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Hello Guys,


Yours truly has finally taken the plunge and am starting up a shapeways shop which will produce a large series of kits. Aimed primarily at Miniature Railways in the O9 scale (at least to begin with) I have big plans:


- A kit for 'River Irt' is already on sale, and will in future be expanded to include options for the pre-1973 locomotive and various tender variations.


- 'Northern Rock' is already well underway and I hope to have it ready for production in the next few weeks


I also have plans to produce the following locomotives


- 'Shelagh of Eskdale'


- Romney Pacifics 'Green Goddess', 'Northern Chief', 'Southern Maid' (which will again be updated to include variations in tenders etc)


- Romney Mountains 'Hercules', 'Samson'


- 'Little Giant' class Atlantic 4-4-2


This is not a comprehensive list, which I hope will grow to include the complete engine fleets of the R&ER, RH&DR, Fairbourne Railway and select items from the Arthur Heywood stable.


I also have exciting plans to produce a universal modular chassis system which will allow any wheel arrangement to be created and will hopefully remove the need to use expensive donor models to provide running gear. I'm currently running test prints of this chassis and I expect it to go through a few iterations before it's ready for sale. Need to make sure that it works properly.


I would also be interested in hearing about any suggestions which people have for future models.


Any questions, please feel free to ask. I don't bite



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  • 3 months later...

I hate to be a killjoy but the little giant Atlantic has been seriously looked at previously by a very well known narrow gauge kit manufacturer and was discounted on its size as being unviable in operation.


Your river irt concept is interested but perhaps wants a little refinement to smooth out one or two of the straight lines that sketchup has accidently put in place have you got the 7mm drawings or do you want a copy?

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Hi all,


Thank you all for the interest - I've been refining the engine a lot recently and in the next month or so I'll put some news on here about the kit construction. The OP shot is of the 'unrefined' version and I've done a lot of work under the skin to improve detailing, get the curves looking better and make the entire engine easier to construct.


Here is a shot of the more recent kit - a lot more work done on it




Forgive the somewhat multicolour aspect of it all - I promise you that the dome does not come in two parts and that you will not have to fit the hinges on to the smoke box. The various straight lines in random places such as the cab front are also not visible on the final print.



Concerning the valve gear, I've been looking at various options and from what I have found the RT models single slide bar is just about right - the final kit will include connecting rods either in steel or in FUD (need to do a couple of test prints for both first). I will be looking at axles, worms, gears and motor as well, but for the moment I don't have a proper recommendation to make - if you would like to experiment or have any suggestions I'd be happy to hear them.


The modular chassis was a bit of dead duck I'm afraid - and awful lot of time and development went into it for no result - I couldn't make it work properly no matter what I did.

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The boiler on the real engine is disproportionate to the 'normal' dimensions of a typical steam loco and I think that the angle of the shot makes it look longer than it is. I've scaled the mode to numerous photographs and drawsings so I'm reasonably sure that I've got it right :)

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  • RMweb Gold

Hi all,


Concerning the valve gear, I've been looking at various options and from what I have found the RT models single slide bar is just about right - the final kit will include connecting rods either in steel or in FUD (need to do a couple of test prints for both first). I will be looking at axles, worms, gears and motor as well, but for the moment I don't have a proper recommendation to make - if you would like to experiment or have any suggestions I'd be happy to hear them.


The modular chassis was a bit of dead duck I'm afraid - and awful lot of time and development went into it for no result - I couldn't make it work properly no matter what I did.

Or if you wanted to, I can produce the valve gear to go with it as I will be expanding it in the new year.

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Or if you wanted to, I can produce the valve gear to go with it as I will be expanding it in the new year.

Oooh, what a generous offer :) I may take you up on that (or something like it, as the single slide bar valve gear is almost perfect for Irt anyway)


In the news, all of the parts have now been ordered and are on their way to me from various providers, so hopefully the final iteration (Irt-iration?) of the kit have now been completed and I'll have photos and/or video to show you soon

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  • 3 weeks later...

So I've finally got my test print - and the news is not good for my hope to have this on sale by Warley. I had planned that the wheels could be 3D printed with the body in order to provide the most comprehensive kit possible. The tyres would be printed in either brass or Stella to accompany the engine.


Regrettably the tyres are proving to be a real menace, and it doesn't look like I will get a handle on it any time soon.


So, the kit will now require modification to accept Farish08 wheels. So a slightly longer delay for you kind folks out there.


As recompense, please take a look at kit number 2... A cookie to whoever guesses what engine it is...



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  • 7 months later...

As I seem to be stuck in a bit of a rut with the O9 stuff, and that I'm being allowed to shamelessly advertise my own products, i thought I'd give you all a sneak peek of my 009 sidelines (although it could also work in O9 I suppose)




The kit is designed to fit on Peco 009 bogies (originally the coach bogies, but I'm also going to try the wagon bogies too), and will be on the shop in the next week or two after I've had time to meddle with the print a little

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Hi Guys,


I've created both variants of the L&B bogie brake van (with and without guards veranda and guard ducketts), designed to accept PECO 009 bogies (either carriage or wagon).


I've got one of them being delivered today from shapeways so I'll keep you all updated on here. In the meantime the links are below:


- http://shpws.me/OJLf


- http://shpws.me/OJLd

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Well guess what I found when I got back home this evening? Shapeways really have got their motor on with this one - so it seemed only appropriate that I do the same.


So here without further ado are some piccies of the bare printing:








In a partially painted state:




Fully completed, just awaiting transfers:






Posing with a short L&B Goods Train:




As a result of building this, I've tweaked the 3D print to make the bogies easier to fit, and I think we can call this one finished. I will keep the coach bogies as the donors for this model and the veranda as their wheelbase is a little more accurate and they have a longer arm leading to the coupling.


In addition to this and the veranda brake van, I've almost finished the L&B bogie vans as well, so those are next. they WILL use the wagon bogies.


Anyway, enjoy smile.png

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  • 5 months later...
Guest Midland Mole @ Footplate

Thanks everyone for the response to my kit going up. A lot of you have contacted me about doing a chimney to improve on the Bachmann one.


Well, I'm always up for a challenge so this afternoon, I've drawn this up:




Fantastic, just what was needed!! Will be ordering both that and the conversion kit asap.


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I'm glad to hear that people are happy with what I've produced. Apologies to those who have ordered and have had some of their products returned - the designs are now fully updated and printable. All designs had been checked and approved by shapeways when I uploaded them, but a close manual check during printing spotted a couple of points where the dimensions were too slender (and in my own defence, the difference between printable and not was 0.2mm!).


However, as I said, all is corrected now so there should be no further issues.

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Well hello all,


First of all, thank you for the wonderful response to my recent 3D efforts, they are greatly appreciated and have contributed to more sales in the last 24 hours than in the previous six months! So cheers for that folks :) 


I thought it might be helpful for me to list what I've actually done for the purposes of clarity - as I'm constantly adding new stuff as requests come in from people:


  1. First off, the smokebox door:




This is a direct plug in replacement for the Rheneas face - to be slightly brutal if you chop off his face by running a scalpel along the outside then this will fit nicely in the resulting space with the gap :)


      2. The brake pump




A representation of the brake pump that was present on Dolgoch's footplate for many years. The flat and curved planes attached to the pump are to ensure a firm fit once the pump is mounted on the footplate and ensure that the fit is appropriately 'snug' in between the bunker and the boiler


      3. Backhead detail




A representation of the firebox, pipework and pipework within the cab - the detail has been left deliberately robust to ensure that the model prints correctly  and can be easily detailed further by those who would like to take things one step further whilst giving a decent impression of the real engine's arrangements. Designed to  simply fit over the semicircular weight in the cab.


      4. New chimney




The most requested item, this is both fatter and slightly shorter than the one supplied on the Bachmann model. Please beware that fitting this item will require the previous chimney to be removed and the top of the smokebox to be filed down smoothly.


      5. Conversion set




Contains the brake pump, smokebox door and backhead detail items at a discount over buying them individually. Allows for the conversion of Rheneas to Dolgoch without any major surgery on the model.


      6. Conversion set with chimney




As above, but including a chimney as well. Will require more extensive modelling than the ordinary conversion set but will allow a more accurate model to be produced


      7. 1950s Conversion set




Contains the smokebox door, backhead and chimney pieces for those looking to backdate the model to early preservation condition

before the installation of the brake pump or (conversely) portray the engine in its modern appearance, where the pump has been concealed.


      8. Cab doors




Contains two wooden cab doors, which were fitted to Dolgoch in the early years of the 20th century. Most photos showing these doors are undated so it's a little tricky to pin down an exact time where the engine had them. However, it seems likely that the doors were removed in the very early preservation era and had been on the engine for several years before that. Here they are detailed as being folded back towards the front of the engine for running.


      9. New Cab




The more that I measured the Bachmann model, the less satisfied I was that the cab was a good model of the real thing. The windows were too small, positioned incorrectly, the reversing lever cover was missing and the top of the doorway was a semicircular shape rather than square with rounded edges. To correct this, I've created this moel which should be a better representation of the cab (although more emphasis was given to making it fit on the Bachmann model than absolute perfect dimensional accuracy), but will require the moulded coal load to be removed from the right hand bunker (when looking towards the chimney)


Well, I think I've pretty much finished off all of the possibilities for Dolgoch, but if the Tal-y-llyn isn't your thing, I've got L&B bogies wagons (brake vans and bogie goods vans) and Corris Railway coaches as well as some more plans in the near future. watch this space :)


All the best,


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I've bought the conversion set 6 and the cab, but why isn't everything available in FED?


Hi, thanks for buying :)


I've made the decision to leave some things out of FED because im not sure an actual increase of detail would be achieved with these models as theya re for the most part, rather simple. I am looking at putting everything in place with FED, but I've ordered a couple of comparison prints for FED and FUD before I start charging people extra cash for models that aren't actually any different.


Incidentally, I'd be happy to see pictures of any models that people have made with my bits :)

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Hi everyone,


I've had a look at a couple of test prints and there is a visible difference on occasion between Fine Ultra Detail and fine Extreme Detail. I'm therefore going to be putting a F.E.D. option on all of the kits for those who want to give it a go. I'll also undertake to 'cap' my mark up cost at the exact amount as the F.U.D. so any price difference will be solely down to the cost of the material.


I'm doing it now, and so the new material should be showing in the very near future.


I'm also informed that Tootally Thomas have a few Rheneas models back in stock at £90 each




Once again, I'm extremely grateful to everyone who has bought already, I hope you enjoy your items



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