’m 63 and would not describe myself as middle aged.


I’m just hoping to “age gracefully” somewhat like Keef Richards....


Interesting interview with Keef by Andrew Marr on BBC site. He’s actually looking quite fit! Old pal Waddy Wachtal (co-writer of “Werevolves of London” visible in some shots).


Best, Pete.

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....’m just hoping to “age gracefully” somewhat like Keef Richards....


Interesting interview with Keef by Andrew Marr on BBC site. He’s actually looking quite fit! ....


Keith Richards is hilariously indestructible - though facially you can see how he's gone to great lengths to damage himself over the decades! - and I do hope he leaves his body to medical science so that they can work out just how he did it.


My theory is that he took in so much drink and drugs that they all combined to act as a "preservative", with the side benefit that he would never be at risk of obesity. Rather than lead to an early grave, the mixture actually contributed to prolonging his lifespan.

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Well, that is the title of the most prominent UK newspaper espousing much the same value system as Mr Corbyn's. From all the many possible titles: Daily Trotskygraph, Daily Mallet, The Sickle, Marxian Grudad, Revolutionary Herald, British Bolshevik Collective, they chose that...

It is just a minor oddity that Lucifer is Latin for Morning Star, which is why it seems a surprise for people to use it as a name


All the best



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....the most prominent UK newspaper espousing much the same value system as Mr Corbyn's. From all the many possible titles: Daily Trotskygraph, Daily Mallet, The Sickle, Marxian Grudad, Revolutionary Herald, British Bolshevik Collective, they chose that......

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