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USA 'city' backscene


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Is anyone aware of a USA city (could be specific city or generic) backscene, preferably in N gauge? I've had a brief look online but can't see anything yet.


My small layout is essentially set in the suburbs/country but I want a city backdrop on the back scene to give it some context. Given the layout is set vaguely in the 'streamline' era, I've been inspired by the various posters of the time depicting services such as the 20th century ltd departing big cities.





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Detail Associates did a 'City' and an 'Industrial District' as part of their Rail Scene 'Modular Backdrop System' line. These are artwork backdrops and are fairly small (about 11" by 4"). I don't know if they are made any more, but were fairly cheap.


A better bet might be SceniKing who do quite nice photographic backdrops and have some that might work. http://www.sceniking.com/



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Might be worth contacting Joern Pachl with your query- he has used some RRgaming scene backgrounds behind some of his TTscale models  which you will find onYoutube . You will also find him here   http://model-railroad-hobbyist.com/node/18937. They would need re-sizing.

Another source of backgrounds is to do a search for www.LARCProducts.com and look through teir backgrounds

Edited by shortliner
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