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Layout Design Ideas

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You might want to think about making that crossover on the left side of the layout the other way round, so that it's a trailing crossover rather than a facing one.


Strictly speaking, it wouldn't be very likely to have a double-slip where you've got one; it would be more likely to be a single-slip, but there could be an argument for

keeping it in view of the extra play-ability. I like the sinuous curve through the station, should look good with those 5-coach trains snaking through.


It might be worth getting hold of this book:




It's got loads of interesting SR track formations in it, and is a good read besides. These books (there are ones for GWR, S&D etc) are really useful if you're

pondering how to lay out a goods yard, even if it isn't always obvious how the real things were operated.

I never knew that book existed Barry, this thread has cost me £30 as i ended up buying a copy last night and then added a Padstow branch book as well.

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