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Conspiracy theory bampots - this one is a doozy


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I did hear a brief mention on the radio yesterday the theory that it wasn't the Titanic that sank but its sister ship 'The Olympic'. This was after she was in collision with a RN ship and was an insurance scam of some sort.


The problems with that one is the different design of wheelhouse between the 2 ships and the furniture recovered from the seabed that have 'Titanic' stamped on them.  The Conspiracy theorists never quite explain that after all the desperate theories about exchanging furniture and fittings between the 2 ships that would take hundreds of men, that none of them came forward after the huge loss of life.

That one's been doing the rounds for years - and gets shot down every time, for the reasons you say

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I did a calculation a while ago and concluded that Hubble[1] should just about be able to resolve the remaining parts of the lunar landers.


Not much point of course because if NASA faked the Moon landings[2] they could also fake Hubble results


And in any case I don't think Hubble can be slewed fast enough to track the moon.


[1] Often referred to as the Hubble Space Telescope, or HST, though that's not what I think of first when I see HST written down.

[2] They didn't.



That was my point, the OP said a good optical telescope, inferring any Joe Soap could see if from earth if they had a scope.  NASA has recently published photos from their LRO reporting to show the tracks of the rover.  (like you say, of course they would) .  But the LRO is quite a jump from being a "good telescope".   And for me, that's the rub because whilst its easy to snipe at conspiracy theorists, we need to be sure of our own facts first.

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If one person knows something it is a secret, the more who know the less likely it will remain secret and the more time passes it is less likely to remain secret. Multiply the two and the possibility of something remaining secret must be infinitlesmal. And keeping it secret for 1oo years imposible I would say

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If one person knows something it is a secret, the more who know the less likely it will remain secret and the more time passes it is less likely to remain secret. Multiply the two and the possibility of something remaining secret must be infinitlesmal. And keeping it secret for 1oo years imposible I would say

There are situations (particularly where people are bound by mutual trust) where people will wait until a primary protagonist has died or they are themselves on their deathbed. Even though in normal circumstances such knowledge would leak there are secrets that people take to the grave.

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To me, one of the biggest arguments against the Apollo project being a vast hoax is that both the USSR and ourselves at jodrell bank (and I think Bochum university) were monitoring exactly what was going on. You can't really hide stuff going on in space and if there was any chance that Russia could call foul and embarrass the US they would've been all over it.

Plus I don't think it was only NASA lunar orbiting spacecraft that has recently picked up photos of Apollo stuff left behind. I'm pretty sure Japanese and Chinese probes have taken pictures too.


Of course the nutters response is that the conspiracy extends beyond a few hundred thousand in the USA to similar numbers in their cold war enemy and astronomers around the world.

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Flat earthists take some beating in the " I am right you aes wrong stakes" Their standard answer to everything being "the world is flat" no mater what anyone says.


So the president of the Flat Earth Society used GPS to get around!    8th paragraph down.




Amusing irony that.



Edited by AncientMariner
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  • RMweb Premium

That was my point, the OP said a good optical telescope, inferring any Joe Soap could see if from earth if they had a scope.  NASA has recently published photos from their LRO reporting to show the tracks of the rover.  (like you say, of course they would) .  But the LRO is quite a jump from being a "good telescope".   And for me, that's the rub because whilst its easy to snipe at conspiracy theorists, we need to be sure of our own facts first.


Yes I was agreeing with you....I could perhaps have made that a bit more clear.


The LRO doesn't really count because it's already orbiting the moon...



To me, one of the biggest arguments against the Apollo project being a vast hoax is that both the USSR and ourselves at jodrell bank (and I think Bochum university) were monitoring exactly what was going on. You can't really hide stuff going on in space and if there was any chance that Russia could call foul and embarrass the US they would've been all over it.

Plus I don't think it was only NASA lunar orbiting spacecraft that has recently picked up photos of Apollo stuff left behind. I'm pretty sure Japanese and Chinese probes have taken pictures too.


Of course the nutters response is that the conspiracy extends beyond a few hundred thousand in the USA to similar numbers in their cold war enemy and astronomers around the world.


And all the mineralogists round the world who have studied lunar rocks, and the radio amateurs who picked up transmissions from Apollo, and...and...and...


I believe that in order to convince the West that the Russians really had sent a lander to the moon they gave details for how Jodrell Bank could pick up the transmissions (using a commercial fax transmission standard if I recall correctly).


A previous idea was supposedly to detonate an atomic bomb on the moon as proof...

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I'm very concerned because Björkman doesn't inform about the dangers of DHMO - one of the most used chemical compounds in the world with hundred of killings caused by it... If you never heard of it, I recommend reading this homepage:




I promise you an entertaining read, especially if you have identified the chemical formula...


Oh, and even wikipedia writes about them... simply google it!


On a lighter note


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The Irish are going to send a satellite to the Sun, but because they are smart enough to know that the Sun is too hot, they're going to send it at night!


There, someone had to say it!

No Kevin. Nobody had to say it. I thought we'd grown out of racist stereotyping masquerading as "jokes"  some time ago. though I'm sure that wasn't your intention.

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  • RMweb Premium

Of course the nutters response is that the conspiracy extends beyond a few hundred thousand in the USA to similar numbers in their cold war enemy and astronomers around the world.

Yep, those men in black are certainly busy people!

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I love conspiracy theories, the crazier the better. They're fascinating.


I had a run-in with someone who's now actually quite a big wheel in moon landing denial circles. I encountered him in, of all places, a railway forum that I believe no longer exists. Basically the guy just went around picking online fights with anyone who mentioned the moon landings, regardless of whether it was relevant to the wider discussion.


To give you some idea of how obsessive and annoying this guy was, he achieved a small amount of notoriety for showing up on a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles forum and complaining about a comic where the eponymous reptiles go to the moon and the Apollo 11 lander is seen in the background as a joke. The youthful genetically-aberrant martial arts-practising chelonians strolling around on the lunar surface were fine, but this one-panel gag was simply beyond the pale.


I actually ought to thank him, because when he'd point out some "flaw" in the Apollo landing story, I'd go and look it up to see exactly why he was wrong. As a consequence, I learnt quite a lot about spaceflight, astronomy and meteorology.


Anyway, here's a video of a different moon landing conspiracy nut, Bart Sibrel, confronting Buzz Aldrin and receiving a very different form of rebuttal, right in the jaw.

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jjb (I think) and I started discussing Stanley Kubrick's films on one of the cinema threads and I pointed out that I'd caught the last third of a a documentary that points out the possibility of "hidden meaning" in that filmmakers work.


Now apparently Kubrick had done work for NASA, I've not found out what exactly, but the fact (amongst other things) Danny wears a knitted Apollo jumper in The Shining is of massive significance. To what isn't made exactly clear, but there's a large section of the Internet devoted to utter speculation on what a gifted (but very much dead) film director wanted to subliminally tell movie goers.


Oh and by the way, all of the people that opened King Tut's tomb are now dead. Go figure...



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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm very taken with the conspiracy theory that Kubrick was indeed hired to fake the moon landing footage but he was such a perfectionist that he insisted on filming it all on location...

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From Wikipedia..


"Castle Bravo was the first in a series of high-yield thermonuclear weapon design tests conducted by the United States at Bikini AtollMarshall Islands, as part of Operation Castle. Detonated on March 1, 1954, the device was the most powerful nuclear device detonated by the United States and its first lithium deuteride fueled thermonuclear weapon.[1][2] Castle Bravo's yield was 15 megatons of TNT, 2.5 times the predicted 6.0 megatons, due to unforeseen additional reactions involving 7Li,[3] which led to the unexpected radioactive contamination of areas to the east of Bikini Atoll.

Fallout from the detonation fell on residents of Rongelap and Utirik atolls and spread around the world. The inhabitants of the islands were not evacuated until three days later and suffered radiation sickness. Twenty-three crew members of the Japanese fishing vessel Daigo Fukuryū Maru ("Lucky Dragon No. 5") were also contaminated by fallout, experiencing acute radiation syndrome. The blast incited international reaction over atmospheric thermonuclear testing.[4]

The Bravo Crater is located at 11°41′50″N 165°16′19″E. The remains of the Castle Bravo causeway are at 11°42′6″N 165°17′7″E..."


Can I have my million euros please.. ?


These conspiracy theorists sicken me...

(1)   They don't bother to do any reasonable research

(2)   They offer no solace to the victims by their continued denials..

(3)   They dishonour the people involved and the sacrifices they made..

(4)   They imagine that spreading stupidity is somehow beneficial, when in reality it constitutes the worst form of egotism...

(5)   They are childish in the extreme, playing the taunting game of 'I know something you don't', and all that implies..


It is time they all grew up and joined the human race and did something constructive and useful with their seemingly petty lives..


(I happened to live in Denver when Rocky Flats was in operation - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rocky_Flats_Plant

And met some of the people who worked there..)

Edited by Bill
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