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Good to hear that your project is still alive Paul.

Two observations : Worsley Works do a very comprensive range of GNR coaches, as "scratch aids' . That is, sides, ends and basic chassis only. They offer them in a range of scales but unfortunately not S. However, Allan Doherty appears to be an obliging sort, so it may be worth having a look at his site and making contact.

You should also remember that railcars (never DMUs in Ireland!) were used extensively on the line from the late 1950s until closure in 1965.

Secondly, do you have the book " Farewell the Derry Road"? Written by Eric Challoner and published by Colourpoint in 2010, it's pretty much the definative work on the GNR line to Derry.

I'm fairly certain I saw a copy of it in Foyle Books shop (Derry) a couple of weeks ago.





Thanks for the information. I have used Worsley Works in the past. I haven't checked the relevant webpage for a while, so I'll take a look and see what is offer.

I do have the said book and have read it through about four times so far. I know that there a couple of errors, but these relate to the actual company's that became the INWR, then GNRI. I'm not so concerned with that aspect.

As for Railcar's, I'm aware that they were not referred to as DMU's. There is a picture of a pair with a K23 Buffet car and K15 in one of the books alongside the Foyle. A set minus the K15 would fit nicely. I'll see how things proceed.


Paul 4475

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  • 4 weeks later...

Well everyone, where the heck have I been?

I cannot get over how long I've been out of the loop.


For information purposes, my wife kept me busy packing furniture for shipping out to Eastern Europe, this started at the beginning of June, before our holiday in mid July. We've renovated her late Grand-parents house from dereliction, (using a local builder) for the last 3 years.

I then spent two enjoyable weeks assembling the kitchen, building furniture, hanging mirrors, etc!!!!! Alcohol was consumed each evening for medicinal purposes only. You understand. On return, I'm still trying to recover from it all. No body parts ached whilst out there, but now, don't ask.


Getting back on Topic, I spent Wednesday re-reading all my notes and sketches and I now recall what I'm supposed to be doing. Yesterday I trotted off to my local Wood yard and exchanged several bank notes for 4mm plywood cut down into 4 inch strips, plus softwood strips for making the outer frames of the baseboards and folding legs. All to be delivered later today. Plan is to work on the patio or in the conservatory in inclement weather, over the next few weeks. I'm not rushing. I have space in the conservatory now. Until the 13th July it was full of packing boxes and furniture for the above mentioned holiday.


Now to figure out how to put it all together. Nurse pass the glue gun.


Paul 4475

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hello everyone in Cameo land,


As you may have seen on the Competition thread, there has been a clarification of the concept and Maiden Lane doesn't fit in anymore.

I'm rather sad about this, especially as I was going to begin assembling the sub-structure this weekend. Now I'm not so sure.


I have considered staying in the competition. The wings could be pulled in to reach the magic 2 metre figure, but I don't like the look of it.

I tried putting the Craigavon bridge back in, to foreshorten the view. I even pondered Linked Cameo's. But I prefer what I have designed.


So there you have it. To quote Dragon's Den, "I'm Out!"


Will Maiden Lane ever see a train? I don't know at the minute. I keep telling myself, "So what! It's my railway."

Perhaps Andy Y can move my thread to another section, S scale, Irish group or even Layout Topics, if it can be moved.

I presume it cannot stay in the Cameo section now?


We'll see what happens


Paul 4475

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I really do hope you stick with this project Paul.


I got the impression that the "rules" were rather loose and therefore capable of accommodating situations such as yours: modelling in a (forgive me!) odd ball scale such as S. This is,what, roughly 20% bigger than 00 ( and all its variants)?





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Thanks for the encouragement to continue.

You are quite right, S appears an oddball scale, but I'm finding it very practical. The maths is easier, with no need to flip from imperial to metric all the time.

I already had the book when the Challenge appeared and I believed that the rules were flexible. Sections of the aforementioned book mention the larger Cameo, but the amendment is now in place and that's it. I have this weekend to ponder what to do next. One thing that will not be happening, there will be a No new plan to get back into the Competition.


Paul 4475

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Hello everyone in Cameo land,


As you may have seen on the Competition thread, there has been a clarification of the concept and Maiden Lane doesn't fit in anymore.

I'm rather sad about this, especially as I was going to begin assembling the sub-structure this weekend. Now I'm not so sure.


I have considered staying in the competition. The wings could be pulled in to reach the magic 2 metre figure, but I don't like the look of it.

I tried putting the Craigavon bridge back in, to foreshorten the view. I even pondered Linked Cameo's. But I prefer what I have designed.


So there you have it. To quote Dragon's Den, "I'm Out!"


Will Maiden Lane ever see a train? I don't know at the minute. I keep telling myself, "So what! It's my railway."

Perhaps Andy Y can move my thread to another section, S scale, Irish group or even Layout Topics, if it can be moved.

I presume it cannot stay in the Cameo section now?


We'll see what happens


Paul 4475


Hi Paul - I can well understand your disappointment and frustration, especially as layouts of the size of yours can have a complexity, and therefore interest level, not possible within the confines of the rules as they currently stand.


I did make a suggestion that MRJ might consider developing a set of rules that would accomodate people like yourself - and many others in the same situation - and perhaps run a new competion at sometime in the future - but don't mention again it to the guys in the other thread, as I think it would be fair to say that my idea was met with something less than unbridled enthusiasm!!! .... :)


Anyway, as others have said, I hope you continue with your project as it has some unique and interesting features.

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  • RMweb Premium

Now then Siberian Snooper,

Irish Standard gauge, i.e. 5' 3" equals 0.985 inches. In metric it comes out at 25mm.

Paul 4475

Thanks Flying Fox 34F.


Quite noticeable compared to 4mm at 21mm gauge. I hope that you will continue with this layout and look forward to further updates.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Good evening,


Some progress to report. The first baseboard is complete. Where's the flags, bunting and beer????



The board is a combination of 1/8th plywood, (timber yard said it was 4mm thick), and 5mm Foamboard. The end pieces for intermediate joints are a ply, softwood, (1/2" thick), ply sandwich, which follows Box Girder principals. The side rails are ply and foamboard with spacers made from balsa.



All is assembled with waterproof PVA. The ply and softwood sections are additional secured with staples. The plywood surface is where the fiddle yard tracks or cassettes will overhang the baseboard. One of Mr Rice's ideas. The structure is very rigid despite the minimal diagonal bracing. It's very much a mixture of ideas, Norman, Rice and me, but it has worked and is very light, though I need to weigh it to find out how light? Construction of board two commenced yesterday.


Finally, there was the SSMRS Autumn meet in Stretton, Burton upon Trent. Here, I obtained all the track components and a set of track gauges, made at my request, by Jim Guthrie, Society Parts Officer.

I'm eternally grateful to Jim for doing this for me.


Anyway back to the job in hand


Paul 4475


p.s. I have no idea why the pictures are landscape. They are portrait in the computer folder.

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  • 1 month later...

Baseboard number two was completed today. It has been built using the odd hour here and there, but has still took five weeks from start to finish! Mind you, half term holiday to the In-Laws, DIY projects and a Birthday party to organise have all conspired to get in the way.

Also, the weather this week has not helped. The ambient temperature in the garage is usually 10 degrees, but yesterday it was 3!!!!!! I can see board number three being constructed in the house on the dining table, (when the wife is at work). She wouldn't appreciate the mess. Hopefully the rest of the boards won't take this long to build.


Paul 4475

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  • 2 years later...

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