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Inverkeilor station layout


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Most of the track on the above pictures is now ballasted, that will be weathered later on, just nice to get that done and the track secured in place, next task is to construct the two station platforms and the two tiered goods loading platform, this will then allow the last of the yard track to be ballasted and stuck down, then more scenic. After much trawling of the 'tinternet, it seems I shall have to scratch build the buildings for both station and yard. Tried the advice of Caley Jim and used the wall paper paste idea on the foam and it seems to have worked a treat, just some 2mm grass for a base coat, I shall add some longer grass and brambles/shrubs later, probably use either hairspray or aerosol glue for that.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Whilst photographing the Aberdonian passing through the station on Thursday I got chatting to another ex pupil of the village school during the late 1950's to early 1960's, so a fair bit more information gleaned, seems there were conveyors of some sort that were used on the loading platform to load up the sugar beet, anyone any ideas about these?

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A bit more work done today, the signal box is not the correct one, just one I have for now, long grass next to be added along with some black ash to sprinkle on the yard area. Station buildings to be built and also a building by the yard entrance, I have not yet found out if this was for the coal merchant or if it was part of the railway yard office buildings.

The station railings are also tempory, the originals were white wooden ones.



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Another 4 hours in TOSH, finished installing the last board, just the lifting section in front of the doors to design. The up fiddle yard needs 3 points to finish it and that will be the track completed, some items ordered for scenic work, just need to get on with the station buildings and yard items next. Locos have run over the track and the 2-8-0 gets round the bends ok, the 2-10-0 is going to be sold or swapped as not required on this layout, which is a pity as I like the old "stinks".

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Started to build the lift out section for the door way, as it's a double door I have gone for two sections and lifting up on hinges, this side will not be lifted very often as I don't usually open both doors unless there's something big to move. I have hinged the support leg and fitted a fastener, just to make it easier to handle as it's 43 and a 1/2 inches tall(this was to allow two chest of draws to fit underneath, also gives better access and storage underneath).




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Track laying is now complete apart from the second lifting section, which couldn't be fitted as I am one hinge short would you believe, will pop into the iron mongers tomorrow and hopefully get the circuit completed, the new loco looks a belter, needs a bit of running in, but really looks the part, for a RTR loco it is built to a very good standard. A bit dull to take pictures, will try tomorrow.

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A quick shot to show the finished exit end of the up fiddle/storage area, I used 3 way points on both of the yards as they do save space, picked this one up on ebay for under £30 brand new, so I thought a bargain too.


ps might help if I add the image...………………………...doh


Edited by tigerburnie
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Final section of the lift bridge is built and tested, track fixed to it, just need to run power to these sections from the bus bar to run trains, trialed a coach over it and all worked ok without any derailments, hopefully done for tomorrow, then it's back to the building of the signal box and yard/station buildings. I got a copy of a 1953 Working Timetable, but this is for passenger trains only, trying to source freight timetable as well if I can find one.

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On 30/07/2019 at 20:48, tigerburnie said:

A question for all, I guess locos were not present at this station yard for long, but was there a water tower, I cannot see one on the two pictures I have? Thanks.


As far as I am aware there was never any water between Arbroath and Montrose.


Inverkeilor did have a turn-back passenger service from Arbroath on Saturday afternoons before WW1, but it was not far enough for the return trip to empty the tanks.




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Finally completed the track work, trains run round all the loops through the fiddle yards and over the bridges, I have used dowel to get the lifting bridge to sit down in the right place, seems to work well, time will tell if the hinges and dowel will wear or not. Lots of work to do on the scenic side to complete now. The new A4 is running well now it's run in and the B1 and O2 are also benefitting from a good run round, off to St. Andrews exhibition tomorrow, so might be adding to the stock, need something with sound at some point.

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After a visit to St.Andrews exhibition, we are now running on steam, a rather tasty Hornby Black 5 with sound fitted, I now need to get a better controller to access all the sounds it can make, although the EZ command does work after a fashion. Got a bug for the sound now, so will be looking to either add to the stock or fit sound to my existing locos. My wife took some video, if I can work out how to do it, I'll try posting it.

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The vids on my wifes phone are not great, will try again, in the mean time here's a couple of images of the lift up section I use daily, the top image shows the location dowel, I will add one to the other side as well, but will wait as I don't really want both wearing out at the same time, they are removable, so can be replaced and with bigger ones if required. The wiring is using 2mm single core, so I wrapped a bit round my finger to give a spring effect that shouldn't break through fatigue as fast as it would just flexing.



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4 hours ago, Torper said:

As this topic has moved away from the prototype and now concentrates on building a layout, should it not perhaps be better suited to Layout Topics?



I thought it a bit of both really, I was hoping folk might have some input if it was not close to the prototype, but I get your point, problem is I don't actually know how to move it.

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As I will have a lot of questions directly concerned with the prototype, I will still need a thread here, so I have just started a new thread in the Layout section with a link to here, so one for modelling and one for prototype questions. The next question I have is what would be a suitable vehicle for the coal merchant in the yard, in the early 1950's would it have been horse drawn?

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One of the retired coal merchants in central Sutherland delivered coal by lorry in the 1950s - I believe horse and cart may still have been used in the 1950s by folk from outlying villages to collect coal from the smaller rural stations. From my memory of coal deliveries to our flat in Edinburgh, the merchant used a flatbed lorry - a quick check on the internet should provide details of the 1950s models available in your scale. 

Edited by Marly51
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