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Tour of US West


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We booked two nights in Las Vegas on our last trip. Each of us thought the other wanted to go there and neither of us did.  SWMBO was absolutely revolted by it. We had one nice but expensive meal.


Did you see London Bridge?

No time for London Bridge. Not keen on Vegas myself, but at least I can say I've been. As for food, found a stand with seats on the strip called Little Italy. Fantastic and large Calzone for $6.

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You are learning about Western US distances. You are about half way to Yellowstone. For comparison London to Glasgow is 358 miles. The west is a big place. Time and distance are mentally different here. The physical size of the geography is also different.


Glad you made it out of Vegas. 


Happy Trails to You...

Agree about distances, last time over we did nearly 6000 miles in two weeks. It is easy driving here though, the fatiguing thing is the seemingly endless straight roads. Regular driver swaps makes it somewhat easier.

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