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Enjoy your Easter break with some special treats for your "Lady".


That's some excellent modelling going on at the Harts Hill Iron Works, most inspiring, just like a snapshot from history.


It's only when I notice the details, the barge wall protectors by the double doors, the lamp over the doorway in that dim corner & the side entry into the waste pipe stack that I realise it is them that make the model gel into being that snapshot of life.


Have a great time away.


Best regards

Edited by Barnaby
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  • 2 weeks later...

Struggling with antibiotics and several creams to overcome what is now dermatitis and infection I'm attempting a bit of bodging. The crossing Keepers building, a much modified version of the one at Essington, just the incomplete basic structure so far. I did build a version for my old Primrose Hill layout.




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Struggling with antibiotics and several creams to overcome what is now dermatitis and infection I'm attempting a bit of bodging. The crossing Keepers building, a much modified version of the one at Essington, just the incomplete basic structure so far. I did build a version for my old Primrose Hill layout.




Hope you are on the mend my friend, take it steady. Nice to see some progress again. Looking forward to Newport,helping with Wellington St on Saturday. Best Regards John.

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Pants,Pants and even more pants. Trying to model with one hand even though its not your modelling hand is to put it mildly "DIFFICULT". Although I'm on the mend, I ain't there yet, no involvement with adhesives, solvents, glues, solders or fluxes. Thank goodness I can still have a very large Gin and minuscule tonic. I will, when the good lord allows, post some more progress, however don't hold your breath.

p.s. you know what they say: what comes after but, is usually bull sh*t and what comes after however is usually horse sh*t.

Life is just a bowl of toe nail clippings.

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Pants,Pants and even more pants. Trying to model with one hand even though its not your modelling hand is to put it mildly "DIFFICULT". Although I'm on the mend, I ain't there yet, no involvement with adhesives, solvents, glues, solders or fluxes. Thank goodness I can still have a very large Gin and minuscule tonic. I will, when the good lord allows, post some more progress, however don't hold your breath.

p.s. you know what they say: what comes after but, is usually bull sh*t and what comes after however is usually horse sh*t.

Life is just a bowl of toe nail clippings.


I admire the drift into philosophy, at least you have kept your sense of humour, single handily no doubt, life after all is a sh*t sandwich, the more bread you have, the less sh*t you have to eat.

Get well soon, regards John.

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Chin up, Mike, you sound rather fed up (putting it mildly/politely ;) ). Maybe 'tis time to simply Play Trains for a while, instead of actual modelling? I know it's the bit I enjoy the most, but do the least, I'm sure!! :locomotive: 


Oh and better make it a very Large Gin & Tonic or three... :yes:

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Cheer up Mike, it could be worse, I've got to go and have an op on my modelling hand next week, if it all gets too much for us we'll have to get together with my good left hand and your good right. Either that or it's down the pub for both of us.


Get well soon,



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Well I'm still trying or should that read, I am very trying. I've managed a bit of bodging although it's not my finest work. I should be able to correct most of the OH!S**T bits once I get rid of the dermatitis and infection. Any way here is a couple of photos showing part finished goods shed and the crossing keepers building.




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Can I say Mike that if you can model to the standard of the above post with one hand you have little to worry about. Most people would not reach that standard with two good hands. I know it must be very frustrating for you but there are always people who are a lot worse off. Do please keep your chin up and get well soon.


Keep us posted please.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Well if things don't change they will stay as they are- who ever said that needs as far as I'm concerned shooting. Just when after all the creams potions etc have been applied, guess what! I now have the dermatitis spread to both arms or more specifically elbow joints. Modelling or in my case bodging just ain't going to happen for a while, although I'm teaching at arms length -no pun intended -  my grandson to solder. Looking at the factory with fresh or bleary eyes I'm just not happy with it and plan when I can to completely change/alter/scrap/destroy/or other wise replace said building. Thoroughly down right miserable Mike. :cry: 

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Dermatitis is no fun - I had it for a couple of years after a major building project (I think cement dust exacerbated the problem). Most of the creams prescribed by the hospital did little until they gave me a couple of square inches of gauze impregnated with something special which I had to cut to the exact size required and tape on. It was apparently very expensive -hence only ever giving me such a limited amount - however, it did the trick and eventually all the Dermatitis went. This was 15 years ago. Sadly, I can't remember what this stuff was, but it can be sorted.


Good luck!

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Well I've bitten the bullet and put on an old fleece jacket so my arms are covered, covered my left hand with a cotton glove and ventured into the workshop/gentleman's retreat. Using some black mounting board I have started knocking together a different factory set up, I can't do anymore as my Lite-ply etc won't be delivered until Monday.







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Excellent work. Next week he'll be assembling a Finney kit with full inside motion.

Probably not, but what impressed me was :1, he asked all the right questions. 2. he only needed to be shown once and considering my workbench set up is for a totally right handed me and he is left handed, Respect! and no I am not biased, as an ex teacher he is my kind of pupil.

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Probably not, but what impressed me was :1, he asked all the right questions. 2. he only needed to be shown once and considering my workbench set up is for a totally right handed me and he is left handed, Respect! and no I am not biased, as an ex teacher he is my kind of pupil.

My very nearly two year old granddaughter Adelaide knows how to control the speed of her her little Ixion Hudswell Clarke. My interest in model railways started in 1965 with the newly released Triang-Hornby "Car-a-Belle" trainset for Christmas.


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Working with your granddad and being shown how to do stuff is one of those things you remember all the rest of your life.





Until you get better than him at 'xyz' & he stops helping you!! :mosking:

Inheriting your Grandad's stuff is also special, albeit tinged with some sadness. But then when you use that stuff with your own kid/s all those special memories come back. :yes:

Sorry Mike, not implying at all that your grandson is close to 'inheriting' your stuff!! Not for many years yet, eh? ;)

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Until you get better than him at 'xyz' & he stops helping you!! :mosking:

Inheriting your Grandad's stuff is also special, albeit tinged with some sadness. But then when you use that stuff with your own kid/s all those special memories come back. :yes:

Sorry Mike, not implying at all that your grandson is close to 'inheriting' your stuff!! Not for many years yet, eh? ;)

 I'm only 76years young and if my Father in Law can write and have published his Autobiography at the tender age of 104 going on 105 I hope I've got more than a few more years at playing trains.:)

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Today my supply of Lite-ply arrived so it was on with my protective glove,long sleeved fleece and  into the gentleman's retreat. I have started to rough out the modified buildings for Harts Hill Iron works as per photos. There is only one building that is actually part assembled all the other bits are just propped up against each other. Excuse the glove in the photos.







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.... if my Father in Law can write and have published his Autobiography at the tender age of 104 going on 105...

So if my maths is correct he was born about 1912? Same year as my Grandad, who died back in 1989. Funny old world, ain't it?

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So if my maths is correct he was born about 1912? Same year as my Grandad, who died back in 1989. Funny old world, ain't it?

Got it one, he has been signing 100 books ready for all those who have asked for a copy. I on the other hand- my good right hand not the manky left, have been doing a little bodging. I have started adding the brickwork and details to the new buildings a slow business having to clamp even a ruler /straightedge to make simple straight cuts but I'm getting there. Hopefully the new treatment started yesterday will bring about a rapid improvement. Any road up here's a couple of photos of the w.i.p :





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That's all looking very splendid Mike a call for some cucumber sandwiches and lashings of ginger beer to consume while admiring.




I dunno - all this "build something great then replace it with something even better" malarky - whilst also claiming to be incapacitated - is all rather suspect if you ask me!! :rolleyes: :D

Talking of incapacitated, I believe a large Gin & Tonic may be the preffered beverage over ginger beer at Bragg Towers.


Great stuff Mike. Remember - you're only as old as the woman you feel. :yes:

and we've seen the evidence... :mosking:

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I dunno - all this "build something great then replace it with something even better" malarky - whilst also claiming to be incapacitated - is all rather suspect if you ask me!! :rolleyes: :D

Talking of incapacitated, I believe a large Gin & Tonic may be the preffered beverage over ginger beer at Bragg Towers.


Great stuff Mike. Remember - you're only as old as the woman you feel. :yes:

and we've seen the evidence... :mosking:

Can't argue with that Jordan, Bit more bodging in the man cave:





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