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Inspired by the free DVD that came with the Railway Magazine this month I dragged this dusty machine, my favourite 50 - Glorious, out of storage, found a chip for it and gave it a trundle!




I may have to consider a NSE layout now!


Does anybody know what's happening with the real Glorious? There isn't any updated information, I can find, other than she is under repair.



Edited by Moggs Eye
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  • 1 year later...

I was surprised to see a picture of Cottleston in the last edition of the Railway Modeller promoting the Nottingham show. It was a useful reminder that time was running short before the layout got it's first dusting down and outing since Sleaford last June.

It's good to have got the boards up again after so long. Happily the spiders haven't been too busy and there isn't too much damage from a garage disaster late last year, so I've spent a pleasant couple of hours this afternoon fettling signals, replacing faded signage and having a general tidy up.

It has quite a busy year ahead and two bookings for 2019, which will be its tenth year of exhibitions - not bad for something cobbled together from a couple of old wardrobe doors.

Hope to see some of you at Nottingham, come and say hello.



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Happily, despite too long in the garage, the layout still works. As does my latest class 153, which still awaits weathering and application of Central Trains branding over its Regional Railways livery.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Despite the snow the layout, my operators and I had a great weekend at the Nottingham show. Th only downside were a few more errors (derailments mainly) than I'm comfortable with which meant the layout, in my opinion, didn't really look its best. That said, we had plenty of positive comments, a fair amount of interest and I enjoyed driving the thing again for the first time in ages. I really must get the garage cleaned out so I can get it set up properly at home.

However, it has given food for thought on changes to the way it's operated to improve reliability and presentation by the time it goes out In June for its next outing the whole thing will be working much better.

I did find time for a few pictures to add here to make up for all the ones hidden by photo bucket.



Here is a fine selection of luxury passenger transport lined up the fiddle yard on the Friday evening.



Defence Logistics Organisation Thomas Hill Steelman Royale shunter number 657 "Amazon" in-between duties in the exchange sidings. It's a Judith Edge kit that regularly gets mistaken for a Hornby Sentinel like I didn't keep burning my fingers soldering it together!



A Central Trains class 153 held at signal 43 before it can trundle into the station. The shunting signal in the foreground is 'off' meaning the signaller has let a freight train cross in front of the DMU - not sure the passengers will appreciate that.



Looking along platform 1 from the buffers. The odd tint to the DMU is from the stop lights. Happily the only driver to collide with them during the weekend was me - I had a long chat with myself over it.



The armoured vehicle train sitting in the exchange sidings while the ever popular Police liveried 47 waits in the loco siding for its next service.



The station car park where the musician sit patiently with her cello on the Land Rover waiting for her ride home.



A view along Crow Lane that the visitors don't normally get with the disused level crossing, boarded up signal box and war memorial.



Finally for now, my second oldest 153 and the first one I converted and repainted from a Dapol 155. It doesn't really stand up to the RTR Hornby product, but I'm too fond of it to not bring it out.

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Thanks for the comments, Rob, but as part of the plans to improve the layout's running the level crossing is to be brought back into use.



Here's the start of the work. Crow Lane has been closed so the track can be renewed. The plan is to keep the gates, but to add CCTV controlled barriers to suggest that the crossing modernisation is about to be commissioned.

The platform ramp opposite has been cut away ready for the CCTV camera mast. There will be a platform mounted colour light signal on the stripped back and closed section of the platform.


The signal box, a dusty Triang product I was given, is being detailed to add another architectural era to the layout.



I have cut a new window into the rear of the signal box so the signaller can check for traffic before winding the gate wheel.



The crude interior detail has been cut away and a new operating floor added. I'm planning a GNR pattern Railway Signalling Company gate wheel and much shortened lever frame to represent the box's previous reduction from a block post to gate box.

Next exhibition in June - no pressure!

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  • 1 month later...

With time running out before the next exhibition, and with the weather delayed cricket season eating into my spare time, here has been some progress made with Cottleston's rebuilt Crow Lane level crossing.

In terms of the layouts position in the Nottinghamshire geography, it has been turned through 180 degrees so North is now to the right of the layout and trains to Sheffield will depart over the level crossing. Nottingham is to the South along the main line while Acrewood is off to the South West along the branch. The whole project is to reduce the number of troublesome propelling moves of freight trains through the main crossovers.
Crow Lane signal box is now a modified Triang product to represent a Midland Region box from BR days. When the line was reduced to single track it was downgraded to a crossing box and now the crossing keepers' time there is numbered at the barriers have been installed ready for control of the level crossing to transfer, through CCTV, to Moggs Eye box. 
For now the gates coexist uneasily with the barriers.










The new fiddle yard at the Sheffield end is only long enough for a light engine or Class153 and I'm working on how the scenic break will be managed - trying to avoid the units disappearing through a hole in the sky beside the level crossing.







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I have finally got the electrics done for the Cottleston 'extension' - not that there was a lot of it; connections between the baseboards and wiring for the signal and signalbox lights, but it's done.




50033 was the first locomotive onto the new section, as it was close by, closely followed by 153324 on the first passenger service.






I can get the ballasting done and finish the scenery now.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Cottleston's excursion to the Sleaford exhibition last Saturday went very well, it was a good, friendly club show, aside from the torrential downpour we endured whilst unloading the Land Rover.

I was a little on edge as it was the first outing and test for the extension over the level crossing and the revised operating style to reduce propelling moves through all the single slips. Happily aside from one very minor points fault early in the day the layout performed very well and the only problems were caused by operators rather than infrastructure. We were curious as to which of us would be the first to run a train into the level crossing gates and I can report it was me, driving 153333 on a Central Trains service. I have had a long, frank discussion with myself and hopefully it won't happen again.

The other disaster was that I forgot the box with all the road vehicles in it, leaving Cottleston's streets looking a little barren. I still made the other operators open and close the level crossing gates as appropriate though - because I could!

With a little finessing of the sequence to do, and couple of minor jobs to do around baseboard joints and tidying, I'm looking forward to a trip to Ware in July for a fundraising show for the Robert Barclay Academy in the town. 

The details are here - http://ukmodelshops.co.uk/events/17034-RobertBarclayAcademyExhibition - looks like a good mix of layouts, hopefully I'll see you there.



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  • 1 month later...

On a weekend of world cup play offs, Wimbledon finals and soaring temperatures Team Cottleston ventured down south to the Robert Barclay Academy in Hoddesdon, near Ware, for an exhibition to raise money for the school. We were set up in the school's refractory (dining hall when I went to school) where we were happily close to the refreshments (supplied by pupils and parents) and where we could get a pleasant draught between two sets of wide open doors.

For all the high temperatures the layout performed very well, though the longer cassettes were very arched by close of play, and it was pleasant getting to grips with the new operating methods to accommodate the Sheffield extension and revised operating sequence. Both were successful and even during lunch when I was operating on my own the layout was always active.

The camera worked better this time!




Here's a view across the level crossing showing how parts of the down platform have been cut away to accommodate the camera and lighting masts for the CCTV crossing system. The lady on the Land Rover is still waiting for her lift.




Looking down Crow Lane. A 153 is just visible sitting on its cassette. I'm thinking of dispensing with the cassette system at this end and just loading the DMUs/Light Engines that use it directly onto fixed track which will be more attractive than having the cassette sitting there.





More 153s in platform 1, awaiting paths back to Nottingham. The new operating sequence has a Central Trains Nottingham to Cottleston service, usually a 153, which uses platform 1 to connect with the Northern Sheffield to Acrewood trains using platform 2.




Two car Central Trains units, I have a 156, 158 and 170 as well as the 150 seen here, run services from Nottingham and beyond, sometimes even Skegness, to Acrewood.




A service from Sheffield running into platform 2. 




Finally, to show that I don't just run DMUs, here are two military shunters pausing in between tasks while a 60 takes a break in the Loco Siding.


 The next outing for Cottleston will be in September, back down south to Shenfield. It seems like ages away now, but I'm sure it will fly by!






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I noticed a guy taking some video footage of the layout yesterday - mainly because the mere production of his video camera wasn't enough to make all the stock on the front of the layout immediately derail.


Here's the link to the Cottleston footage he uploaded onto Youtube. I hope he doesn't mind me sharing it here.






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  • 1 month later...

I've been getting some wagons ready for the Shenfield exhibition this Saturday. These will be part of what the operating sequence refers to as 'the short rake'. That's the joy of modelling MoD trains, they ran some very short rakes indeed.

For the actual exhibition this rake will come in with a couple of TTAs which are then detached and tripped to a different part of my fictional universe.






The Warwell is from Hattons, the Scimitar is from Kingfisher Models. The eagle-eyed amongst you will notice the 'Chinese Eye' painted on the turret. This shows the vehicle is from the 1st Royal Tank Regiment. How it ended up on its own on a Warwell in Cottleston is not important. It will have tie down straps by Saturday, honest.


If you're going to be at Shenfield, come and say hello. I don't think we've been that far South yet. The details are here if you're interested;






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  • 2 weeks later...

We had a very good at Shenfield last Saturday - very friendly show, good quality overnight accommodation (with the best breakfast I've had in awhile) and the chance to give Cottleston a drive again.

Happily, the layout is running well and I'm looking forward to it's tenth anniversary shows next year.

As always, we're happy to answer any comments or questions coming from visitors, particularly:


'You can't run those electric trains, there aren't any overhead wires."

'They're being towed by that diesel.'


'Why has the level crossing got gates and barriers? They wouldn't have it like that really.'



Gates and barriers! It's elf and safety gone mad, mate! Somebody tell the Daily Mail.



Never get tired of my Cornish 153. Why does nobody ever ask what it's doing on an East Midlands layout? They must assume I'm taking Rule Number 1 to extremes.



Finally, a light engine me over the level crossing - the fiddle yard there isn't long enough for anything else.


Cottleston will next be on show at Lincoln/Newark next February.


Happy modelling.






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Love the extension.

I’m planning a plank based on a Chiltern theme, and there’s a lot here for inspiration, in terms of the railway reduced from its former glory.....and if I chuck in a bit of bicester the military stuff we love so much

Edited by rob D2
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  • 5 months later...

After having had a good time at the Lincoln show a couple of weeks ago, Team Cottleston is heading North to Jarrow this weekend. 

We'll be gently bickering with other and driving Cottleston at the Perth Green Exhibition this Saturday and Sunday. 

If you're passing come and say hello; we'll be instantly recognisable as Southern tourists as we'll be wearing coats! 


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IMG_20190316_173919.jpg.8bd97ea1bbfc2a03a9e0d26b287f9751.jpgIMG_20190316_213131.jpg.cef057fada1479dc8efebf93183fcafc.jpgA couple of pictures from Saturday at Perth Green. 50033 Glorious heading North over Crow Lane level crossing. 


08847 and 47829 having a moment in the exchange sidings. 


A different traction line up in the sidings; MoD Thomas Hill Steelman Royale (not a Hornby Sentinal), 37114 and 60007.


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153382 ticks over in Platform 1 awaiting its departure time to Nottingham. 


It must be the Branch Line Society getting right up to the stops in this 153. I can't think of any other reason why it should be in the Loco Siding! 


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Moggs Eye signalbox. 


My new van; a Parkside VEA with Railmatch transfers. I haven't made a van kit before, thanks Si for sowing that seed, and thoroughly enjoyed it. For those who haven't tried I can recommend Parkside, this van was a pleasure to build. It's probably the wrong era for Cottleston, but I'm prepared to overlook that. 

I have a Cambrian OCA to try next. 


More MoD manoeuvring. 

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