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Heljan class 20 repaint help and v4 sound decoder

o gauge nut

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hi i have a pair of green Heljan class 20s that i would love to be repainted in to br blue  

does any body in birmingham do a good repaint at a good price  as i would rather send these  to some one who knows what they are doing than me make a mess of them as i have been after a pair for ages now and the blue ones just dont come up.


also i have been thinking of removing one motor and using a v4 sound decoder ? would this work 

 hope some one can help



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Hi Terry,

Removing one motor from each and fitting a decoder will work, as the peak current on a Heljan motor (stall current is less than 1.1A). Are you wanting them detailed and weathered or just a respray?




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Hi Terry,

Removing one motor from each and fitting a decoder will work, as the peak current on a Heljan motor (stall current is less than 1.1A). Are you wanting them detailed and weathered or just a respray?




hi vin  many thanks for your reply i wanted them just painted i think but i was after a faded blue effect but do not know if this is possable  or not  in the painting stage. i have have done a 4mm model using a white wash  but it was not perfect and in 7mm i think  it realy needs to be spot on  .

i am not to bad with the air brush doing a bit of weathering on the chassis  and buffers ect  but its the faded look rather than the dirty look that im after.

so if that means painting and weathering    numbering and detailing thats what i will have to go for .


as for the sound i have a blue 20 with xl decoder fitted and it seems a little overkill  as the layout is only going to be an end to end 14 foot by 2 foot  and not going to be pulling rakes  of rolling stock about 


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Hi all,


It is really bad when you have hunt in Flickr for your own photos because you cannot find the files in the cloud. Here is 33027 that I did last year with blue faded spray, which was done by spraying a coat of BR blue. Then spraying more coats with white added and others with black misted over. The beauty of 7mm scale locos is that if you use an airbrush with different heads/ needles the spray pattern can be controlled with a lot of accuracy. So first I detail grilles, doors and crevices with a fine head and then coat with the medium or large head. The spray patterns are from a pencil line to a rattle can sizes. Then the over coating with the fades are sprayed whilst wet, which blends the pigments together. I was once asked to de-weather a loco which is impossible with this method as it is a part of the paintwork and not a post paint job weathering effect.




The roof is also fade weathered with about 5 or 6 shades of grey. This method of painting is more commonly used by military modellers for some reason, I have no idea why?


I will have to hunt and resize some more locos and stock.





P.S. I know it is not a class 20 but this was the first one I came across.

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i think i will have a go myself  completely stripped  the body down now ready for primer 

must say i am a little nerverse  but will never know till i have a go  .

Please post some progress photo's. I need to do the same to my sound equipped Green class 20. At least the body comes off easily which is a bonus.


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Hi Terry,

The Heljan model is great to work on but they did restrict the number of locos you can model without some alteration. This is because of the cab side windows, they put the none tablet catcher smaller size windows which was only used on two batches of disc fitted class 20's. 20002 is fine as it had this feature and the others are 20001 to 20027 and 20035 to 20069.





P.s. Before you prime the body shells the window apartures need some filing around the inside edge as the glazing is a tight fit without the addition of extra paint layers.

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thanks for the tip vin but already primed the loco before i picked this up

and have done a couple of thin coats of yellow on the end so far  using 202 but still looks very yellow compaired to the Heljan model

so going to add a very small amount of orange to the next mix and see if that will  match better  will test on plasticard  sample first of course 




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Railmatch 202 is very thin anyway and I usually give it 3 coats as it builds the colour gradually. Add orange to it will help. Also there is an optical effect against a background of grey which makes yellows look paler than they really are. Once the contasting blue is applied it changes the look of the yellow anyway.




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For decoders try the Loksound L. Smaller than the XL but can cope with twin motors (it's 3amp rated), also rather cheaper (approx £115 or so) but still lots of function outputs available. Being smaller it's also easy to fit flat in narrow-hood diesels.

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The ESU decoder I'm going to use in my 37423 build. As for the Heljan class 20 it will be a bit of a squeeze as the smoke generator takes a lot of the room up. Personally the 20 only really needs one motor for most layouts. So keeping the nose end motor as it has the fan directly above it and removing the cab end motor but keeping the pickups will be fine.




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 its had 3 coats now  with a spot of orange and looks much better will take pictures tomoz as i will leave to harden now for 24 hours before i mask up and do the blue .

what masking tape do you use ?.i was thinking of  normal masking tape from the local motorparts shop .

 the other loco in the picture has a zimo xl sound decoder fitted and im pleased with it but thinking of upgrading the speaker   will check out with swd   there esu L decoder in the week and get one ordered  i think so i can get it all done at the same time to save taking it all appart again after.

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Hi Terry,

That looks good from the photos. At that stage I would now remask the yellow and do a oily black fade on the bottom of the engine room doors and solebar. Then whilst that paint is still wet spray the centre of each panel with a dusting of rail blue. This highlights the faded areas and blends the paint effect.


Good work, regards


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hi vin thanks for all the tips keep them coming 

rest of the paint and transfers from fox turned up today so got plenty to do over the next couple of nights.

i can start weathering the chassis while the paint dries on the body.

will i need to varnish before transfers ?

and do you know of any body who does a good  seated driver in hi vis jacket as im planning on detailing the cab and may be cab light .



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