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Melly's 80's - 90's workbench

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Hi all - had a WB thread on the old forum but been in the wilderness of late - not having a layout does not help. Nevertheless, mojo returns and the weathering of some of my stock whilst I plan and then build my next layout. Don't hold yuor breath mind you - I'm easily distractedblink.gif



First off I have finished something that was on the old WB. 20122 in railfreight needed the railfreight plates below the cabs, the addition of the blue door and the pipes on the front changed from white to yellow. All that has now been done and she looks great with partner 20177.




I was very pleased with how the door turned out as I had never attempted anything like this before. The grey door was simply brush painted with railmatch faded BR blue and left until almost dry. MIG weathering powders, Black Smoke and Ashes White were brushed in trying to match the original pattern. Plenty of vertical strokes of the brush were used to try and match the streaks clearly evident on the prototype.




Photopic link.


Next up a good old banger blue 47. First off all the black plastic was painted with railmatch Weathered Black in order to both done down the shiny plastic and give a surface for the weathering powders to adhere to. The bogies and buffer beam were weathered with a mix of Black Smoke and Industrial City grime with a smidgen of European Dust. The body was given a quick dusting of Testers Dullcote in order to give the powders something to 'key' to. Noting on the prototype picture how the roof is almost always filthier than the sides I tried to replicate that with most of the weathering on top with small patches on the side. Ashes White was used in places, being almost totaly removed to try and represent areas of faded paintwork. Finally the whole loco was given a sealing cot of testers which, although it tends to reduced the visual effectiveness of the powders by about a 1/3, is worth it to have the finish sealed and not prone to finger marks! For a first attempt I am very pleased, looking forward to doing a few more.




Current on the WB is 37408 in Large logo - just replacing the ETH cables with decoder wire and to follow 37420 in large Logo with (funny old thing) Thornaby motif!!


Lighting was pants today - will re-take the photo's later!

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Hi Melly, even though you say the lighting was not good all three locos look first class. Can I ask about the 47? I believe that its a Heljan model, have you repainted the blue or is it just your use of the white that makes it look faded? You refer to a prototype photo, any chance of posting it so that the 2 can be compared?


Nice work, Regards Paul.

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The lighting may be pants, but the subjects are very good B) All three are believable, although the underframes don't have the 'caked on crud' look I'd expect with the bodies in the condition that they are.


Otherwise, they all look very nice indeed. B)

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The lighting may be pants, but the subjects are very good cool.gif All three are believable, although the underframes don't have the 'caked on crud' look I'd expect with the bodies in the condition that they are.


Otherwise, they all look very nice indeed. cool.gif



LOL - thanks Martin. I hope to re-visit this area later. 90% happy with the tone and texture on the underframes but as you say - more crud needed and some oil effect. Also need to 'borrow' your technique for the buffer head crud. wink.gif


Paul - it's a Heljan 47 with a Bodyshell from the 47401 prject (i.e. 47596) The roof was painted with Railmatch BR Blue (perfect match).


More on my old WB thread! Old WB Thread


Prototype here! 47376 as Martin says - more crud on the underframe !smile.gif


cheers Guys!


Edit :- Martin - what would your advice be ref the application and constitution od said 'crud'..... huh.gif

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Personally, I'd brush paint the underframe with Railmatch Frame Dirt, or Games Workshop Graveyard Earth, as the base and then use powders, washes and drybrushing on top to provide a bit of variation of colour.


Additional texture can be got by stippling on a powder/non-aerosol hairspray slurry, but you'd have to be very careful not to overdo it in 4mm scale.



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Hi Melly, haven't seen you on here for a while good to see you have been working hard!


Looking good, both the choppers and the blue 47, your weathering does look very good indeed Sir. I thought you would have finished your layout by now! biggrin.gif


What track have you used in the photos? Looks very good.

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Hi Melly, thanks for the reply.

If I can add my 2 pence worth on the under frame thing. I would echo the use of Railmatch frame dirt followed by Tamiya powders and dry brushing with Humbrol metal-cote gunmetal. I also use games workshop Gryphone sepia once finished to give the colours a wash and seal the powders in. Have a look at the 25 in my gallery for the result.


Kind regards Paul

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Hi Melly, thanks for the reply.

If I can add my 2 pence worth on the under frame thing. I would echo the use of Railmatch frame dirt followed by Tamiya powders and dry brushing with Humbrol metal-cote gunmetal. I also use games workshop Gryphone sepia once finished to give the colours a wash and seal the powders in. Have a look at the 25 in my gallery for the result.


Kind regards Paul



Paul - Martin - thanks I'll give it a go on the re-work of 47052 from my old WB thread. Very much appreciate your input.


Alex - cracking work on the multi storey car park engine shed. May have to hire some parking space for some of the fleetbiggrin.gif .


Edit : Sorry Alex - meant to say - the track is my test plank for bespoke trackwork. Outer track is Exactoscale, middle track C&L concrete with peco pandrol and the inner (branch) is C&L BH. Was also trialling differing 'cant' on the track. The outer track is canted up, the middle canted down and the branch is flat. Couple of pictures attached to explain!


Cork beneath the outer 2/3 of the middle track removed.




Comparison between "canting up" and "canting down". Hmm was going to stick with OO but this head on really does make the transition to EM much more likely.




The plank - track as described - next stop trial of ballst techniques.





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Melly, Thornaby locos are welcome anytime at Boxenby! biggrin.gif


I have been researching track options for Boxenby over the past week and so many thanks for the photos, very helpful. I have decided to use Exactoscale concrete sleeper and SMP Bullhead (thanks to Mr. Nevard for the advice).


Your track certainly looks better than the standard code 100 and after seeing the Exactoscale I am pleased with my choice.


Will let you know how I get on!

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Hi Melly


Good to see an update from you,it seems a long time since you have shared your excellent work.The two class 20's look great together.


Are your new layout plans destined for indoors this time as I can remember photos of your last layout outside.


Hope you feel motivated to do a bit more soon.

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Hia Melly,


Looking good matey luv the choppers and pritty much anything thornaby ;) i like the way you've added the correct blue door to the side of 122 i was looking at a class 20 fotopic b4 and theres 2 railfreight 20's on tinsley and both have full br blue doors and no arrows wat so ever looks a bit dodgy on the pair but may be worth modelling.


I'm going to be starting my 20137 Murray B Hofmeyr ex works condition soon with all the bogie trimmings to double up with 20118 they should look superb toghether both with howes sound fitted too B)


And your track is gr8 if i was building a layout again i'd defo go for your approach with the track work as the loco's look sooo much better on decent track than standard peco as i saw at stafford show the layouts with this style of track made the l;oco's look hell of a lot more realistic in my eyes fela!


Cheers Again, Jon.

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  • 10 months later...
I would echo the use of Railmatch frame dirt followed by Tamiya powders and dry brushing with Humbrol metal-cote gunmetal.

I'd also experiment with a Humbrol Leather and Metalcote Gunmetal mix for underframes; the ability to vary the mix over the underframe can be very useful.

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I'd also experiment with a Humbrol Leather and Metalcote Gunmetal mix for underframes; the ability to vary the mix over the underframe can be very useful.



Thanks James - I'll give those a try. Are they acrylic or enamel? I have done several more loco's, just not done the show & tell! Studying picture there does seem to be those loco's that are more 'mud weathered' around the bogies and underframe and those more 'oil & gunk' infested! I tend to use Mig powders over the paint in order to add a more realistic 'textured' look.


More anon.


Thanks for the advice



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They're enamels - my preference is for enamels and I use Humbrol exclusively for weathering. Their Metalcote paints can be very useful for weathering. Using the gunmetal one mixed with grey can give a rather nice sludge colour!

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