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Ebay Easter Nectar Points Gift

Butler Henderson

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Did anyone else get an email from Nectar Ebay at Easter offering them a gift of 160 points. No mention of any purchase being necessary but the 160 points do not appear on my Nectar ebay account yet, but the 100 points gained on Thursdays CUK20 offer do. Getting somewhat annoyed with the slowness of Nectar points to be recorded. Have had a triple points voucher in My Coupons Sainsburys web site for over a week, presumably used it last Saturday but it still there today and prevented me from being able to use another for today. How difficult can it be with todays technology to record points quickly, makes it look like they are clockwork driven. Basically I should have enough points for a £10 voucher for £5 worth in Sainsburys today but as a result of this slackness do not.

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