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Plux22 Decoder in a Plux16 Socket?


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Sounds stupid but can I plug a plux21 plux22 pin decoder into a plux16 socket?

The extra aux on the other pins, which would just stick out by the sides won't be needed as it's just for powering lights.




I have a spare plux22 pin decoder and would rather use that than buy an adapter harness for an 8-pin decoder, as that's quite wasteful.


Might be tricky though as this is for a DVT, so I'd be programming it to the same number as the loco, which has a few lighting configurations on later F numbers.  Not sure what will happen with those.


I'm sort of thinking ye, because an adapter board from ESU only has the 12 pins, but it says you can use them in any plux12 / plux16 / plux22 socket - I guess so long as the index pin goes into the right slot, the decoder will work on what it has?



Edited by Sir TophamHatt
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There is no such thing as  PluX21 .


I assume you mean PluX22 ?


The PluX specification is intended that same size or smaller decoders can fit into the available socket.


e.g. For a 22-pin socket, you can fit  22, 16 12 & 8 pin decoders.  For a 16-pin socket, you can fit 16, 12 & 8 pin decoders.


Your example of the adapter board = fitting a smaller 12-pin board into the same size or larger socket (12, 16 or 22).  

Just as I've described.


I don't believe you are meant to (or can) fit a 22-pin decoder into a smaller socket.









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Not meant to, but it is possible :P


I was trying to do other things this afternoon but my curiosity got the better of me, so thought I'd fit the Plux22 and test it on the SPROG.  I presumed it was somewhat safe because if I couldn't program the chip, then I guess it wouldn't work.  It's not like full layout power was being applied to the SPROG track.


No motor on board so the SPROG couldn't "see" the decoder.  As it's a brand new chip, I fired up a throttle with number 3 and couldn't see any lights.


The decoder didn't seem to fit very neatly in the socket as it's a bit too wide for the space and the extra pins either side of the socket are probably causing it to stick out of the socket a bit more than normal.  I thought perhaps I could snip off the extra pins on the decoder but didn't want to ruin it if it wasn't going to work anyway.


Was just about to take it off and saw the lights were shining fine!  My SPROG track is on a shelf about 20cm above my head and the lights are low down on the unit, so didn't see it before.

A quick test and all seems to be working fine!


Not ideal, but now it's in and working, I'm unlikely to need to change it.


And yes, I meant Plux22 :P

Edited by Sir TophamHatt
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  • 1 month later...

Sorry but I've only just found this topic.


Basically you can plux a lower number into a higher socket but not the other way round.


plux12 and plux16 can go into a plux22 socket but plux22 can't go in anything except a plux22 socket.


Sounds like you have ti working so I won't change anything :)



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Plux22 works from the centre of the connector outwards, thus the basic (essential) input and motor functions  are in the middle. That's why a PluX12 or 16 decoder works in a 22 pin socket!


As PluX 22 decoders follow the same concept, as long as the index pin is correctly located and the 6 unused pins are either cut off or clear of any external 'obstructions', there's no LOGICAL reason why a PluX 22 decoder in a Plux 12 or 16 socket should not work



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The main issue is going to be space. If there is room to fit a full size PluX-22  decoder then there will be room to fit a 22-pin socket.


PluX-16 sockets are likely to be found in narrow bodied locos (N-gauge for example) where a larger decoder cannot be accommodated.


Some manufacturers (Zimo for example) make decoders that are much smaller than the allowed space, so for example they will supply some 22-pin decoders with just 16-pins because they are small enough to fit the 16-pin space - one of these in 22-pin guise will most likely fit in a 16-pin socket.


Motor only decoders are smaller than sound decoders so you may be able to get away with fitting a 22-pin motor only decoder in a 16-pin socket intended for a sound decoder.

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20 hours ago, Suzie said:

Some manufacturers (Zimo for example) make decoders that are much smaller than the allowed space, so for example they will supply some 22-pin decoders with just 16-pins because they are small enough to fit the 16-pin space - one of these in 22-pin guise will most likely fit in a 16-pin socket.


If it only has 16 pins, is it not a PluX 16?

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Zimo MX633 is a PluX-22 decoder that is small enough to fit in a PluX-16 space for a sound decoder. 


Zimo MX645 is PluX-22 and almost fits in a PluX-16 space - it is 2mm too long (but they make it as PluX-16 anyway!)

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