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Bachmann spectrum ho 45 ton side rod


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Hi can any one tell me if there are any UK  model shops etc were i can get a bachman spectrum  GE 45 TON side rod type  switcher  as I can not find any on E-bay in the uk  at all post-26535-0-30493400-1519078271.jpg  any leads would be much appreciated thank you

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A local shop might come up trumps, some more enlightened vendors expanded their ranges to include Bachmann HO. The downside to this is there are a lot of unsold Bachmann freight cars at ridiculous prices....


Otherwise, I'd try Anoraks Anonymous to see if they have a secondhand one.

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Thank you all for your suggestion I did spend most of one evening scour ing  different  shops . but thanks reinhard your lead looks very promice ing . sorry to be a  pain but one other thing I am trying to track down is factory type windows like thease in the picture  post-26535-0-84917800-1519475280.jpg  all I can find is  if there in a building kit  but not sold separately .

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"Tichy Train Group" makes separate windows and doors. e.g. https://www.tichytraingroup.com/Shop.aspx?SearchValue=8036  or https://www.tichytraingroup.com/Shop/tabid/91/c/ho_framed-windows/Default.aspx. I bought a "life time supply" many years ago in the US to balance shipping cost. May be MB Klein was the online shop I used.

Edited by faraway
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Thanks  for the pointers chaps. I am sure I did see some plastic ones some time a go.   the brass ones look great but would get a bit expensive  for mulltple windows .I did even think of using  small  tile grout spacers from a diy store  . but its been a long time since I looked at them there probly  way to thick any way .


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There are several Bachmann 45 tonners available on ebay USA.   Its worth contacting the seller and asking if they will ship to the UK.  I have had good experience with several private sellers who did not originally offer their products to international buyers.

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