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The vac cylinder castings have two projections at 180 degrees to each other; one is wider than the other and has more detail on its end than the other. Struggling to work out how it should be orientated in relationship to the cross rod between vee hangers and would be grateful for any confirmation.

Edited by Butler Henderson
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  • Butler Henderson changed the title to Vac cylinder orientation - Comet USC1 SR Underframe castings

Finally found an old second-hand example of UCS1 which has been hiding for the last week - so now I know what you're talking about !

I can't see anything in Mike King's 'bible' that shows which way round the cylinders should go and a) they'll be pretty well invisible once in place ( OK you'll KNOW that you don't know - if you know what I mean ) - b) knowing Comet, they're probably 'generic' components anyway. Having said that, the dynamo and battery boxes in this kit are not generic and are, indeed, Southern pattern - BUT they're only suitable for coaches built from 1935 or so onwards so check your prototype ! 

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