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Lockdown 3 taking the opportunity


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Lockdown 3 is here and for the  foreseeable future and whatever personal opinions are have to hunker down once more. Lockdown 1 was dealt with by building a small lockdown layout called Kiln Lane taking advantage of being able to work outside or in the garage.


lockdown 2 was more a problem. A much more negative experience, drifting along. No exhibitions to attend and less opportunity to spend in garage. No club access and club layout building halted once more. 


Decided that 3 has to be different but unless above 6 degrees outside work in garage is out. So the aim is to tackle each day the little jobs that mean a model that was nearly finished by adding detailing, re numbering, or repair.  Hopefully will mean that by the end of lockdown will have something positive to show for the days, weeks in isolation.


As such this may not be much use to others but hopefully will keep  me positive during lockdown 3.


Day 1


Painting and weathering fence panels for CHIRM, the layout in the garage.


added handrails and missing ladder to transit caboose.


created plasticard stone blocks for stone traffic on CHIRM.



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Day 3 spent mostly on hands and knees picking up and sorting out the spares and might come in handy one day box that took a nose dive to the floor courtesy of Big Cat who thought he was being helpful.


on a more positive front truck to be used used in the CHIRM timber  yard was completed 


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Day 4. time spent sorting out a problem with EDF. Managed to see mam through window at her care home. Middle of Feb will see 1 year of not leaving the care home grounds.  

today‘s task is working on the waste stone trailer to be used on CHIRM and the small crane built supposedly on site to move stone products packed in crates onto freight cars.




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Day 5. On the whole a frustrating day as it became apparent why some of the projects were unfinished! Made a decision that if parts too poorly finished, , assembled poorly or too many bits required to purchase then it heads for the great scrap heap in the sky. Some of the unfinished items go back more than 30 years and the blobby has moved on greatly since a lot of the models of those days.


On a more positive note added representations of stabilisers to stone crane and liquid windows to cabs.


3 plate wagons for Kiln Lane.


couple of Grampus in black livery for Kiln Lane 





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Day 7 and one week into Lockdown 3 modelling. Temperature above 6 C so could get into garage. However not  a good day, the modelling gods conspired against me and the stock box containing the stock for Kiln Lane built in lockdown 1 took a dive to the floor resulting in wagon and loco carnage. Will assess damage tomorrow when in better mood. 

2nd accident today was on CHIRM the US layout in the garage. Had put in dead section so if lift out not in place Loco would not take a nose dive. However if the Loco is  propelling freight cars then of course the dead section  only works after freight cars have been launched into the void! Kadees held train together except for 1 box car requiring new bogies, couplings. 

On a more positive front did add fence to around classic car garage. 




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Day 8 and the butchers bill of the stock Box crash is 2 16 ton wagons minus an axleguard each, various brake levers, class 31 louvred popped out and various couplings bent or smashed off. Perhaps I need to consider putting the locos in the bottom tier rather than the top next time. 

on a more positive note planted a corner of the lift out section on CHIRM. 36 plants do not go very far! Aim being to plant a similar number on the fixed side 



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Day 9. What a difference a day makes. Yesterday a walk in bright sunshine, today freezing rain so no garage today. Added additional ground cover to bridge, obligatory wildlife and on the bridge the box car that took a dive to the floor the other day. New kadees, bogies and a medium weathering. That concludes Day 9 modelling tasks. 


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Day 10. Snow day today, cats not happy and expected delivery of some needed bits not here, but given the weather and covid they will come another day. 

completed and weathered the stone mill crane. When it is warmer just needs attaching to the gantry  and job done.


Monon caboose not strictly accurate but good representation of an International Version. Was missing ends, walk boards end ladders and needed kadees.


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Day 12 and warmer day, even balmy compared to last couples some Garage time. On the bench found a couple of covered hoppers that must have been off a second hand stall. Idea covert to stone dust traffic for use on CHIRM. If cannot find the missing lids looks like fpgoing to be busy making them.


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Day 13. good weather outside and forecast of ark building weather next week so little  modelling tasks completed today as outside jobs took priority. However did. clear up the fiddleyard of all the stuff that was dumped there and finished the fences on the wooden bridge.


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Day 15. not a lot of modelling done due to 6 month old grandson Issac paying a visit, so lots of playing horses and watching him try to eat all his toys! A food delivery was repeated and company says keep the food so will be dining out well for next few days!


On the modelling front 3 Parkside kits in various stages of completion. Ex LNER long CCT is more or less complete but less happy situation with its ex LMS chums.one missing roof completely, one buffer, no brake gear, the other complete except roof in bits and not all bits are there. Missing brake gear completes its story.


all destined for use on Kiln Lane as a short evening parcels train which feeds into a large formation further on down the line.




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Day 16 and another extremely wet day outside, cats stir crazy as they hate the rain. Some progress today. Made up new footboard for the ex LNER CCT. There is an excellent example at the end of Pickering station platform 1 of the real thing.


Started to repair the smashed roof of the ex LMS CCT, needs more pieces melding in. No sign of second roof so will have to make one. Replacement buffers on other example except forgot to file a flat on the round buffers so the imaginary staff using this van cannot open the drop down end doors. Will file carefully this evening watching the telly. 

found a Cambrian mermaid kit. It’s missing one full solebar and axles boxes but if anybody’s wants it PM to sort it out.


found another trestle wagon kit so will complete giving Kiln Lane 4 steel plate carrying wagons.




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Day17 and a day of showers, usually when decided to venture out! Looking at the trestle parts for the trestle wagon they had to too many injection pin holes, flash etc so since the missing side is in the kit converted it back to a plate wagon.


51L steel head buffers from Wizard completes the model. Used an old tin of Precision Paints 1948 to 64 wagon freight grey and did stir it well but has dried shiney not matt. Any ideas anyone as  to the problem.


Despite having a load of wagon transfers no plate wagon items so order made.


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  • RMweb Gold

Interesting lockdown experiences. 
Having decided to make a spare room a layout room - that is, the layout fills the room - I too have realised the challenge of having to carry out some work in the freezing garage. Once the lower level boards (2’ wide around the 11’6” x 6’6” room) were in place, all the work on tracklaying and below-board wiring on the upper terminus station boards had to go on in the garage. No room to manoeuvre and turn upside down in layout room.

Even if I wrapped up well, some days my fingers froze after about a hour, making holding a screwdriver, soldering iron etc impossible. Just now got those boards inside in the warm.

At least the feeling of progress - albeit slow - is worth bottling.

Good luck.

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Day 19. handrails fitted to the ex LNER CCT. Despite having packets of this and that in fittings no roof ventilators to be found so order placed.


roof profile of ex LMS CCT reprofiled with bottom rain strip added. 

a non running 8F.Motor does not work. Old model but aiming to make it into a model that can be used to run as a couple of light engines on Kiln Lane.





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Day 20. Bitter  out today so an side modelling day of little tasks.


made progress with ex LMS CCTs with 2nd example roof made out of 10 thou plasticard. Rainstrips added though look dodgy and will be modified.


took out the tender motor in the 8f and now have a free running tender and chassis. Painted grimy black and will be numbered 48175, would have a welded tender and  a Royston shed engine.


going to remove rivet detail buffer beam engine, replace whistle, add a fall plate, crew and fire irons then weather as in need of some care and attention.



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Day 21 Most of the day spent at mam‘s Bungalow waiting for replacement garage door to come and be fitted so not as much modelling time but did manage to apply 3 thin washes of Lifecolour carriage grime to sides with grimy black on roofs. Will need to put away as awaiting 14 mm brake shoes and ventilators.




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Day 22. expected to be at the garage whilst car serviced but garage unable to open the bonnet as latch mechanism stuck so no MOT no service. However the parts are covered under warranty so another go later this week.


A shared covid project with a good friend. He has a friend with whom he travels on photographic trips but 2020 etc not the best year. However said friend always like Britannia Iron Duke and I am to rename and number and he will construct a presentation plinth. When complete and allowed then will be handed over. 



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Day 24 and looking like there will be at least the same number of days again. After a fifty year gap have started to write once more and now modelling time is being shared with 1000 words a day. Will see where it leads to. 

Grandson Issac time to day so lots of bouncing on knee whilst he tugged at beard. What a shame lockdown is reducing opportunities to mix with other babies.


modelling time spent on front end of unpowered 8F. Lifting holes drilled at front and played around with fitting front steps. Full size steps are  hit by front pony wheels so ended up very thin and undersized but Model looks better with some semblance of steps. If remove the front wheel guards then will get more front bogie swing clearance so might go for that. 

rest of time filing away the hook and bar mounting point on rear of tender chassis to allow fitting of Sprat and Winkle coupling. 



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