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Dapol Class 68 wheel problems.

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Hello all, I own four Dapol Class 68's which were all superb runners, however I recently purchased some Extreme Etchings disc brake inserts so had to take the wheels out of there housing. I have since discovered that the DCC models don't like these inserts and it caused a short whenever one was on the track. I have subsequently removed the discs. However I fear I may have put the wheels back in wrong in some way or another, now all four of these are terrible runners and constantly derail on points. I have scoured Google & I can't seem to find any bogie assembly guides or sheets to see where I may have gone wrong.


Does anyone here have any experience in this department? Or is there any kind soul who has a step by step guide on how to reassemble them? I would be most grateful if anyone could help as I don't want to lose these. Any information would be greatly appreciated. Many many thanks & kindest regards to you all.

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I'm not familiar with the particular models but here's a couple of things you can look at.

If the wheels have standard pickups it won't matter which way round you fit them. If they are live one side they will have to go back in the right way or they will short.

Make sure that the etches aren't touching the wheel rims and the axles at the same time as this will also cause the short.

Regarding derailing, make sure you haven't disturbed the back to back measurements - it should be around 14.4mm.

Hope that helps.

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I have never even seen a Dapol 68 but I wonder if the pickups are damaged or displaced putting the whee sets out of line offset to one side or the other.  14.4 mm  ish is right for 00 .

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