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4mm Workbench, Lima 33 and 73


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Hi All,


Having purchased two Hornby 2Bil units I decided I would modify one to be unpowered and run them as a 4 coach train. This has the added bonus of providing me with the motor bogie for my 4Lav project.


This is a brief outline of how it was done. Firstly incorrect trailing bogie was removed from the DTC and replaced with a slimmed down Ian Kirk trailer bogie from his 2Bil kit. A nut was secured into the DTC chassis and the new bogie fixed in place.



Modified Ian Kirk Trailer bogie.



The brake blocks are from a Hornby Pullman bogie.



Nut secured in DTC Chassis.



Bogie in place.


Then I removed the power bogie from the driving car and cut off the bogie housing unit. This has the advantage of taking 125 grams out of the finished unit. To do this I carefully removed all the plastic bits from the chassis unit for safekeeping while cutting.



Starting the cutting process.


The trailer bogie originally under the DTC was then fixed in place in the resultant hole in the chassis and all the underframe bits put back in place. For some reason I forgot to take pictuers of this bit of the conversion but will put some up soon.


I had heard reports that the Hornby 2Bil was unable to pull any kind of tail load. To test this I decided to do something that I haven't done for ages and actually play trains!! A circle of Hornby track was got from the loft along with the two 2Bils, I also got out all of my 4mm models to give them a run.


















The Q1 is the only 4mm steam loco I own but this will probably change next year when Hornby's H makes it's debut. I am pleased to report that the 2Bil's haulage power is more than adequate for the dummy trailer unit. I will repeat this process with one of my 2Hal's. Most of the stock ran around the 2nd radius cicle, the Class 71 wouldn't do it! I have learned one thing from the runninig session and that is that it is a right pain to keep transfering stuff from the loft to run it. I think I will stick to 7mm in the garage and have a nice 4mm layout in the loft.


Everything is back in the loft now!! I have some 7mm stuff to do now to help pay for my cricket tour to Sri Lanka in November 2017.


Cheers for now, Ian

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Hi Ian


Great work, you have some fantastic stock there and you have done a fabulous job making it.  I have a DC kits Thumper to build with some replica glazing and jumpers etc.  will have to get on with that one day, but in the process of a loft conversion so not too much modelling time at the mo.


Keep up the good work

All the best

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Hi Chris and Crompton,


Thanks for the comments. Keep going with your DC Kits, they build into decent models. I have a half built Tyneside 2Epb, a quarter built 6S, a 3D and a Class 119 dmu to do! As promised here are some pictures of the Hornby 2Bil conversion.



Modifications to the Hornby Dummy bogie are to cut off the mounting lugs and open out the hole for the wires. Also the shoe beam has been thinned down.



Bogie mount made from thin plastic.



Bogie in place.



Body refitted.



Better photo of the new Kirk bogie under the DTC.


This is quite an easy and quick conversion, which has given me a spare power bogie for my 4Lav. I will do the trailer bogie conversion on my other 2Bil and this will give me a dummy bogie for the other end of the 4Lav.


Cheers for now,Ian.

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  • 1 year later...



I am very impressed by your 4BEP buffet vehicle. It has motivated me to try doing one in all-blue livery as it seems this is not in Bachmann's immediate plans.


As a 100 percent novice at a cut and shut project, I am seeking your (or anyone's) advice on getting going. Specifically any tricks for removing the vehicle sides from the ends and removing the glazing (I have heard of this being an issue with Bachmann's 4CEPs - hello Colin) and cutting the sides.


Thanks in advance for your help and thanks again for sharing your project.

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Hi Eric,


Welcome to the world of SR unit modelling. As I used the cheap MKI from the Your Model Railway series it was easy to dismantle the coach. The Bachmann Restaurant car is the same so should represent no problems. The 4Cep is constructed differently so I didn't use any of the coaches for modification. I try to use as many door lines as guides in my conversions. This makes hiding the joins a lot easier. I also use a dedicated fine razor saw blade for my coach conversions. This way I know that the blade is still true and sharp. Before you try the buffet car I would advise getting some cheap Triang Mk1's and practising on them. If you have any issues removing glazing try putting the body in the freezer for a while, this does something to the glue and makes pushing the glazing out a lot simpler. Hopefully this helps, anything else let me know.


Cheers for now, Ian

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I am giving this some additional thought and have a couple of questions:


-Do you make your own door hinges or are they bits you have purchased (if so do you have a supplier part number) as I am learning these are needed for the left handed doors?


-Where did you get the large air vents for the roof?  I am not having much luck finding these.


Thanks for your help.  I am really looking forward to seeing how tis turns out.

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  • RMweb Gold
Butting in here Eric. Hinges can be obtained from a 'Comet' etch C26 There are two lengths on the fret. The longer etches usually for the bottom hinges.  http://www.cometmodels.co.uk/modules/viewcategory.php/Coach%20and%20Wagon%20Components


For other EMU stuff Precision Paints NNK range has some useful castings. https://www.phoenix-paints.co.uk/products/cast
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Hi Eric,


The hinges are from a Southern Pride fret that I had in my spares box, The roof cowls are from Comet and the roof vents are DC Kits. As John rightly states Comet and NNK provide a lot of parts. As do Southern Pride. Once you start modelling SR EMU's you won.t be able to stop. 


Cheers for now, Ian

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  • 1 month later...



Many thanks for providing the motivation and pointers for this project. My effort at a cut and shut 4BEP is now complete (either some light weathering still to come).


As a first effort I am reasonably pleased, however do wish I had your modeling skills.


While I agree with most of the modeling community that the corporate image livery is quite dull, I do quite like Bachmann's (Model zone's) 4CEP. Hence I chose this livery for this 4BEP to go with a similar 4CEP. I am realizing as I write that this could be the only all-blue 4BEP in existence!!


Thanks again.




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  • RMweb Gold

I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news after you have shown us such a wonderful trailer restaurant buffet car, but the running number is wrong. S68004 was one of the motor luggage vans (MLVs); the trailer restaurant buffets were numbered S69000 to 69021, i.e. with a 9 where you have an 8.

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Thanks for your comment and suggestion on the vehicle number. I was in fact aware of that when I numbered it (as this was a complete number on a set of transfers) and will be changing it prior to weathering.

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Hi All,


After the success of the 4Lav, the next EMU on to the workbench is a Replica based 4Epb. Having already made one a few years ago I have tried different methods. The power car is produced by using less of the MLV cab roof as it has a slightly different profile to the coach body. This makes it easier to get both roof profiles to match. The excellent Replica chassis is powering one of the trailer cars, this will allow me to put a close coupling mechanism in one of the DMBS's so I can couple up another unit. The chassis unit has DC Kits underframe trussing.






These two pictures show the differing methods I have used to create the DMBS. The unpainted one is my new method showing how much less of the MLV cab roof I have used. The cream painted cab shows how much less is used.










These photos show the Replica chassis with it's DC Kits trussing. Hopefully the trussing will become available again now that DC Kits have spares on their website again. They also show in the unpainted model how unobtrusive the Replica chassis is when fitted inside it's TS. You can also see how I have removed all of the roof and end details ready for replacement. This unit is not too far from completion as I have everything I need to finish it bar the glazing, it will be finished in BR Blue with full yellow end.


Cheers for now, Ian

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Hi All,


A quick update on the 4Epb. All of the underframes have been completed and the final bits of roof and end detail have been removed. I have used the MJT cast motor bogie with their rigid bogie frames, the wheels are from my spares box. I think they are Kean-Maygib, I can't remember I have had them years! The DMBS underframes have been detailed with the Replica MLV pack.








Now for the good bit, adding all the details. The roof will have MJT ridged dome vents, it's nice not to have to put on all the conduit associated with the earlier EMU's!  Extra detailing bits will come from a mix of NNK, MJT and DC KIts. Hopefully I could have it in primer next week.


Cheers for now, Ian.

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Hi All,


I've managed to get most of the detailing on the bodies over the last few days.




Some of the bits I have used. In the end I used MJT cast domed vents and a different NNK pack for the cab window frames. To get the correct spacing for the roof vents I use a compass simply slid along the rainstrip which marks out the roof with a pencil line.






I now need to find some pics of the coach ends so I can complete the detailing. I took some pics back in the 80's but mostly of front ends, oh for a time machine! The project is coming together nicely and I already have the next model on the workbench. This year I am concentrating on completing half finished models so next is my Tyneside 2Epb from a modified DC Kits product.


Cheers for now, Ian

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi All,


Finally managed to get the primer on to the unit. When I put the first coat on to the coach with the painted bits the grey paint crazed due to putting acrylic over the enamel. I stripped the affected areas with Strip Magic but it started to melt the plastic on the cab end! Once I had neutralised the stripper it took a couple of days for the plastic to harden enough so I could rub down prior to respraying the primer on again.  All ended well though and the unit is now in the queue waiting for it's topcoat of Rail Blue. I am repainting my green 4Bep and 2Hap into blue to change my modelling period so it could be a while until the unit is finished.



My next unit will be an unpowered DC Kits 2Epb modified into a rebuilt Tyneside example.


Cheers for now, Ian

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  • 5Bel changed the title to 4mm Workbench, Lima 33 and 73

Hi All,


Due to enforced leave during this difficult period, I have lots of time on my hands. I have started trying to finish a lot of projects that have been in the loft for a while. The first is a Lima/Heljan 33. I've always thought that the Lima 33 had a good shape so decided to see if a Heljan chassis would fit. By shaving off a couple of millimeters each end and relocating the bufferbeams  the body went on with no problems at all. I also updated the bodywork to bring it into late 70's early 80's condition. I still need to add the clips around the roof panels but it's nearly done.








I have also restarted a Lima 73 which I have rewheeled using Peters Spares wagon wheels. The bogie was bushed with 3mm outside diameter 2mm bushes and the gears carefully removed from the original wheels and refitted to the new ones. Extra pick ups have been fitted and it seems to run OK. I've spent today building underframe components and I'll put some pics of those on tomorrow.










It seems a long time since I did any modelling at all and I am really enjoying it again. In current times it's good to have something to do.


Cheers for now, stay safe,


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Good to see this thread resurrected Ian :)


A request if I may please, do you have any underframe arrangement drawings/pics showing the location of, the sparse, undergubbins for a Class 205 centre car?

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Hi All,


Had a busy period doing the underframe. Most of it is plastic tube and sheet but there are some parts of the Lima mouldings reused. 










It will be onto the bogies and all those lovely pipe runs this afternoon!! Andy, pictures of the 205 center car are very rare. As far as I can tell there is only the brake gear under there. There used to be a great site on the web with pictures of all sorts of vehicles from the 1980's but it hasn't been around for a while. That was  the one I used when I did my Hampshire unit (since sold on) a while back.


Cheers for now, Ian 


Just noticed that broken pipe!!

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Hi All,


All the bogie pipe runs have been completed and other bogie detailing finished. It's starting to come together well. A little bit of body detailing will be next once my .45mm drills turn up from Germany. I've also restarted my Tyneside 2Epb since being locked down. This is the longest period of modelling time that I have had for years and I'm really enjoying getting projects from the loft and getting them finished.










With a bit of work these old LIma models look quite good. I have a couple of 50's, a 47 and a couple of 31's in the queue. The 47 is on a Heljan chassis so this will probably be the next Loco to be done.


Cheers for now, Ian.

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