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A fictional Eastpoint Station BR 1960's

calvin Streeting

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After that lot got bed in i could work down the stream toward the inner loop. This needed to span the river and aslo be a retaing wall as it passed the fordge and as this was the oldest part of the railway (first lines layed) it needed to be OLD and grand, but now hamered by years of use and also a newer line (outer loop) added later.


So i designed and drew this based on some OLD GWR bridges with a touch of egyption to it, its a full bridge, then half bridge (due to forge leet) and the full retaining wall that will go way into the station. railways have to obay the land. 


I also added some parts to the tunnel mouth (a date plate) and colum tops to match so it looks 1 piece of work


Calvin Streeing










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The Forge leet needs a OLD divert and for that i drew and printed a iorn pipe to and then i had to work out the lower bridges, these are on the much newer costal line, and so designed drew and printed the parts 


This poor old leet has also to be diverted again by the costal line, back into the stream, we shall see more latter in background etc. 


Calvin Streeting









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And we finaly hit the Harbour. and light house.


Just Like a before ply and air dry clay. 


1. cut ply to shape

2. roll out a sheet of air clay

3. paint PVA on ply

4  press clay onto ply smoth and trim as neaded

5. leave a good heavy book on it and do something else for a few days.


then using match sticks (i filed trenchs for them to fit into, and add some bash boards using wooden coffee stir things cut down (thanks CostAlot coffee i will redem my money in usefull sticks. :) )


Painted as before I added a old row boat (printed titanic life boat), to which i took a dremal to make a wrotten hole in it as i want the resin water to get inside the boat. ad i also drew some anchor points and a Petrol tank for the forge (its turning into a garge, like old forges did)


Also drew and printed of a steel staircase that goes over the older very worn old stone steps, and beded in the lighthouse. I shoed a friend and he said "put old lobster pot's in that boat" so i worked that out :) note one photo shows the first one way to bright it stands out to much, so i dulled them down a bit.


Calvin Streeting


oo and spot the Old wodden jetty :) 












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this ment i could now dirt, snad, and grass the next quater of the loops. from road down to harbour.


I added a some bard wire fencing (made from cut down match sticks and 1 wire cut from the wire mesh i have. and built a stlye for one foot path from match sticks and coffe stir things  One think to note/see is the stone walls respect the Monistory, and also form strip plots of land that would have gone down to sea, before the railway came, hence barb wire where railway cuts and stone else where. You will even see the road down the side of Coach House and Forge is also cut by railway.


and also added some old chain, and some wool for old rope :) and as one tunnel mouth sliped when drying i drew, printed some wooden braces (maby it just subsided)


calvin streeting


not much more to go (only 6 months to catch up ish) now :) and wish it read rotation of images












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Now lets go back into town, and start with roads and pavements, First wills paving is cut into thin strips for the kerbs and glued this stuf can be bent sloly to form the cuves, i then check the sight lines with a camra.. note the way very few building respect the road line as they where there first :)  the curbs ar also sanded to get the drop kerbs. Pavemnt is then add using same wills paving.


then with a jar of watter at hand i roll a thin 1mm thick strip (about 30mm wide). Paint PVA on road and smothed it toward the kerb to get the camber (a finger dipped in water helps to smoth it) and defects/bumps dosn't matter to much as pot hols etc and this is a old road. and a base coat of various grays (mixed buff and black, not white and black, to get warmer colour).


then as the retaining wall slowy heads south, bay by bay. i started working on the section between the fordge and railway, aka geting older braket signal postion visually right and all that pointed out is that i need some / lots of telegraph poles.. :) (so started learning about them, more latter)


I also designed, and printed a test platform canopy end and some lineside boxes.


Calvin Streeting
















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So the area between Coach House, Forge and railway is an old cut. and i wanted some certain features.


1. The road that heads down the hill past coach house should be simply cut of (and remlents of it on other side of line, can be seen in first photo) 

2  A water tower that feeds most if not all of the station needs, from locos, to station heating. This needs to match the origanl retainwall and bridge style, but be butcherd a bit by modern alterations. also note this water tower is fed from the stream by the sluce gates, and will need its own, and thus i need run off pipes, also i do not want to put a roof on it so i can play with resin water, before i get to the stream, and harbour.


So out came the pencil, and then CAD I came up with this, parts like the top of piers use same stone work as the main wall, I also put part of the lower older platform in, and that will be part built over in time. also i blocked up one window, so i can drop more smaller pipes across the wall toward the station building.


I ask a frind whats in side these things and he described to me one from bluebell hill (double ball valve and water level guage, all added).


Windows and featurs printed but with the main building in 1mm plastikard face with embosed stone. primed, filled, painted, dirt will come latter as the hole thing needs to be done in one go as i need several layers of dirt across a long section. (but have put a final with dirt photo as we are nearish end/today)


Calvin Streeting


Oh and i could print telegraph poles.


and this is were i will point out that most (if not all) of my models are avalible to download from https://www.thingiverse.com/calvinstreeting/about (i waited as wanted to get past this point :) before i linked the two sites.



















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Now thats done. :) i worked toward getting the station building completed. and this ment drawing the interoirs (same way as the cafe, printed on card and slide in from top, and roof glued on.) and i also drew and printed some book cases benches desks, fileing cabnets, ticket machines etc.. ) and then lights 5 seperate circuits for lights. the outside lamps were printed and not trying to hide the wires, but paint them to look like the gas pipes adds some detail. and once building was completed i stated on the pavement  using same method as roads, but a few things to note.


1. this is a cobbled old entrance

2. the older curved station wall now porped up (and a low level bilboard will latter go there)

3. and this is not the first station building, its been shoe hornd in but creates a lovely little film noir sence with the steps down from road level.


Calvin Streeting


ooo and went to Venice :) 















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Now lets go back and talk electronics control etc for a bit


The final resting place for all the wires (altot of them) is here were we have a Raspberry PI 3 running rocrail, conected to a PR3 and banks of locoIO's for (mid) block detection, (Right) for the lighting circuits with mosfet switches and room to expand, and has done a bit since the photo, incuding adding the servo control boards for turnouts.


Another thing you might have noticed is the colour of the light in the room keeps chaging, (not photoshop :) ) thats becuase the room has 3 Philips Hue Bulbs that change with the model (scale) time, using a python scriipt it simply uses a 1 x 24 pixal image and grabs the RGB for the time and one for hour before and one for hour after so the sun rises and passes over head and sets. part of this layout idea was to create a thing to sit and watch, which i do do :) and days (scaled) pass by with shops opening in morning and pub open late, etc.. :) an distance plafform anocment mumbles, the signal changes, guard whistles and train departs. :) 


to show some of this here is a few sample images


Calvin Streeting


If you want more info on any of that tech stuff i lightly touched let me know :) 












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My we are gettng close to today :)


Next part was to get the station wall in (you will see what i meen) this ment finishing the lower retaining wall, building a culvert under lower main line, and iron bridge bits (to span it). i also added another light siganl for aproach to platfrom 7, this had been bolted with no care to side of old wall (old meets new) and then as this is boggy ground i drew and printed some suspended concrete cable troughs. and started to mock up the wall, draw, print and glue paint the windows. (rember these ones are two sided) then plasticard each section of the wall built upon the old wall after they removed the pier tops. and to add insult to injury when latter lower platfroms 7 and 8 went in the canopy would meen i brick up the lower part of windows and extend hight of wall at end, also cut open one window for latter footbridge etc.


All of this needed to be done so i could air clay and paint the platforms and then finaly glue station bulding in place. :) phew... 


Calvin Streeting


and test station kisok and platrom master box ideas :)















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so we finaly reach today and to celebrate now Comes some DIRTY pics.. :)


As we paint and get filthy all of that stone work back to the briges :) and add the dirt and sand, grass and some brables to this section.


I hope you have enjoyed this story so far as you can see i still have a long way to go, so there should be more posts latter but not so oftern the plan is do other end and meet in middle :) and finish that canopy :) but first canal :)


Calvin Streeting















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This weekend i managed to put lights into end warehouse, (not wired up yet tho) and also built the old retaingwall near the pump house. Its simple low relif work as it faces corner of room at the back and to be honest might not even be scene (unless i put a camera on a train, theres an idea :)


As you can see from the first photo alot here is a lie to trick the perspective and lead people to think the line goes straight on. the next lie will be the coach shed that will end and the track carry on under a upper canal wharf and buildings. 


I must add more dirt as the warehouse looks a bit patchy and might lightern up the brick a bit, once checked with the rest in daylight.


Calvin Streeting












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Hi All


Not as much progress as i hoped (mainly to illness at weekend) so i spent some time drawing up new buldings for canal yard.


This area is over end loop of track and will be cobbled roadway with yard track bedded in. I want it to be working track but with very tight curves (typical yard style) for 0-4-0 shunters etc (hence asking about custom hand built track)... ,it will be feed from main line by a incline, through a gated entrance.So we need


1. A Yard Office

2. Canal warehouses

3. an old pub (yard workers need a drink) called something like the "Queen Anne" to show its age


These buildings need to either respect the canal, or the railway, or niether as older than both. and i dont like things 100% square. :) but i thought i would outline the prosses i use so far


1. Basic hand draw skecthes to get proportion's and feel correct (alot of use of the goldern rectangle, for that pleaseeing look)

2. Drawn in AutoCAD to respect the proportion's but to get them to the correct scale

3. print out and stick to foam board a mock up and correct as needed by studying photos (which i sketch over, love galaxy note phone)


then drawup windows and other bits needed in 3d to print.. (thats what i am now doing) and next will be using printed cad templates to cut plastikard, but not 100% as not square 100 year old thing lean slightly, like i do.. :) and i not 100 yet :)









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Today i managed to get the old forge petrol tank in (main item is 3d printed https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3388709, like the petrol pump yet to be painted, and signs need adding but got them the right colour to blend in not stand out and distract from all that.) the pipes are mains cable with bits of insulator placed at points to represent vent, gauge, in and out pipes.


Also got more barbed wire fencing in place slow going that stuff (easyer and quicker in real life). and must start building those warehouses. :) but think i have the perspective nearly right not 100% yet 


So feet up lights on daylight simulation as i do like the view from my study desk :) you can see some of those stratigic views through trees.. etc







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so lets see if this posting works ;) after the upgrade

Due to not being able to access this site i got on and started on one of the canal side warehouse.  going to be complex to put in place as want the watet (resin) to go under doors etc

The windows are avalible to download from here. https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2252771

ooooooo like the new uploader :) 





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blimey finished (not painted).. from concept to built. the missing peice of tin from the roof, will be rusting on the bottom of the canal :)  and allows structure to be seen 







just need to work out brick colour etc.. ooh and a name to write down the chimney :)

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14 minutes ago, Icra said:

Calvin as you know :) I'm a big fan.  First you are the only one who is taking the FDM printing to extreme. Second I like your sketches alot.


Is the canal boat resin printed?



thanks.. :) i bought a 3d printer to speed up makeing windows, as that terace house made my fingers hurt (each window was 3 seperate layers of plasticard, to get the lower sash window in a bit, in that typical familur way), But the bloady thing slowed me down as i keep adding more detail and stuff. Its not good enough for all things as only cheap chiness crap bodged, modified and repaired kit printer, but if i work/draw to its limits its ok


I kind of grew up around drawing, and worked as a draftman since 14 years old (pen and tracing paper), taught by a very old school draftman (who i admired for the detail) he taught me to draw like the old school plans we all see, and i love them. proper drawings. see "sir banister history of architecture" my copy is falling apart


The resin boat is a printed version (i think) but was bought for a xmas present from my brother, its really nice :)


I need a company name for the ware house was thinking "Barge Poll Carryings" "you buy it we move it".. but not 100% sure yet :)

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So update... my finger hurts from cuttiing plastic and wood :) 


so i have been working on the canal end of layout where a yard track will be feed from station up a incline past some gates (considering servo's for those :) ) and into the wharf yard. you may remeber i posted a skectch of yard office and old "queen anne" 17th century pub




Drawn up in autocad, and windows made 3d and printed.. we start with the yard office (the overhang will have wodden beams supporting it, and old fireplace probably for selling food from, but now for storage of barels and stuff.





mock up v model :) 



and a quick check to see it in place (near incline, pavement will be level and railings + steps etc.. 




So next onto Pub.. this being very old will have some harry potter diagona ally style bay windows, another overhang with ornate posts. and new sash wndows from a latter referb/upgrade of facade.


this is ply as wll be coated in air dry clay to get render finish, and in places the render will have failed and expose brickwork.. but first wood glue needs to dry




nothing is straight here :) as its old pub.. :) 20190209_165708.jpg.2742735030c9ac55aa09a1445c754964.jpg20190209_165726.jpg.3b31f4cde0ba4728f6a5d3cae403b9ad.jpg



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ok after ply wood glue dried.. a few cut down coffe stirrers (thnks costa alot coffe).... :) glued in place and 2 bits of plastikard brick work.



then rolled out some clay to about 1mm, painted wood with pva and added clay (and smoothed out with water and old steel ruller..


after dried printed windows, and sanded flatter





i thnk it looks ok.. :)


next need to hover as made a mess... :) and borrow wifes sharpies to make some leaded glass.. :) oo and a roof

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