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kevinlms last won the day on May 1 2011

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  • Location
    Launching Place, Australia
  • Interests
    BR Blue period.
    LMS Late 1930s
    Trying to create model railway magazine index - very slow progress.

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  1. When I upgraded from Win 10 to Win 11, I didn't notice any difference. I see there is something called Copilot and have ignored any temptation to find out what it does. Seems to be the best approach to 'upgrades'!
  2. The solution to ANY loco not working, is always to turn it up full bore!
  3. With the MRSG claiming that the components couldn't possibly work, if not made by the company owned by the founders (Studiolith), who I'm told by a friend, reckons he's still owed parts paid for decades ago.
  4. Sometimes you read of model buses and other road vehicles and buildings, being to 'OO Gauge', which of course is nonsense.
  5. Not all bad https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-07-25/stolen-mercedes-leads-to-new-friendship-for-doug-marchant/104113534
  6. Did he also design the air deflector, which was a neat way of solving a real issue?
  7. Yes of course the outback is completely different, but I was responding to the idea that in Britain, you have to go to a delivery centre, to pick up any 'missed' mail. I do know where my nearest delivery centre is (in Mooroolbark, you'd know where that is - although maybe it is not MY delivery centre, maybe elsewhere I don't need to know), which is a 40 minute drive for me. However, I do NOT have to go there EVER to pick up post, if it fails to be delivered, I can pick it up at a local post office. There are 5 more convenient post offices between my address and the delivery centre, so NO ONE needs to go there. What I'm suggesting is that perhaps Royal Mail could be copying Australia Post and adopting that model, rather than inconveniencing customers! Strange that street deliveries are 6 days a week and never to be changed, but these hopeless delivery centres aren't open on Saturdays - that's next to useless! Can none of you here see the inconsistency? Guess what, some of our local post offices are open Sat mornings, so you can pick up items that you missed during the week! AP has a long history of being rather good at delivery of mail, IMO. But times are a changing.
  8. You really don't like my posts do you? Perhaps you should stop reading them!
  9. Much reduced then!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If you read what I wrote, you should have realised that the profit from delivering lots of letters has 'Gone for Good'! Used to get half a dozen letters on average daily, so 30 a week, now maybe 8 a week, so alternate days is fine. The bills can wait an extra day and I do still get most of my bills by post, rather than email. Mostly because I tend to read them electronically, then forget to pay, because they get lost amongst the spam! AND NO, I refuse to print out emailed invoices, that only saves them money and NOT trees! I haven't been to a cinema for ages, no good then relying on me for a living. Don't watch much TV either.
  10. At least for most in Australia, the local post office is not that far away, which is where the local postie drops them off. We DON'T have to go to a delivery centre, so it appears that we are WAY more civilised than in the UK. Maybe the fact that we made savings, such as not delivering Saturdays years ago has helped.
  11. Anyone who believes that job losses won't occur in any postal service, in the western world at least, is dreaming. The whole idea of sending envelopes containing a sheet or 2 of paper around even small distances, is over. It was the part of the business that made money and has gone for good. Post offices used to make good money from people paying all their bills and selling non postal items in their retail outlets, now fewer and fewer people, even enter those shops.
  12. In Australia, they have allegedly changed, so that the manpower spends more time on their parcels service. The previous approach was that the postie wouldn't bother taking small packets out at all and before leaving the office would fill out a heap of 'Sorry, we missed you' cards, so the addressee had to front down the post office the next day at the earliest, to pick it up! As for 'making the service worse, to save money', a standard result in privatisation, worldwide!
  13. Always wondered why a 6 days a week service is still required. In Australia, Saturday delivery disappeared decades ago and I don't believe the sky fell in. Since sometime in April, we've gone to an every 2nd day delivery - this is for standard letters. Isn't reducing frequency, an easy way to make savings?
  14. Would be nice, but since it's 6 weeks since the OP was last here, I wouldn't hold your breath!
  15. It actually led to later starts, for places like Aberdeen. As you know, the west coast companies at one stage in 1895, arrived at 4.30am, which I'm sure the arriving passengers (other than those with stopwatches, who went straight back to Euston!) were thrilled with the greeting they received at that hour. I thought that the timings for Glasgow/Edinburgh in 1888, were deliberately kept at those timings by agreement - relating no doubt, to the old days where they used to stop at the refreshment rooms.
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