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Brambleford Layout - Retaining wall


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The ballasting looks far better now and I really like the grass landscape too.  It really lifts the look of the layout and sets the track into it.


The close coupling of the trucks is a notable improvement on TLC.


Great progress.

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I have added a 12v dc supply so I can now power the buffer lights for something so simple it make the layout look so much more alive.



I have dotted a few small trees on the embankment




I have also put some lamps on the platform they will be great if I can get them to stand up straight!


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I have finally wired up the 4 last point motors so the yard is now fully working.


I have also realised that the Mimic panel is now out of date but as I have not got a license of SCARM I will have to live with it for now..




I did plan to put in LED's but I am not sure it is worth all the effort ?

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Mmm I too am going to have to find another way to do the mimic panel now that SCARM is limited without a license ( I would pay if I was doing another layout, but not now as I am at the end of the design process).  Might look at the real thing (mosaic mimic panels) and try something like that in Powerpoint or similar


I was am planning to use LEDs, but the amount of soldering does put me off a bit, but the look would be great and helpful to the boys to see which way each point has been set.  I see you have used toggle switches, how do these work are they momentary type?  Can remember what point motors you are using.

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Hi Paul,


The switches are momentary they work well. We have Seep point motors with DCC Concepts 3 point decoders 1x AD8FX 1x AD2FX and a ADS-2SX. I have not programmed them yet but they are all addressable so can be controlled with the NCE.


As for the LED indicators I have already wired the AD8FX end but as you say it is a lot of soldering which I like so that isn’t an issue but it is fiddly wiring 2 3mm LED’s for each junction.


Looking at the mimic panel I mush have had some idea of sharing route LED’s where there are close together.


I will have to test it at some point.


But for now I think I will try and get some more track ballasted

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Wow. putting me to shame with your progress!!!  The landscape is looking so much more homogenised now, it is amazing the improvement grass cover does over scenic formation, plaster baseboard etc . 


Are those rocks real, they look very good?

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I work from home the layout is in my office so I end up doing a few bits at lunch time.


I have not made as much progress as you on the kadee, but you are right the a little but of paint and scatter transforms the layout.


No the rocks are from a woodland scenics rock mould they need a bit of work filling in the gaps but I am happy with the effect

Edited by nicolasgreenin
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In a rush yesterday to get some of the station ballasted I have made a hash of it I am not very happy.


The issue is that as I have glued my platforms in place and so my method of spraying the glue down was no good as I didn’t want to spray glue over the platforms so I used a syringe but I forgot to wet the ballast first so it has clumped up and now looks rubbish I think I will have to get the hover out and remove any loose and then see where I am afterwards.




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Does not look that bad.  Just touch up the edge nearest the base board edge.  The rest you can mask with weathering.  Really look great with the platform set in place, no gap


Have you considered wreathing your track first?  That way you can get get rid of the plastic sleeper shine and the shiny nickle silver rails, without necessarily having to heavily weather the ballast .


I like the platforms and the coper edges, Must find my copes stickers as my platform currently looks naked!

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I used RailMatch spray cans for track dirt initially (Railmatch Paint Sleeper Grime 1406 or Frame Dirt 1402 in 150ml aerosol).  Also any spray can colour that looks like dirty brown will do.  As you cannot vary the intensity of the spray can easily, I then decided to go for an airbrush kit.  Which was a big yet fantastic step forward for me.


I went for the £95 one from here http://www.airbrushheaven.co.uk/categories/?main_cat_id=27  Currently they all look out of sock bar one.  This appeared to be a bit of a common issue for this type of product/kit as they come from China and deliveries can be a bit sporadic.  But what I found was when I call the very helpful chap at Airbrush Heaven was that it was one of the small items from the kit that was actually not available but the airbrushes and compressor itself was in stock.  So I got the kit and then the missing item was sent later on.


Edit: You need to web search for  "AS-186 compressor" and then look for the ones that come as a kits.  Mine came with two air bushes and lots of pots and bits.


Also see a thread on this topic.  http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/107480-so-i-bought-a-cheap-airbrush-kit/


I am so glad I got one cos they are very useful in modeling.


Hope this helps.

Edited by Jaggzuk
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Thanks I will have to invest at some point, for now I have painted the sleepers in grime and some of the rails using the woodland Scenics pens. The nibs wear out on the rail pen after about a foot of track so I might have to get a brush and some paint.





I have made a few more trees and added them too I think a few more will be needed but it is starting to look better.





The photos do not show but the sleepers do look better it has taken the shine of them

Edited by nicolasgreenin
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Hi John,


Thanks I do have some lineside fence and that was my next project to tackle. Does the fence need to be next to all the track even if it is an isolated patch of grass? Or can I get away with it being next to the farmers field?


Thanks Nick

You can put the fence where you like. It simply denotes the extent of the railway-owned property.


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Thanks for the great support I could not have got this far with out the help.

We are going to our local Railway exhibition this Sunday I can’t believe that it was a year ago that we just had 2 Hornby loops and a few points! It must have been the last 25 years of not playing trains waiting to get out...


The J78 has been in the engine shed for a while and is now running and looking good pulling its rake of wagons all fitted with kadee’s







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