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Heljan Met Vic Locos eg. Sarah Siddons

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Why are the NEM couplings so low - loco is virtually useless as it will not couple to other stock . Superb in every other respect. Surly there is a model railway OO standard for NEM style coupling heights? Extremely cheesed off given the price.


Any one else had the problem and if so what have you done to resolve?

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  • RMweb Premium

Surly there is a model railway OO standard for NEM style coupling heights?

There is a published standard for 00 NEM pockets from DOGA, http://www.doubleogauge.com/standards/couplings.htm which essentially copies the MOROP H0 standard. But DOGA have no power to enforce the standard so some manufacturers use it,  some don't and some do some of the time.

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