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Electrofrog points

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Just a quick Q. My layout is DCC using a prodigy express and my points are all peco set track points with point clips. I want to change to streamline points which will mean taking all the track up but it means I can install magnetic uncouplers while I'm at it.


Anyway back to the question. Can I use electrofrog points without any additional wiring? They are going to be manually operated. My trackplan is basically a single branchline that splits into 5 separate tracks, 2 of them forming a loop at the station ( see attached plan ). I know ill need insulated fishplates at the V. I don't think I will have any issues apart from the points that ive circled, for which ill use a couple of insulfrogs.


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If you are going to use the point blades to switch the frog polarity you need to isolate the frogs so they do not short out the exit tracks.


As suggested by others make sure you use insulated rail joiners on every frog rail.


Then run a DCC feed to each section of track.


I have modified your drawing (attached) as an example of what to do.


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Thank you to those that replied.


Now when adding the additional power feeds would i run the 2 cables from the output of my controller under the baseboard and basically run additional cables from the 2 red and black cables to feed the track?


Sorry if these seem like basic questions but ive always used set track points because ive almost convinced myself its too difficult to use 'proper' points

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Running Red and Black "Bus" wires from the controller along the underneath of the base board, with Red and Black "Dropper" wires from the Bus to the track is the conventional way of doing it.

I have wired my layout this way (9ft x 6ft dual loop plus main and branch terminus stations and fiddle yard) and it works just fine.


Make sure the Bus wires do not short out at the far end (away from the controller) it must be an "open ended" bus (I have terminated them in a terminal strip).


I have used the following gauge wire and connectors for my layout;

Bus - 24/02

Droppers - 16/02

Quick connectors to connect the droppers to the bus.


You can obtain a starter kit of the above from cm3models on ebay (no connection other than satisfied customer);



Doing it ths way you will need to solder the droppers to the outside of the track, but no soldering beneath the baseboard is necessary.

It is recommended to add a dropper to every track section (between fishplates) do not rely on the fishplates to give good electrical (DCC data) continuity between track sections.


If you are planning to use PECO Electrofrog points be aware these come with a thin bare dropper wire soldered to the frog, underneath the point.

This is to enable connecting the frog to external switches or a frog juicer.

You will not need to use this but do not remove it, just make sure it is insulated with tape or heat shrink tubing, then you can upgrade to external frog switching in the future if the point blade switching proves unreliable.

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