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  • Location
    Byfleet, an old village of England.
  • Interests
    Ermm,.. N gauge,... errr, um,.. BR(S) NSE,..er. urmm,.. Millwall FC, decent beer, real ale, traditional pubs, fine wine, food, cooking, travel, trains, planes, photography, architecture, sci-fi, humour, England, and happiness.

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  1. Having recently made a commercial block and pub (see my buildings thread for construction details) to complete the end of the block behind the viaduct towards the east end of the layout (see pic below) . . . : . . . I took the opportunity to take a few snaps of the entire layout (although many of the buildings and structures were not in place) including one pic taken through the window in the end of the shed :
  2. Chimney pots and flaunching, pub yard gates and a little dirtying down now added. The pic shows how the building block compares against a standard tea mug for size, emphasising the relatively small nature of N gauge, showing why N gauge is a great scale for getting more in to a limited space and how it is possible to scratch-build structures based on real buildings.
  3. The forward facing wall of the commercial block now made, and both painted and fixed to the carcass. Still some details to add to complete but here is how the last part of the block now looks in position (although not fixed) on the layout.
  4. No modelling done over the weekend as on Saturday it was the village parish day on the rec (including a real ale bar) and Sunday I had guests. But this morning I've got the pub frontage almost finished and fixed in place and the details on the commercial block wall. Next to make the smaller frontage of the block, paint them both and get them fixed in place. Then there's details like chimney pots and flaunching, the pub yard gate and so on to make and add:
  5. A quick test of the block in place on the layout shows it won't be easy to see the pub frontage, but at least I know it's modelled. However, the far side flank wall is plain, along with the terraced row of houses next to it. Nothing in the view below is fixed in place and pavements and roads are yet to be made:
  6. I've made a start on the frontage of the commercial block. None of the fascias are fixed in position as they need detailing and painting. And that will leave just the smaller front wall to do (which faces the front of the layout and is masked by the viaduct):
  7. grahame

    On Cats

    A handsome cat.
  8. grahame

    On Cats

    I took Marley for a stroll down to the woods earlier. He had a great time. Here's a few snaps from the jaunt:
  9. Paint is now on the frontage and the upper windows are installed (although I need to adjust the bottom left one). The frontage is not fitted in place as that will wait, along with other fragile things, like the chimney pots and flaunching (yet to be made), doors and ground floor glazing, while I turn my attention to the frontage of the commercial block next.
  10. With my camera to hand and the sun suddenly shining brightly, I was able to get a quick snap of how the new block is shaping up with the other buildings:
  11. I think I've added enough detail on the pub frontage - I could add more but too much can make things look overly cluttered and messy. I've also got undercoat and the base brick colour on, with detail painting to be done next. Then it'll be adding doors and glazing, and gluing it in place:
  12. This pub is roughly based on the Lord Clyde in Southwark which is relatively nearby in real life. It makes five pubs on the layout - Duke of Clarence, Shipwrights Arms, Antigalligan and the St Johns Tavern (all in Tooley Street) - with possibly a sixth being the Barrowboy and Banker. That is currently in the Bank Chambers building, which is modelled and on the layout, but it used to be a National Westminster bank and only became a pub during my target modelling period. Consequently I've not yet decided to finish it as a pub or bank. There did also used to be a pub, the Oast House, on the station concourse. And a couple in the north side of the viaduct in Tooley Street but I'll probably not bother to model them as they won't be able to be seen on the layout.
  13. A little progress on the pub frontage this evening (unfortunately I'd spent much of the day sorting out my prescription which was ballsed up yet again). The fascia needs some tidying up and I think I'll slim down the window sills that look rather chunky:
  14. Some basic blocks of colour (grey on the flat roofs and pavement) now on, and Redutex tiling cut and added to the pitched roof at the rear of the pub. The front wall is also cut from embossed brick styrene sheet ready to be decorated with detail as this is the fascia that will most easily seen when on the layout.
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