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Great Western

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Once the storage boards had been completed I set up the boards that are ready, I underestimated how big the layout would be!

I'm awaiting some replacement internal bracing and clip/catches for the sides before I can finish off boards 1.2.3,5 and build board 4.


Looks really nice, do I spy the inbetweeners as background music ??!

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Looks really nice, do I spy the inbetweeners as background music ??!

You do indeed, managed to watch all three series and half the first movie building the boards lol

GW, could you share where did you buy the trestles?

After much searching I found them on eBay, however Screwfix do them to - or at least did.

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Today I finally took the plunge and carried out the required work to the boards that will pretty much finish the construction aspect of the project.


I had to swap the scenic break from boards one and five, over to two and four - this involved dismantling and rebuilding said boards, once complete I fitted the side board clip/catches to ensure alignment.


Next job is to princes d top coat the frames in a nice shade of Railfreight red.






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With all the boring stuff completed it's time to crack on with prepping the boards for the real deal - track laying !


The first post is about the various stages I've taken to lay out, and secure the templot plan.





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Progress this weekend has been rather good with five full lengths of track laid, Sidings 2,3 & 4 are down with a section of the mainline also down - I need to cut the hole in the back scene for Park Street Tunnel mouth to fit before I can put the next section of mainline down.


At the moment only No2 Road is wired, but only temporarily.


I’ve enough rail to put two lengths down on all the sidings, and the next length of mainline this will continue over eh next week before I go back to work next weekend.


The below picture is of 60037 on No2 Road.


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Huge steps made over the weekend, board two now has 90% of it track complete minus wiring of course.

I've fitted the end and back scene boards to, I've decided to work one board at a time - looking at it as one big project was very daunting, so breaking it up into chunks feels much more achievable.


The plan is to build up each board to fully wired and part scenic complete state then move to the next, although I will need to lay the track across the board joints prior to fully moving forward to the next board.


Post one is my step by step component building track process, I've really enjoyed the track building so far although points are on board three!










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Hi GW. I am enjoying your thread and I am following with interest for when I have to build my first O Gauge layout.

I do have one question about the direction of the clamps on the rail chairs. I have noticed that it looks like you have them in pairs and then alternating. Is this prototypical for your period or just accidental?


I was under the impression that the clamps were always alternated with the exception when you approached a set of points?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I’ve picked up 600 plain line sleepers, Point work timbers and a load of pre drilled two bolt hole sleepers, the latter will be used on the disused section of former down line.


On my next run of rest days I’m going to attempt to modify my common crossings, and probably lay the sleepers for board three. I’ll need more chairs and rail from C&L to lay anymore track 




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Hi GW. I am enjoying your thread and I am following with interest for when I have to build my first O Gauge layout.

I do have one question about the direction of the clamps on the rail chairs. I have noticed that it looks like you have them in pairs and then alternating. Is this prototypical for your period or just accidental?

I was under the impression that the clamps were always alternated with the exception when you approached a set of points?

You should have the blocks facing the direction of travel I believe, but it's a big enough pain threading them on the right way - as in jets outside the rail, not in - so I've just put them on as they come into my hand out of the pot.

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I’ve had a little time to lay some of the disused sleepers on the former mainline, I’ve left a gap to enable a signal to be placed, as the area is going through a resignalling and rationalisation scheme.


I’ve six common crossings to modify to fit my radius points to.

Next month I’ll order 2000 chairs and a few meters of rail to hopefully over the following months finish the trackwork.




Edited by Great Western
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