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My sins must have been considerable, because for them I have seen The league of Extraordinary Gentlemen. Sean Connery must've really needed the money.


At the time, he'd turned down both the Harry Potter films and the Lord of the Rings, so having missed out on two massive moneyspinner franchises, he decided to take the next one that came along. As it turned out, the League did not spin off into a multi-movie franchise. The film is pretty dire, but I do like some of the design work.


The comics are also brilliant - they don't bear much resemblance to the film, but there is a bit in the first volume where Fu Manchu and Professor Moriarty get into a gang war over East London while an aged Artful Dodger sends forth his gang of pickpockets, which consists of the ancestors of Eastenders characters. There's a later volume set in the present day (well, 2009) which features a truly horrifying take on the Hogwarts Express.


Like the song says - just glue some gears on it...



My favourite steampunk artist is Professor Elemental, who raps about such diverse subjects as time travel and tea. Also worthy of note are Steam-Powered Giraffe, whose whole schtick is that they are Victorian singing robots.

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  • 2 months later...

Well, my Saturday morning has been immeasurably enriched by this video.  Excellent and thank you for posting.

Thanks for the support, Edwardian. I hope things are settling down and your son doing fine now?


All the best,


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Still planning to get this one finished! Will post more soon ☹


Marlyn, thank you, he is fully recovered and off with his girlfriend and her family somewhere!


A near miss, but all over now with no long-term effects.


I do like the steampunk aesthetic, and I recall taking my son some years ago to a wargames convention, where he was particularly taken with the steampunk themed games.  We heard two phrases bandied about "steampunk" and "Victorian Sci-Fi" and my son was curious to know what the difference might be.  "Well", said one exhibitor after giving it some thought, "I'm not sure, but I think Victorian Sci-Fi is where women wear their corsets on the inside, and in Steampunk they wear them on the outside".

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  • 1 month later...

Marlyn, thank you, he is fully recovered and off with his girlfriend and her family somewhere!


A near miss, but all over now with no long-term effects.


I do like the steampunk aesthetic, and I recall taking my son some years ago to a wargames convention, where he was particularly taken with the steampunk themed games.  We heard two phrases bandied about "steampunk" and "Victorian Sci-Fi" and my son was curious to know what the difference might be.  "Well", said one exhibitor after giving it some thought, "I'm not sure, but I think Victorian Sci-Fi is where women wear their corsets on the inside, and in Steampunk they wear them on the outside".


As good a definition as any, you probably won't find two people who agree on the subject. I tend to think the difference is that Victorian sci-fi is sci-fi written during the Victorian era, whereas steampunk is a modern work that uses a Victorian aesthetic. So 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea would be Victorian science fiction, but The Difference Engine would be steampunk.


Incidentally, the latter is probably one of the best steampunk novels ever written, being a meticulously-researched novel examining a scenario where Charles Babbage perfected his analytical engine and ushered the Information Age in 150 years early. It has a singular lack of brass goggles and external corsets, but does a great job of analysing the technological, political and sociological changes that might have taken place.


Then you have gaslamp fantasy, which uses a Victorian setting but introduces fantasy elements such as magic and monsters, drawing on Gothic literature and 19th century horror. But obviously there's a lot of overlap with steampunk. Then you've got dieselpunk, clockpunk, Edisonades, and ultimately you really are better off just sticking the aforementioned cogs on it and calling it a day.

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Alas I am running out of time! Have been working on the model most of this week. I have misplaced a part of the ‘Rocket’ Dapol kit, which I can still fabricate. Want to do a decent job, some things can’t be rushed and I have taken on quite lot this year! If it is not finished by tomorrow’s deadline, I shall carry on in this thread or transfer to another section. GOOD LUCK EVERYONE! Really enjoyed following the wide range of imaginative models in this challenge

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Alas I am running out of time! Have been working on the model most of this week. I have misplaced a part of the ‘Rocket’ Dapol kit, which I can still fabricate. Want to do a decent job, some things can’t be rushed and I have taken on quite lot this year! If it is not finished by tomorrow’s deadline, I shall carry on in this thread or transfer to another section. GOOD LUCK EVERYONE! Really enjoyed following the wide range of imaginative models in this challenge


Marly. Enter it in whatever stage it is, I gave in to pressure and entered my Parcel Service despite not complete, the modeling can still be judged and I was looking forward to seeing a Steam Punk theme.

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Thanks for your support 009 Micro Modeller and Geoff! It's nearly midnight here and I have so many bits with paint drying. Made my life difficult by having to scratch build six buildings up the 'wynd' and along the canal, kit bashed a rather nice brick building. The 'Rocket is still in sections - I decided to paint it in stages before main assembly. I have appreciated all the comments and suggestions and want to do them some justice. It has turned out to be quite a busy little model! I am still working on a larger layout in N scale as part of a project, having completed one layout already this year. Anyway no more excuses from me - will still post the finished piece as soon as it all comes together!


Thanks again, Marlyn

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Thanks for your support elsewhere Marlyn. I was also looking forward to seeing your entry, so am particularly pleased to see that you intend to continue even though the competition itself has now closed for entries.


I too intend to complete my little diorama when I can, and continue to post progress here (when there is some). I Started another one just last week, which I think will be finished sooner. They are the perfect vehicle for experimenting with materials and techniques and, at the end of it all, I hope to end up with something that I can display anywhere in the house. I will keep an eye out for your next layout.





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  • 1 month later...

Just noticed this topic. Fantasicgorical stuff. Really glad others are having a go. 


For figures I get mine from eBay. They are a bit larger than normal but they still work for me. Just search Steampunk figures. 


Here's an example: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/NEW-28MM-STEAMPUNK-TUNSTALL-TORCHER-METAL-FIGURE/123465908999?hash=item1cbf244307:g:eg4AAOSw~ztbOQO9:rk:17:pf:0 


Laurie Calvert 

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Just noticed this topic. Fantasicgorical stuff. Really glad others are having a go.


For figures I get mine from eBay. They are a bit larger than normal but they still work for me. Just search Steampunk figures.


Here's an example: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/NEW-28MM-STEAMPUNK-TUNSTALL-TORCHER-METAL-FIGURE/123465908999?hash=item1cbf244307:g:eg4AAOSw~ztbOQO9:rk:17:pf:0


Laurie Calvert


Thanks Laurie. ‘Needs must’ for a local station anniversary got me back into railway modelling this year. Under my daughter’s advice, I was using YouTube videos, including yours, to ‘fasttrack’ my learning curve. It was your Sci-fi CakeBox entry, that intrigued me and brought me here onto RMWeb! So thanks for your inspiration - I have met some lovely people here, who have been very encouraging, and love the range of modelling work? I have already painted up a few standard figures, which have been doctored to fit into the scenario, but like these figures you have suggested as well. Been priming various kit pieces in the workshop today, so hoping to finalise this soon! It must have been sheer madness for you and your team on the GMRC, but fun for us to watch!


All the best,



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Just noticed this topic. Fantasicgorical stuff. Really glad others are having a go. 


For figures I get mine from eBay. They are a bit larger than normal but they still work for me. Just search Steampunk figures. 


Here's an example: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/NEW-28MM-STEAMPUNK-TUNSTALL-TORCHER-METAL-FIGURE/123465908999?hash=item1cbf244307:g:eg4AAOSw~ztbOQO9:rk:17:pf:0 


Laurie Calvert 


I've often wondered if this wonderful chap was the original steam punk?



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  • 1 month later...

This Cake box has not died! I had a break after not making the deadline for completion. The ‘Rocket’ kit took me longer than I expected - first time I have painted and assembled one of these kits in years. Not enough time to take on board some of the amazing suggestions on this thread to customise the Rocket beyond giving it some iridescent colour. Decided to paint the separate parts in stages rather than assemble, spray and hope for the best with the detail!


Because I have such a mixture of buildings ‘bashed’ from various kits, some of the building wall textures need to be darkened. I want them to act as a foil for the locomotive and the canal boat. I may fit a few lights into three of the buildings, and use some coloured cellophane behind the window glazing! Lots of small details still to be applied, including small ‘gears’, overhead wires, gas lamps, ladders, fencing, various figures and other bits n’ pieces, still on the workbench!


Kitbashed - Ravens Blight ‘Lighthouse’; Scalescenes ‘Crossing Keeper’s Cottage’, High Street Backs, Canal Boat; Clever Models ‘Old Wood’ paper texture for the platform, Wordsworth ‘Lamp Hut’, blue aquarium grit for ballast and retaining wall made from DAS Clay. There will be a painted backdrop behind the station side of the CakeBox.







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This Cake box has not died! I had a break after not making the deadline for completion. The ‘Rocket’ kit took me longer than I expected - first time I have painted and assembled one of these kits in years. Not enough time to take on board some of the amazing suggestions on this thread to customise the Rocket beyond giving it some iridescent colour. Decided to paint the separate parts in stages rather than assemble, spray and hope for the best with the detail!


Because I have such a mixture of buildings ‘bashed’ from various kits, some of the building wall textures need to be darkened. I want them to act as a foil for the locomotive and the canal boat. I may fit a few lights into three of the buildings, and use some coloured cellophane behind the window glazing! Lots of small details still to be applied, including small ‘gears’, overhead wires, gas lamps, ladders, fencing, various figures and other bits n’ pieces, still on the workbench!


Kitbashed - Ravens Blight ‘Lighthouse’; Scalescenes ‘Crossing Keeper’s Cottage’, High Street Backs, Canal Boat; Clever Models ‘Old Wood’ paper texture for the platform, Wordsworth ‘Lamp Hut’, blue aquarium grit for ballast and retaining wall made from DAS Clay. There will be a painted backdrop behind the station side of the CakeBox.










Looking very good and I look forward to seeing it finished.  Perfect Fantasy effect - like this world, yet clearly not of this world - by clever composition and effects and by stylising the real world components. 

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I have always been in awe of the Pendon modellers who painstakingly painted wall textures brick by brick on watercolour paper. Recently Cornamuse in his Piercebridge Mill Layout, here on RMweb repainted the stone work on the same Scalescenes kit I have by the canalside. I was going to spray varnish the model then weather it, but the stonework is just too light for this cameo. So here goes with my finest paintbrush, then hopefully with a good weathering it will tie in with dark gloomy atmosphere I want to create.



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I like the stern of the canal boat. I have just made two for a Z gauge display model, using coffee stirrers and card. The stonework is very fine.



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