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Ashfield Valley


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I thought it was about time I added my layout on here, and I think it should go in the large layouts section.

My layout is called Ashfield Valley, it is OO code 100 track, it is a modern image layout with a heritage railway.

I am a lone modeller and it has taken about 3 – 4 years to get to the stage its at now.

I have added a track plan made in XTrack CAD, the layout was largely designed on paper and by placing track onto the base boards in a trial and error way apart from one of the reversing loops that I needed help with from CAD.

The actual track isn't quite as the cad diagram but it does give a sense of the size of the layout.


During construction I have split the layout into 4 sections, phase 1 is the 11' x 4' section at the bottom and is the town and station (although compromise was made as I would have liked a larger station).

Phase 2 is 4' x 14' and comprises of the fiddle yard (disguised as a TMD) along with the heritage railway yard and station and a council estate between the chimney breasts. It also has a line descending to a hidden storage area housed under phase 4.

Phase 3 is 4' x 12' and will be a quarry and the old branch line station (now in preservation).

Phase 4 is 12' x 4' and is countryside, with a reversing loop hidden in a hill side.


The layout is still very much under construction so the above may change as it develops.

I have decided to use flexi track for some of the curves on the main line as I feel that this looks so much better, this is the first time I have used it so it's not 100% but I'm still learning.


The layout is based in North West England, although it isn't based on any 1 location. Much of the layout is flat but I have tried to disguise this with the falling line, rising heritage line etc and the fact that the track in the town loops round has been (hopefully) disguised using tunnels and a raised road.


Anyway I hope to add pictures of it, and updates on progress as I go along.





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  • 4 weeks later...

All the base boards have been built and much of the track laid, I have created an album with some pics but more pics are on Flickr (just search for me (same name as on here) and they should come right up). I have started work on the level crossing barriers, they will be 4x micro servos with a boom attached, I would like to add red lights to each boom and bars to stop people getting under the barrier. I have also started on the rock face in the cutting on P4 where the preserved line goes up and over the main line.



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  • 4 weeks later...

Had a bit of an oops moment last night, I went to test the steepest slope on the raised bit and well... it appears to be a little too steep.

Tomorrow I'm going to have myself a little experiment.

The line is an old branch line but thanks to a certain axe the line was closed and has been reopened as a heritage line, as such it will be used by diesel and steam loco's with 3 coaches (possibly 4 on special occasions). This being the case I have picked the loco with least pulling power (a Bachmann LMS Crab) I have 3 coaches lined up and a length of timber which I have attached some track, its quite simple I will run the train back and forth raising the gradient until I reach the maximum. I will then look at the gradients on the whole raised section, hopefully I will be able to get the track to the height I want whilst ensuring that trains will be able to run.

Failing that it might be magnets and some steel rod under the track or double heading etc.

I will post the results of my experiment once complete.



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Well my experiment is complete, the maximum gradient I can use is 1:40. I have now been altering the raised section to reduced the gradient, the only way I can do this is by reducing the height.



I'd be tempted to install dcc concepts power base now in case you have issues later (eg loco with even less haulage). I wish I'd done this now but with track ballasted is too late for me.


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Thanks for the advice Matt, guess what i'm buying when I get paid next week? 4 foot is a bit of a reach and yes that will be the problem bit where every train derails, but I can access the far part of phase 1, the back corner of phase 2/3 and curves on phase 4 so i'm hoping that I will be ok.



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  • 1 month later...

This is the latest progress on my layout. I have built the stone bridge and used the wire mesh and plaster cloth method to create the hillsides / rock faces. Brown paint has been added as a base for areas that will be covered with grass, the areas that are still white will have some plaster rocks added to them before painting. Once this has been done a simple bridge will be placed over the mainlines to take the heritage line over it, it will then loop round and continue rising to a terminus station. Once this final bridge is in place I will finish installing Powerbase.


I have also bought an electric fly swatter that I hope to turn into a static grass applicator for the rough moorland grass.


I have tried to make it look like the main line runs off the layout by having the curve under the bridge and at the last possible place. The hope is it will disguise the fact that the main line loops round.


As always comments and suggestions are welcome






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I've started applying some colour to the rock faces, this is the result so far.

I used Woodland Scenics Earth Colours watered down 16:1 I will then seal it with PVA / water mix before adding black to highlight the crevices and some grasses and bushes to make it come alive.


It's my first attempt but I don't think it looks too bad and I'm sure I will improve as I do more rocks.

Please note that some of the plaster is almost 10 years old so wasn't very good and the other is household plaster left from a recent DIY job, which doesn't appear to take colour too well.






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  • 4 weeks later...

Well I went to the York show on Monday and seeing so many quality layouts filled me with enthusiasm to get my head down and get on with modelling.

I have finished the rock faces on the cutting either side of the main line and have cast more rocks ready for the quarry.

I have added some inspection chambers for the drains on the main line in the cutting, the OLE masts have been bought and I've also got some materials for custom built gantries.

I have also been busy doing the thing I like least about modelling – No not ballasting (I quiet like that), painting people and other small items.

I have various tools to keep the trains running, I have also built an inspection platform (a kit I bought at last years York show). I have not built a brass kit before so it's not the best but for a first attempt I'm happy.

Many people have had at least some paint on them. The railway workers are Dapol and the others are HO from various sauces. The P-way gang will be put to work on the heritage line, they are being painted to resemble some of the members of the gang on the railway where I volunteer.

I have added some pictures of what I have done over the past couple of days and a picture of some of the many hundreds of people who will be placed on the layout.






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  • 1 month later...

Well my time has been limited recently with the odd hour here and there. I have been working on the terminus station on the heritage line, one platform has been placed, this is a piece of wood that will be clad in plasticard.

I have also been working on the signalling for the main layout, writing code that will be uploaded to chips to control signals. I am looking at having a system where the signaller will set the route then the system will detect the trains and alter the signals as they pass. Each signal will have its own chip and 'talk' to the previous and next signal along the track. I decided on this rather than just having timed signals as if a train is sat a station the previous signal will not clear. It is also designed such that if the train detection or a signal fails then it will default to danger. Each section can also be blocked by the signaller should it be required.

The thinking is when I have a running session the drivers will drive trains and the bobby will control the signals.



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Didn't want to just hit like, looks great, do you mind me enquiring whereabouts it's built ie cellar or spare room etc. Just out of curiosity and sorry if you've already mentioned it above.

Looks good and looking forward to seeing it develop.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Paragon,


Thanks, the layout is in the cellar.


This is the lates update.


I have been doing some more painting of people and have started to lay the track at the terminus end of the herritage line.

I've also got the buffer stops, uncoupling ramps and point motors as well as the platform starter signals. I also have the signals for the aproach to the station but these are kits and I'm not up to it at the moment.

Once the track is down I will add the point motors etc before finishing the platforms.



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  • 2 weeks later...

The past week I have been trying to get the train detection system code sorted and I'm pleased to say it's done. I've also written the rest of the code for the signalling. The chips to power the signals will cost over £100 so it might have to wait a while yet, but it is coming together.


I have a few days off work after today and plan on getting some more people painted and ready for placing on the layout.


My other half is going away at weekend with the dog so that gives me 2 days and 1 night free to do some serious modelling.

I want to finish off building and painting the rock faces as well as installing the point motors and laying the track & Power Base on the heritage line.

Bonus for the weekend will be building the stations on the heritage line and getting some OLE up on the main line.

Not to mention having a tidy up in the cellar.



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Thought I would give you an update as to the weekends engineering work.


Well my other half didn't end up going away for the weekend as planned, this meant that I ended up having less time than planned in the cellar (only slightly less though).

I got some the majority of track cut to length and checked that it fitted. I then removed the track to install the Power Base, this was going well until I ran out of P B plates about 6ft short. As the track couldn't be fixed down without the P B I couldn't do the point motors.

Instead I set about tidying up in the cellar and building some scenery. I built some rocks to go along the edge of the quarry line, and some pylons that might be used to hold wires for the street & building lights. I also noticed that my supplies of plaster were getting low.



A trip to the model shop to buy some more plaster, another pack of Hornby pylons and another starter pack of Power Base. P B out of stock... so I got another mould for casting plaster rocks.

On my return home I started work building the pylons followed by casting more rocks using up the last of my existing plaster.

I got fed up with rocks so painted the road surfaces on phase 2&3.

I also soldered the wires to the sieve from an electric fly swatter with the other wire attaching to a nail, I'm hoping to try out my home made static grass applicator soon.


Online order for P B now going in.


I will take some pictures and post them in the next day or so.


All in all I feel that although I didn't get everything done that I had planned this weekend it has been quite productive.



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  • 1 month later...

Well my plans of putting pics up within a few days went a bit wrong. My phone broke so no camera, then I have been busy so not had much time with my models.

I have taken 4 pics two showing the static grass and two showing the elevated section where the station will be.

The track has been weathered using the Woodland Scenics pens and i'm happy with the end result. It does take a bit of time to do the sleepers and the nib of one of the pens is a bit worse for wear now (they do come with a replacement tip).

Most of the Power Base has been laid.

The static grass looks OK but it could be improved, I have bought some grass clumps to go on the steep hillside / top of the hill once it has been painted, this will be populated with sheep once I am happy with it.

The station platform will be clad in brick on the side and stone flags for the surface. I have got a sheet of 7mm flags for the edge of the platform.

The other side of the road will have buildings i'm not too sure what yet but i'm thinking shops, pub and a few houses (maybe even a little Tesco).

I have also spent the best part of a day painting people and other bits, the p-way gang is almost complete along with a load of tools, I have also done the fuel unloading and carriage platforms for the TMD.







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  • 2 weeks later...

Not that much progress this week, I have been laying concrete and felling trees. I did however manage to make a trip to a local model shop where I bought some grass and some of the Bachmann low relief buildings. I am going to place these opposite the heritage railway station on the raised section. I was looking at the cafe for some time thinking something doesn't look quite right then it hit me, the interior is upside down!

My plans for the next week or so are to complete the heritage line platforms on the raised section, and get the village high street to a stage where I can just place the buildings as and when I buy them. I also need to get started on the wiring for the signals, lights and power to the track.




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  • 3 months later...

Well three months with no progress on the modelling front, I have however done quite a bit of work in the cellar doing general improvements. Tonight I have started putting the stone flags down on the platform at the end of the heritage line. I have also started to put the cables in for the track power, point motors and signals. I have also bought a couple more buildings for the village. After experimenting with making my own static grass applicator I was not happy with the results so have relented and purchased one.

I hope my next post will not be in another 3 months.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Platform 1 has had some more stone flags laid and the brick wall has also been added. Seperate stone flags will be added to the edge of the platform before the track is fixed in place, white line will then be added. I was going to add point rodding and cables for signals but we have decided that we will be moving in the next year or two so I am thinking about getting the layout operational and cutting back on some of the finer deatils.



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  • 3 weeks later...

Platform one has now had all the flags laid including the ones along the edge, it is now ready for the lights, seats, bins, people and the white lines. The track has been tested for clearance and fixed in place with screws, these will be removed after the ballast has been put down. Platform 2 has now been started with a piece of timber for the base, plastic bricks and flags will be added just like platform 1.



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White lines have now been added to platform 1, and the fencing / gates have been cut out ready for installing. The seats are painted and ready place I need to get the lights, bins & station signs. I have also cut out over 2m of Wills point rodding ready to install before ballasting.

I am hoping to get a bit more done tomorrow.


Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you all.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Happy New Year to you all, hope 2017 has some good modeling for you.

I have taken some pics of the station at the end of the herritage line, as you can see it is a work in practice but it is slowly coming together.

Each of the edging stones has been cut out and added individually & there is even one that is broken. Once complete the station will need weathering.






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  • 4 weeks later...

Well this is my latest update, as you can see I have been working on the station. The platform lights arrived and I bought some modern station lights from the DCC Concepts range, I have removed the speaker from the post (this will be added to the station lights) as I am using these as street lights. I have also added the fencing and put most of the retaing wall in.

The point rodding is coming along slowly & I have just assembled my first compensator.

I have also started to add the brick wall on the trackside face of the 2nd platform.





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  • 3 months later...

Well a new job has stopped me from modeling for a while. I have finished the brick wall to platform 2, and added the main flags to the surface. I will add the edging stones and the white lines as soon as I get time. I have also got some more buildings for the village and have started work on the footpaths.

Cables have been put in for the points, signals and station lighting.

I have also done a few more improvements to the cellar.



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