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Unifrog point wiring.


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Currently im using modified code 100 electrofrogs with the polarity being switched with dcc80 autofrogs.


Im considering swapping to code 75 and at the same time using the newer bullhead points. These are unifrog. 


Ive used unofrogs before with the 0 scale set track points and one power feed fed power to the entire layout so all routes were live, but as it was a simple end to end I didn't do any additional wiring


So with the bullhead points do I still need to modify them and can I still use the dcc 80 to switch poliarty?

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As far as  I have read about the Unifrog, already modified & the frog can be left dead or wired to a device to switch it so I guess the DCC80 would do the trick.

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Out of the box Unifrog points need no modification

There are bridges under the point to link all the RH rails(see yellow arrows) together & all the LH rails together (red arrows)

There is a wire from the frog, green arrow indicates its end

If left disconnected there is about 25mm of dead track at the frog

Depending on what locos that you run through the point you may not need to power the frog

With an unpowered frog 0-4-0  & other short wheelbase locos could stall

The frog could be powered with a switch interlocked with the point blades or a frog juicer as  Sol said

2 hours ago, Sol said:

so I guess the DCC80 would do the trick.






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  • RMweb Gold

I decided to try them without wiring the frog but when  I laid them I made sure that  the wire from the frog passed through the baseboard in case I needed to make the frog live in future.  I haven’t needed to do this but the wiring is still in place should it ever prove necessary.  The  shortest wheelbase I use is a class 08 0-6-0 shutter and it is fine with them.

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