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Best medium to produce this wagon turntable?

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I need three of these 13'6" L&Y wagon turntables (4mm non-working), I can't see an obvious way to scratch-build a master, or I would just scratch-build three of them. I can cope with the artwork but suspect that etching for just three off would be uneconomical unless the cost could be recouped by sales. How would laser or 3d printing compare?




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Laser or RP would both be fine. Nothing much in it.

Laser engraving would give better detail than most low cost RP. Though RP could print the whole unit and you could also print a pit to drop into the baseboard. You could also do this with laser cutting and then glue up the layers.


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I 3d printed a test wagon turntable and got it printed by shapeways. Although the dimensions weren't quite right (my mistake) it came out well, although my plan was to use wooden planking on the top rather than have any details printed on. I'll try a dig a picture out of the printed item, but here's a render of it. It cost about a fiver to 3d print (though that was nearly a year ago) and is 42mm diameter which was too short for what I needed.



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I 3d printed a test wagon turntable and got it printed by shapeways. Although the dimensions weren't quite right (my mistake) it came out well, although my plan was to use wooden planking on the top rather than have any details printed on. I'll try a dig a picture out of the printed item, but here's a render of it. It cost about a fiver to 3d print (though that was nearly a year ago) and is 42mm diameter which was too short for what I needed.


attachicon.gifwagon tt.png

I see on Shapeways that there is someone making working wagon turntables for sale, looks very interesting.


They don't do one like mine, and I can't see any dimensions on there. I just need the cosmetic overlay bit, and this sounds like an economical way to get it, if they're less than a fiver a pop.

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That SW link is me.

If I had the artwork , I am sure I could modify one of my 3D printed WORKING wagon turntables. I can see most of the detail in the photo, and as it is an L&Y one would fit in well with my current work. Are we talking 16.5 or EM/P4 gauge?

Pity people always seem to think wagon turntables should be static, when working ones can add a lot to a small scene. A real challenge for shunting though!


13ft 6in is 54mm in 4mm/ft, so would fit withing in 60mm design. I remember messing with a version with studs on it.

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Ah, bonjour M. Rue!

I started a drawing in EM but was put off by the cost of etching. I'd be happy to complete and hand it over, and will pursue this, but I have some rather pressing tasks outside the hobby at the moment, an urgent, complicated and expensive roof repair being one of them, an academic paper another.

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There is not much to know, from the photo it looks like there is a groove along the centre line in one direction, maybe worn down by ropes, but not sure. I am also not sure of the size of the locking panels, as I have not bothered on my designs up to now.

EM gauge, I did do a basic one for that. It still uses code 100 rail, which is actually not that obvious. I did it after talking to someone on a P4 demo stand at a local exhibition, and he did not see any problem.

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looks nice, obviously if you only want a static turntable, which a loco can not cross then OK.

I am having a close look at that photo, just can't make out what the central narrow line across the turntable is.


Lookin at that weighbridge plate, gives me an idea(as if I did not have enough to keep me going!)

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I think, it would be easy to add rails.

dead or live rails? Even if locos are not permitted on wagon turntables(although it was not unknown for pugs to be turned on them), some were on lines so wagons could be extracted out of middle of a train. Weighbridges would not permit locos I presume, but a small motorized wagon would be one way of representing rope haulage, via capstans.

Just find that for all the extra detail on layouts these days, it is a pity that we don't include some classic wagon movements.


Given me an idea, as I am exhibitin at MRX the DCC exhibition in Manchester in a weeks time. I have a suitable motor chassis which should fit in a wagon on my French HO boxfile layout. Easier than trying to balance wagon on turntable.

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