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Sarum Town (formally N gauge home layout)


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Hello all,


 Little bit more done today,


I've wired up the point motors within the platform and tested them, then built a balsa wood box around them topped off with some scrap plasticard.




I then proceeded to bury them in filler which will become the platform surface, some may think this rather foolish as access is impossible now but the way i see it is if a fault does occur i will simply dig up the platform repair or replace then fill it back in, just like you would in the real world.




Also bagged myself a bargain from Ebay ( please excuse the dodgy soldering, ran out of flux which reminds me i need to sort it out!)







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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello all,


  Its been a little hot here in kent over the last week but i've been doing a little modelling here and there.


Firstly i have finished the platform surface, another coat of filler and a rub down was needed then the whole lot was painted with woodland scenics asphalt paint.




The yellow line was done with careful masking, not perfect but it'l do.


Next job was to build a distribution shed which will be served by road and rail, I took inspiration from the steel shed on Horseley fields and built something similar. 

I needed it to hide the sharp curves exiting the station so this should do the job nicely. 




Painted up in position, it still needs toning down with some matt varnish and guttering added etc.






Lastly the reason for two platform faces, i'm going to put a red star parcel office at the back and this will be the unloading point for mail/parcel trains.




I've been doing other bits like installing flashing tail lamps in some mk2's but i'm waiting on some switches before there finished.


more to come soon.










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Hi Graham


Cracking progress.... Like the distribution shed, great way of hiding the sharpe curves.

The layout doesn't look over crowded with plenty of options for different traffic flows.



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Hi Graham


Cracking progress.... Like the distribution shed, great way of hiding the sharpe curves.

The layout doesn't look over crowded with plenty of options for different traffic flows.




Hi Jez, 


 Thanks, its worked out better than i thought. just need to blend it all in now.



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This has come along nicely and it's starting to get difficult to tell its only 4ft by 2ft it looks deseptivley bigger.



There's a certain skill to making something small and compact appear to be expansive and relaxed, and you've got that skill by the bucket-load Graham.


Quality work and I look forward to developments :)


Thanks chaps, very kind of you to say.



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Nice videos, now I may have missed this bit but how do you retrieve any derailed stock from underneath the station?


Hi Jimmy,


 I can still access underneath the station from the rear and sides of the layout, I need to fix in place the backscene and facia etc but need to make cut outs in it first.


I'll take a photo later and post one to show what i mean.



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Nice videos, now I may have missed this bit but how do you retrieve any derailed stock from underneath the station?


Hi Jimmy,


 Later than planned but a couple of pictures behind the layout.


Once the facia's go on i will cut out large sections so any derailments etc can be dealt with.









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Cheers Graham out of curiosity what is the clearance size to fit your hand in there?



In a word, tight!


Off the top of my head its around 75mm although i'll use an old metal coat hanger with a bent end to rescue anything if needed. 





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  • 1 month later...

Hello all,


 No work on the layout but a new train arrived last week.


I like workings that are not the norm, i.e. unusual engineers trains, unit drags etc, so when this came up at a reasonable price it would have been rude not to get it.


Sarum now has its own weed killing train.










and lastly in B&W.









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I'm with you there Graham, it's always good to have out of the ordinary trains. Look forward to seeing those choppers on the layout.



MOD traffic next i think, I'm debating whether to have the 20's fitted with sound? Very distinctive but also bloody annoying if there left running for to long. 



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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Hello all,


 I've been working seven days a week for the past two months which hopefully is coming to an end and the only thing model related has been the addition of some stock.


First up a Dapol 121 in Network South East livery, I've been after one for a while and managed to win this on Ebay.




one was great but these came as a pair (motored and dummy)




Next up a Intercity swallow HST.




In the hour or so i had free i've knocked up this little test plank, I'm going to see if DCC concepts Powerbase system will improve the running of my Farish 08 for shunting etc,

It runs ok but i think it could be better, i also need to add a Dapol uncoupling magnet to see if there are any problems between the loco magnet and the one buried in the track.











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