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Hi all. I have just constructed a few beer garden benches from scrap modelling mahogany sheet - I'm sure this must have been covered before, but shout if I can suggest dimensions, etc. 


Also uses pastel fixative which enhances the wood grain and disguises any superglue stains :-) 




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OK since no one is asking, and I am not by a PC tomorrow in case someone does, here goes:


Wood - 1/32nd (0.8mm) Mahogany sheet from an aero model shop or


(one sheet makes dozens of benches – leftovers useful elsewhere)




- Bench end frames are made from 2mm strips (draw a simple side-on diagram on a sheet of paper and use as a template – see attached with mahogany frame awaiting trimming)

- Each end frame is 10mm from ground to top; 5mm from ground to the top of the bench rest crossbeam

- Construct end frames from long (2-3 inch) 2mm strips then trim afterwards. Longer strips are much more easily aligned/held if you have 10 thumbs (as I do)

- Table tops are 25mm x 15mm; each bench seat is 25mm x 4mm

- Use superglue throughout (I applied tiny drops with a glass head modelling pin)

- (Optional) When complete, spray with artists’ pastel fixative (I used Frisk Graphic Art Materials because Other Half had some spare). This dries in minutes, darkens the wood, brings out the grain brilliantly and makes any superglue residue completely disappear

- Drink beer :nyam:



Bench - 1.jpg

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Thanks - working in HO scale on this one to match Preiser figures (although would probably work in OO). 


I stumbled on the artists’ pastel fixative thanks to OH. It works remarkably well and really does highlight the surface of the wood (bringing it to life), even from a distance. Probably helps seal the surface and repel dust, too. 


Haven't tried brollies yet! 



PS - haven't had so much success with balsa on this sort of thing as it can rip/tear. Mahogany is so crisp



Edited by AlanRM
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