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Layout Plan


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Plan 2 will make having 2 operators easier. He can tear around the line at 1000 mph while you shunt, then when you've created a train he can retrieve it, return to you what ever wagons he was flying around with, and repeat! The extra loop and loco sidings at the top mean he can also have a passenger train or extra engines to keep him entertained. Quite a good basic plan actually!


I think plan 1 would look more realistic scenically, but that's not what will keep a child entertained if your shunting interupts race time every time you want to swap sidings.

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Dear Dave....


I've heard some excuses made in my time by grandpa's to build a layout.....that's a good one !  :locomotive:


All the best.....you'll have a ball together.....Happy 2016....Regards Bob

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2 is better but a double track oval is more fun, actual races.  My son and I had hours of fun with a tiny double track oval with various ancient Triang locos hurtling around at crazy speeds headlights glowing on the Transcontinental locos, Two single ended diesels topping and tailing three transcon coaches like a quasi HST, didn't have the heart to tell him the locos should go back to back...

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It will be rather better if you put the points that lead to the lower loop on the curve.


a. you get longer loops;

b. the train will run more smoothly into the loop.


I would add a caveat to this post.  What he says is correct - you would get a longer loop and easier entry to the loop but there is one major potential downside.


Those R2 short radius points will not really like a train running at full speed through them on the diverging line.  They will have a tendency to derail - you may get lucky and your stock will be fine and you will get the points perfectly laid but for a grandson train driver I would keep it how it is.

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I wouldn't worry about that too much myself. There will be crashes with 1000mph driving no matter what kind of points you use, particularly on reverse curves.

And that's not actually a bad thing. Small children tend to like creating spectacular crashes. I know I did. (Just be sure to have robust trains for the children to play with for obvious reasons).

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