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If you folks get stuck for details, I can refer to this increasingly fragile little book of you need me to. I think I’ve shown it here before, but it’s worth another look. It’s been marked-up to date with stock changes, such as new classes of engines being added, old withdrawn etc.





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1 hour ago, Nearholmer said:

If you folks get stuck for details, I can refer to this increasingly fragile little book of you need me to.


I don't suppose it gives allocations too?


2 hours ago, Edwardian said:

Large or small, Madam?


I'm an extra large...


A couple more:




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1 minute ago, Compound2632 said:

I don't suppose it gives allocations too?

Frayed knot.


I was given it about fifty years ago by an ancient Russian Emigre, Mr Esserin, who I think had it from new, although I’m not totally sure. As well as being seriously old, he was a seriously interesting chap, who lived in a tumbledown old farm cottage and made his living by breeding various little water creatures in stagnant tanks of water, which he harvested and sold to aquarium owners as live fish food. He had a massive library in an outbuilding, and was knowledgable on every conceivable subject. When he realised that I was ‘into’ railways, he gave me a random selection of old volumes, another was a pre-WW2 history of the Cheshire Lines Committee. Quite how he chose what to collect I have no idea, because of I’d been interested in Patagonian flora, or relativity, or the lives of the orthodox Bishops, he would have been able to contribute on those subjects too.

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9 minutes ago, James Harrison said:

Too easy...


Whitworth (or Waterloo, aka Small Jumbo) No. 2158.


But if we're going to allow individual locomotives rather than just class designations, the floodgates are open...



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In the absence of a groan button, that's a slow clap!

Man goes to see his doctor after a nasty and painful discharge through his “Percy”. The doctor examines him, conducts some tests, and calls him back.

”I am afraid that I have some bad news for you. You have contracted gonorrhoea. I need you to contact your recent sexual partners.”

”But I haven’t had sex for years. I don’t know where any of them are.”

”Hmmm. Do you play with yourself regularly?”

”Obviously. I am a man.”

”Fast or slow?”

”I beg your pardon?”

”When you engage in self manipulation, do you mod it quickly or slowly?”

”Um. Slowly. Why?”

”It appears you have a dose of the slow hand clap…”




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Ooh ooh! I've got one.

A bloke is driving along in his van and sees a young lady hitchhiking so he stops and picks her up. She's eyeing him off for a bit then says "hey wanna get in the back?" 

He goes "yeah, no worries"

and is about to climb in after her when she goes "could you go get the aerial for me?" He reckons thats a bit weird but breaks it off anyway and hands it it her. She instantly starts hitting him all over with it so he chucks her out and tears off.


The next day he wakes to find himself all covered in angry red wounds, all raised and bloody so he goes to the doctor.

The doctor checks him out and then goes "Mate you have got the worst case of van aerial disease I've seen in years.".







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I have one, and it's not VD related either.

A magician was working on a cruise ship in the Caribbean. The audience would be different each week, so the magician simply performed the same tricks over and over again.

There was only one problem: The captain’s pet parrot saw the shows every week and began to understand what the magician did in every trick. Once he understood that, he started shouting out in the middle of the show.

“Look, it’s not the same hat!” “Look, he’s hiding the flowers under the table!” “Hey, why are all the cards the Ace of Spades?”

The magician was furious but couldn’t do anything, it was the captain’s parrot after all.

One day the ship had an accident and sank. The magician found himself on a piece of wood in the middle of the ocean and, of course, the parrot was by his side.

They stared at each other with hate, but did not utter a word. This went on for several days. After a week the parrot finally said: “Okay, I give up. What’d you do with the boat?”

Edited by RedGemAlchemist
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11 minutes ago, Nearholmer said:

Is the top one Northampton? From the car park above the shopping centre on that inner ring road thing.


Yes, the famous 'Northampton Tanks', oh, no, wait ......


11 minutes ago, Nearholmer said:

The lower is Mansion House.


:D LNWR_4ft_6in_2-4-2_Tank_2288.jpg.1a49771c51d506953d7fe38c7ed878fd.jpg



8 minutes ago, Compound2632 said:


By elimination, I'd say Watford!


Well done.


Judging from that photograph, Watford may benefit from a process of elimination.


But I've never been there, so I'll keep an open mind. 



7 minutes ago, Adam88 said:


Watford perhaps?


:D lnwrbns_pg468.jpg.2af9fdbeda4d7f403991df8d61adfebc.jpg








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5 minutes ago, Edwardian said:

Judging from that photograph, Watford may benefit from a process of elimination.

Very true.


Both it and Northampton have what we’re once pleasant central areas that have been comprehensively messed-up, and cut-off from their surroundings. by inner ring roads and shopping centres, hence my mistake.


I’d actually forgotten the game had anything to do with LNWR locos!



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I'm not sure if anybody got my two ships. A round of royalty:


! & 2: one was a development of the other:




3 & 4: two for the price of one:




5. Nearly forgot! (Best forgotten - the dedicatee not the locomotives, that is.)



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24 minutes ago, Nearholmer said:

Dreadnought and Teutonic?


Yes. There was a long line of HMS Dreadnoughts; the one pictured was built in the late 1870s but wasn't commissioned until 1884, the year Webb's Dreadnoughts were introduced. With the exception of Jeanie Deans (who I did slip in above), Webb's final 2-2-2-0 3-cylinder compounds were named after ships of the White Star line; the photo is of Teutonic, 9,950 gross tons, launched in 1889 so the line's newest ship. The name Teutonic passed to a Whale Precursor that was crudely renamed Belgic in 1914; the liner was renamed The Tsar. Bruce Ismay was a LNWR director, hence the advertising, though several of the Dreadnoughts had been named after ships of the Inman line on the transatlantic run from Liverpool.


24 minutes ago, Nearholmer said:

Jubilee (which were actually known as Black Prince)


King Alfred


Geoge The Fifth


Prince of Wales


You've missed one...


Jubilees are usually Jubilees; I've not come across them being called Black Princes, though perhaps they are in your old book. The first two members of the class, built in 1897, were named Iron Duke and Black Prince, but the former was quickly re-named Jubilee. The main batch were built in 1899-1900, the first of these being named Iron Duke.


The first of the second series of Webb's 4-cylinder compounds was named Alfred the Great, so that's the proper form of the class name, as with George the Fifth, not George V.

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