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Kelly's projects - SR EMUs, wagons and conversion projects


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Thought I'd create a topic for my projects as Ive started a couple.


Only real progress is a start cutting up the Networker bodies to make a 465/2. This will be a NSE liveried example eventually. Still not figured out how best to power them, the Hornby units are woeful and the 466 I have that I'm not cutting up will need a new power unit I think. As I'm going EM, I have to fiddle with the bogies anyway, so might as well replace. I'm not sure if a single black beetle/spud would cope with the weight of a 2 car 466 (the mazak chassis is pretty weighty), so probably two would be needed. Either that or one of the Bullant motor bogies or the HighLevel ones, leaning towards these atm really. DCC obviously too will be a must.


Onto the 465/2.


The two end cars don't need much work at this stage, I have complete bodies, chassis and seating for these, but no glazing. I'll likely use acetate for glazing the unit to make it more uniform.
Assorted bodyshells and chassis bits. Sadly not enough for the easier 465 conversion (see further down for what I mean).
The body for the non toilet center car put together to check length of chassis. The end of the body (painted red) ended up warping upwards slightly when the glue dried, so will have to come off again to pair up again. The plastic is proving a bit fragile though, so care will be needed. Cut the chassis a touch too short. I haven't enough to do the toilet center car atm, so I'm thinking about mocking up a floor and building new ones for the center cars rather than spending £20 just for two chassis for one center car.

The remaining shells I have. all toilet windowed! apart from the remains of the top most body which provided the end for the non-toilet center car.


Lined on remaining bodyshell for parts for the end of the toilet center car. This will be more fiddly to line up than the other car, but as body shells are getting increasingly hard to find now (and expensive when they do pop up, not going to cut up a complete one for one body shell when they're going for £100+!) it might be the only way, with plasticard blanking for the end of the car. Should be doable...


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One Black Beetle does cope with a two car class 466 ... but only just. It struggles if there is even the slightest gradient, as on my old layout.

I thought that'd be the case. There won't be any gradients planned for the layout, at least not yet, I had a crazy plan of a hidden layout (a second use for the double depth idea) with curved boards that lower the gradient to cassettes and allow setting back under the layout and running through. But thats likely to remain one of those ideas best not contemplated I suspect ;)


I might even need 4 black beetles for a four car 465 unit with those heavy under frames. Hence my consideration of the Bullant or High Level options.

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At the weekend I was helping out on the DEMU stand at the Leamington and Warwick Model railway Show. I took the Networker and 4EPB parts along with me to get some progress made on them.


With the way things currently are at home atm, I lack a suitable location to do much model making at present, I only just manage to find enough room atm to do my jewellery items as it is. Anyway, onto models...


I first started with marking out the cuts needed in the Replica body parts for the EPB. The last time I attempted this didn't end so well, so I was hoping  a second go would result in better results, I think it did, but I'll leave others to judge for themselves from the photos below.





End and compartments cut off ready to attach the guards doors taken from the Replica BG body and the Replica MLV cab.




End cut off the Replica body, with strip of plasticard glued in place to support the joint when the MLV cab is added later.




The guard doors/compartments cut out and smoothed out (still a bit rough at this stage) and the window drilled out with the mini drill.


Eventually after much fiddling, and redoing to get the alignment right I got the guards doors on the guard end and the cabs on. I managed to get the gaps filled during the time at the show as well.




Guard end with guard compartment from BG added and cab from MLV grafted on and filler applied. The filler is rather rough and will need a fair bit of work still.




Other end without the guard compartment with MLV cab grafted on and filler applied. Again rather rough at this stage.




Another view of the non-guard end. Behind can be seen the centre cars, which have had their buffer shanks removed and filled. More work is still to be started on those.






The filler is still not dry after a good while, so I can't file it yet unfortunately. It went on a bit thicker than I intended, but suitable sanding should smooth it out ready for a primer coat to check it before applying paint.


As for the Networker, I got the end of the non-toilet centre car attached, and started on the toilet centre car.




Non-toilet trailer car with end joined and filler applied. Still rough at this point.




Non-toilet trailer car with end joined and filler applied. Still rough at this point.




Trailer with toilet in progress. Due to lacking bodyshells I've taken one section to provide the double windows (in red) and another from the end of a spare toilet bodyshell. The end still needs a lot of work to get the fit right as it is too long on the roof to fit correctly atm. Using the end in this matter means I retain ability to screw the body to the Hornby chassis. I will need to do a bit of remedial work on the roof where the razor saw slipped, oops! I have plenty of body offcuts to take from if needed to fill the gap to retain the profile/rain strip.




The other side of the toilet trailer car.






Another couple of views of the two trailer cars.


I have a bit of work to get the fitment right before glueing the end on the toilet centre car, but progress is being made at least.


I got a bit fed up with working on the EPB and Networker so elected to have a change of pace and started on the Dapol Prototype Deltic kit I've had laying around for years as a diversion. I also put the body together on a Parkside SR CCT van and started on an FNS nuclear flask wagon by Genesis. Unfortunately the Genesis kit suffered some serious bending of the chassis plate so I will have to replace that with plasticard at some point before continuing.




Todays post also provided a few small items for the Networkers, that being glazing for the cabs and the light glazing as well as the corridor connectors.



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I'm not quite sure why, but it seems the filler (Milliput superfine) I applied at Leamington & Warwick model railway show hasn't dried hard like I expected. I think I'm going to have to scrape it off and reapply.


Suspect I possibly didn't mix it thoroughly enough. Will give it another try next week sometime.


Have ordered a different type of filler to give that a try and see how I get on with it in comparison to the milliput.


Also I ordered another 2 car Hornby 466 Networker via that well known auction site. When it arrived I didn't expect to find the bogies on one carriage broken off (clips to hold in place broken and side frames snapped) after it had been described as a good runner. But rather than send it back I managed to negotiate a partial refund as I factored I'd need to replace the bogies anyhow to go with EM gauge.


On the subject of bogies I've ordered some Hornby class 156 and class 153 bogies cheaply to see how they look as from a bit of research they might work with a bit of modification. I did get a number of Dapol class 150 bogies when I received some spare Networker bodies from a generous member of this parish, but they proved to be too long for the openings in the chassis. If the 153/156 bogies work they'll be used for side frames with extra bits added and shoe beams. I have discounted High Level bogies for the Networker on account of being too long wheelbase wise, so likely to be SPUD or Black Beetle bogies I suspect, most likely 2 of them per 2 car and 4 car unit. hopefully 2 will be enough for a 4 car unit, I have no real plans for gradients on the layout they're for, so they should cope ok I'm hoping. I will have to think how to make electrical connections between carriages to allow extra pickups and lighting etc. Thinking about having the motor bogies in the middle of the formation to avoid having to 'push'.


I can't however seem to find enough chassis' underframes for the 465 conversions, so I'll have to rethink the centre carriage underframes, most likely with plasticard based on the one I've created, it will lower the weight of the unit the power bogies will have to shift too.

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Having some cabs left over from the current 465 project my attention has turned to what to use them for. So a 325 will be planned at some point.


I've aquired some Hachette and Lima Mk1s to use to convert to Networker translator coaches. I also am thinking about Sandite and Route Learners based on photos from departmentals.com and sides from DC Kits/MJT (Dart Castings).


Might also produce a 457 unit (Networker traction development unit), but that will be a bit more involved I suspect.


Now Richard has a Laser printer I'm aiming to produce some of my own etchings using a transfer method found via searching for etching methods. I've yet to attempt to draw up suitable artwork, so in the next few weeks I'll give that a try I think.

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Nice work.  Are you aware that the 4EPB should have a guards compartment at both ends (ie each driving coach)?  Just looking at photos 5,6 and 7 from post 4.


I was following the guide Replica provide on their website, seemingly I've created a DTS for a 416/2EPB and a MBSO for a 415/4EPB. I'll just have to make a pair of MBSOs.


Perhaps I'll make the 416/2EPB DTS as part of a Tyneside unit or Sandite unit,

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Yes, good excuse to make another one!


Just the one? ;) Natalie has come up with about 4 dozen other ideas.


Idea is really to have a couple of 4EPBs (BR) and some 2EPBs (I have a Bachmann one already) alongside EPB based Sandite/Route Learning and other departmental conversions. As well as this at least one 465 Networker and two 466 Networkers (currently have 2 Hornby Networkers, and Natalie has another 3 or 4) with a couple of sets of translator coaches (from Hatchette and Lima Mk1s) to represent the different sets and different adaptations done over time. 


Also possibly a MLV or two, with one as the Depot Donkey from Slade Green Depot.

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Sounds really good.  If you're doing Slade Green, don't forget Ivor the engine 97800/08600!


I started making a 4EPB using a 4CEP chassis with Replica bodies but lost interest and moved the parts on.  Loo forward to more updates. 


Don';t have the space for Slade Green sadly, despite growing up within walking distance of it (half way between Slade Green and Barnehurst). The layout the units are for is a condensed section of the Woolwich Dockyard to Charlton Junction, with Charlton Station taken out and the Charlton Lane crossing added with the Charlton Junction double track (1 going to Blackheath, other going to Greenwich, with a branch off scene for Angerstein Wharf). Also adding in the Woolwich Docks junction on the other end to add a bit more movement/traffic opportunity. So sadly 97800 isn't suitable for the area, but 2/4EPBs, 465/466 are etc.

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Ideally you would want SR Design 4 EPBs as they were more common than the BR ones but I appreciate that its easier said than done.  The No Nonsense Kit EPB was an attractive model but sadly not available anymore.  I made the SR type version around 15 years ago.  Sold it and have regretted it ever since!

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If you want an excuse, it made it as far as Cannon Street in 1986 for a NSE open day event - see http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/gallery/image/15599-network-southeast-shunter-86-13-3-97800-ivorjpg/


That is a bit before the initial time period of the layout as it is roughly 1989-1992. But it is being designed so that almost anywhere from 1925-present could run with changed scenic items etc.


Ideally you would want SR Design 4 EPBs as they were more common than the BR ones but I appreciate that its easier said than done.  The No Nonsense Kit EPB was an attractive model but sadly not available anymore.  I made the SR type version around 15 years ago.  Sold it and have regretted it ever since!


Unfortunately the NNK range EMU kits haven't been reintroduced yet by Pheonix who took on the range. Though Ayjay models have done resin models of the SR design EMUs. So for now BR Mk1 based EMUs will have to suffice. At present I'd have to scratch build (or make my own etches (which I plan to try to do for the 4DD at some stage)) SR design ones, but I would like some of them as well as the BR style.

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That is a bit before the initial time period of the layout as it is roughly 1989-1992. But it is being designed so that almost anywhere from 1925-present could run with changed scenic items etc.



Unfortunately the NNK range EMU kits haven't been reintroduced yet by Pheonix who took on the range. Though Ayjay models have done resin models of the SR design EMUs. So for now BR Mk1 based EMUs will have to suffice. At present I'd have to scratch build (or make my own etches (which I plan to try to do for the 4DD at some stage)) SR design ones, but I would like some of them as well as the BR style.


If you do tackle the SR/Bulleid type 4EPB, i'll be watching closely as i'd quite like to own one! In particular if you go down the custom-etches route, you'd have a willing customer for a set right here ;) 

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If you do tackle the SR/Bulleid type 4EPB, i'll be watching closely as i'd quite like to own one! In particular if you go down the custom-etches route, you'd have a willing customer for a set right here ;)

I've yet to attempt to draw any artwork for etching, but have a basic understanding of the process after discussing it in a fair amount of detail with a demonstrator at last years ExpoEM. I'm aiming to see if I can get the laser printer home etching method to work with something simple to start with and go from there. As I have books with plans for various SR/BR(S) units if that works out I'll attempt a full coach and see how I go.


If I do my own etches this way i can't really say how viable it'd be for me to provide others with etches, though most likely it'd be a case of 'your mileage may vary, use at own risk' and at cost. If I go down the professional etching route then the costs will be much more (hence wanting to try the home etching method first) to start with (£50 set up costs roughly for coach sides iirc plus cost of materials etc).

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Thanks, have tried them and as you say, they are the proverbial dodo eggs.....


You could try emailing them (or acespares or modelspares4u iirc) and seeing if they can get hold of them for you.


I saw a pack of 6 on ebay a few days ago, but they weren't described as for the networker or a corridor connection so don't show up in the normal searches, so routing through the Hornby spares auction listings might find them perhaps?

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Them units are looking good there.


I saw a project once which covered building a class 365 and was quite impressed with it when finished so I look forward to seeing the units when they're finished.


There was an article in Model Rail iirc. There are a number of differences between the 365 and 465s though, the bogies are different (heavier and more damping on the 365s as they're rated for 100mph, different window arrangements too).


Looks like a good project with the Networkers, Shame the motor in these is just unfit, let alone for a 4 car unit, I recall seeing someone had repowered their set with a Bachmann 158 Chassis?



I am intending to use a pair of black beetles most likely. But haven't finalised yet whether I will go that route, the HighLevel LoRiders look promising too, but I think they're too long for the Networkers (they'd work well for the EPBs though).


Getting hold of spare Bachmann bodies/chassis is either difficult or expensive sadly. Hence why I'm not going to go down the 170 -> 376 conversion route (in similar vein to James Makin's 170 -> 377 conversions), it is just too expensive sadly.


No new updates sadly as I've not been well enough or had time to sit and work on the bodies. The filler has finally dried at least on the roofs, but seems not to have dried still on the sides, which is annoying to say the least. Sunday I'll be getting some more parts from Replica railways hopefully.


I've had a pair of Class 56s arrive and some Bachmann TTAs as well as 4 Hatchette mk1s and 3 Lima Mk1s for converting to departmental stock/translator vehicles. I've gotten some 156 bogies too which will with some modification work for the bogie frames of the Networkers when I figure out powering them.

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  • RMweb Gold

Where did you get the corridor connections from?? After a few sets myself. Thanks :)

I have a box of networker parts at home pending eBay, that will never be used, I know there are a load of bogies and windscreen wiper bits but will let you know if there are corridors as well...

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I have a box of networker parts at home pending eBay, that will never be used, I know there are a load of bogies and windscreen wiper bits but will let you know if there are corridors as well...

I might be interested in bogies as I have one that arrived with a broken bogies. The windscreen wipers and other bits (as well as headlights/windscreens) are fairly common on ebay.


The bits that are hard to find are: bodies, underframe, bogies/bogie sideframes intact  (the plastic is VERY brittle) and glazing.

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