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The Bunny Mine (cakebox)


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Thought I'd show one of the completed servo point motors.


The main cost is the servo, this means including small parts & the 3D printing cost per point motor is under £2.00.


Much cheaper than commercial offerings.




Edited by riscosuser
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Looks like its coming along nicely. I must confess I've been tempted to try using servos re point operation, I've always used the Peco version to date, and while these are pretty effective, at the same time they are a bit on the powerful/aggressive side, and as such, I've suffered one or two damaged point motors in the past, ie due to the return spring popping out, never to be found again, and even when I did have a spare spring to hand, I replacing it was a tricky if not impossible task.


I guess therefore that slow operation is therefore perhaps better, also more realistic, and as such Tortoise motors are also ideal, although the only drawback with these is that they are a bit cumbersome ie they need a fair bit of location space, and are not exactly cheap into the bargain. So am I correct to assume that your point motors will be located under the base, also how exactly will the linkage to the points work?

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Guest ShildonShunter

This cakebox is coming along nicely I like that you have utilised ceiling tiles and foam for the basis shape of the landscaping.:)

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My issue with solenoid point motors is exactly that they can damage the point. With copper clad points I want to stress them as little as possible.


Cost is also an issue, I've again got a target of under £10.00, for this cakebox, not including stock.


Peco point motors are about £6.00, Tortoise style motors £10-£18. This homemade servo type under £2.00. I've not costed the 3D print but this should be pence


If you wish you can use servo type with a resistor and use a simple dpdt switch this means the motor is powered all the time but the resistor drops most of the power. Not ideal but simple.


I intend to use an Arduino, the micro version cost about £2.00 and will control up to 17 servos!


Space wise unit is 45mm wide x 38 deep x 28mm Height, not including linkage wire.


I need to get thinner piano wire going to try 0.7mm . Thinner wire equals less stress on the point.


I am going to ft these under the board, had originally allowed 1" so just need to reset the gate on the saw :)


Linkage wire on these servos works exactly the same way as  Cobalt slow speed motors in that the wire flexes.


Generally, if you are using sprung points (i.e. Peco) best to remove the spring.




Looks like its coming along nicely. I must confess I've been tempted to try using servos re point operation, I've always used the Peco version to date, and while these are pretty effective, at the same time they are a bit on the powerful/aggressive side, and as such, I've suffered one or two damaged point motors in the past, ie due to the return spring popping out, never to be found again, and even when I did have a spare spring to hand, I replacing it was a tricky if not impossible task.

I guess therefore that slow operation is therefore perhaps better, also more realistic, and as such Tortoise motors are also ideal, although the only drawback with these is that they are a bit cumbersome ie they need a fair bit of location space, and are not exactly cheap into the bargain. So am I correct to assume that your point motors will be located under the base, also how exactly will the linkage to the points work?

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  • 2 weeks later...

After mucking about with a spray-can of expanded foam for my cakebox, I only wish that I'd thought of using ceiling tiles instead! This is coming along very well, though, and I look forward to seeing the finished result. 

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  • 2 months later...

Not done a huge amount recently, just a couple of hours a fortnight.


I have fitted the base, been messing around with the trees.  


The intention is to hide the right-hand entrance so it looks more like the loco's are going somewhere.


Need to sort out how the ground is going to look.



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  • 1 month later...

I've hit on a minor issue in that the 1:43 figure I've chosen for the locos won't fit (unless I cut his feet or head off).


So I've modified the A1 Models brass kit, I've used the opportunity to change it more to my liking by lowering bonnet and raising the cab.


All done by adding a strip and some minor butchering.




The modified version on the left, original to the right.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, I've just sent in the pictures for the competition.


Spent the last few nights on it.


The rise in height of the loco cabs has meant that I've had to hack the roof/entrance to the mine.

The "layered" approach of the tile construction meant it was relatively easy to modify.


I suspect I will still do some more tinkering especially with the ground cover but this is it so far.




I've had to use a modded cakebox to give me the six inches in height.


The shot taken however does show some of the pre-requisite bunnies.





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At one point, all it seemed you could get were 5" tall 8"x8" cakeboxes, the couple I got certainly were!  I ended up putting extension struts on the edges just to convince myself that the taller entries would fit!  Now that the competition is finished, it seems that the 6" variants are back so I'm getting a couple more to put the tall ones in so I can store my efforts safely!


Its an excellent model!


(Are there enough bunnies....)

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At one point, all it seemed you could get were 5" tall 8"x8" cakeboxes, the couple I got certainly were!  I ended up putting extension struts on the edges just to convince myself that the taller entries would fit!  Now that the competition is finished, it seems that the 6" variants are back so I'm getting a couple more to put the tall ones in so I can store my efforts safely!


Its an excellent model!


(Are there enough bunnies....)


In total, I've ordered 3 lots of " 6 inch" all of them turned out to be 5 inch ones & one set of cake boards which they replace with 5 inch ones, So any info on where to get them appreciated.


Re Bunnies, there are never enough bunnies    :locomotive: (only 5 in this case).

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At one point, all it seemed you could get were 5" tall 8"x8" cakeboxes, the couple I got certainly were! I ended up putting extension struts on the edges just to convince myself that the taller entries would fit! Now that the competition is finished, it seems that the 6" variants are back so I'm getting a couple more to put the tall ones in so I can store my efforts safely!


Its an excellent model!


(Are there enough bunnies....)

I have now got a couple of boxes that I could store mine in. At the moment though they're in larger plastic boxes with foam packing as I'm not convinced the cake box will be robust enough and it's quite a tight fit.

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Thought it worth mentioning the bunnies.

I used the collection from warbases.

I cut off the wargaming bases and smoothed them off with a file before painting.

Then they were drilled and spiked. The static grass hiding the base.










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