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Hello, this is not much of a serious plan but I am considering the idea...

Before the Manuel to Slamannan portion was closed in the 1930s, the Bo'ness junction saw traffic down the branch line from the NBR and at one point the CR, whilst up above expresses thundered past on the E&GR / NBR / LNER such as the Queen of Scots. I think it would look nice as a model, but it might need a lot of space because of the large yard where there was even a turntable. (Side note, if I wanted to make a small micro layout of a branch line shed on the Borrowstounness and Slamannan Railway, does anyone know where I should be looking?


Here's the overall picture: https://maps.nls.uk/geo/explore/#zoom=17&lat=55.97803&lon=-3.65573&layers=168&b=1


And my new topic on modelling Waverley up the line, the thread this is sort of like the ugly sister of: 



Looking forward to hearing from people,



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Tricky location to get information about, but a very interesting one. I had a look around the internet last year after discovering that my grandad occassionally worked in the signal box there.  Not your era, but:


Bo'ness Junction 20xxx coal from Kinneil Colliery 150975


More helpfully, the excellent "Vanished Railways of West Lothian" by Harry Knox has some photos of the stations and the yard and, near the back of the book, another photo of the yard. I think the images are from around 1960.  I haven't seen any image of the old engine facilities. 


The book also covers part of the line toward Slamannan and there is more information about that line on the Railscot website.


And finally:



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