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  1. Im 99% sure topp trains stafford has one. I know i almost got it myself. Its a new one and i think it was £21 ish
  2. Well I had to return my loco to the retailler this afternoon as it failed. Was getting movement and lights but no sound, but the roof of the loco was very warm. The loco had been running in for around 20 mins when the failure happened. No shorts, no stopping and no smells, just the sound went off. The retailler checked the decoder on his decoder tester and it was fine so it appears the speaker had died. The replacement sounds a lot better but the roof is still getting warm.
  3. Yeah theres certainly a similarity to the class 40
  4. Fair point, so the next question then is what recordings did they use?
  5. Picked mine up today. Great looking loco but slightly dissapointed by the sound file. Its not as good as the 31 or the 47
  6. meatloaf

    Dapol N Gauge 63xx

    Looks good, have they done away with the drive shaft arrangement now?
  7. I wasnt planning to get one of these but having seen them in the flesh at Trident trains i couldnt resist. Got the last DCC ready Invincible. Runs like a dream with an imperium decoder fitted. Even flies over set track points at just speed step 4. Got to be the best Dapol 00 loco ive owned and at £105 it was a steal. Got really high hopes now for the 14xx Was tempted by one of the moguls - might give one a try now.
  8. I cant see how that can happen in the post if its properly secured in the clamshell. I wonder if it was put back in the box correctly after testing.
  9. Thanks ill give that a go, but i did have to do that when i tested it in a different loco. Ive emailled Hornby to see if they can take a look at it for me
  10. Has anyone had an error that says Motor Over Current detected or similar Ive tried reloading the profile as suggested. Im getting sound - just no movement at all. The loco works fine with a blanking plug and with a standard lokpilot decoder so i dont think its the loco Is there anything else i can try?
  11. Personally id put an HM7000 in it. The 08 soundfile is pretty decent. Richard at roads and rails has the big square speakers on his site and he put a Hornby type connector on mine so it plugs direct to decoder. Plus theres the stay alive option too.
  12. Bachmann 47 is ear shattering out of the box
  13. Now that the double slips and medium points are available i really want to try these points again. I struggled last time with the bullhead fishplates and i was afraid of breaking the track with how flimsy it was. I broke it last time when i used the track cutters on it! Can regular code 75 joiners be used? Or even code 100?
  14. For info ive just seen another review on youtube and it looks like they run over set track points pretty well.
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