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Stanley Bridge ( coming up for the second time )


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Hello all, 


 A bit of history to start.


Stanley bridge mk1 was started in 2017, a three track mainline with a fiddle yard beneath and the layout crossing diagonally, WCML with a diverging branch. Due to personal circumstances changing it’s in long term storage and probably will be there a while. 

Jump forward 4 years, I have a new home, boxes and boxes of both N gauge and 00 stock, track, scenery etc which hasn’t really seen the light of day for quite some time. I recently built a small n gauge layout using odds and sods which whilst enjoyable was purely to get my mojo going and get some trains running! 

I’ve also thinned out some stock, you never really realise what you have till it’s in boxes, ( lots of boxes!! ). 

So…… Stanley Bridge mk2. 

I like the name, it has family ties. So why not?

New home is getting renovated, and one dark evening a few weeks ago I may of had one to many light ales….. looked at an eggshell door that I had removed and thought… I know, I’ll build two loops of track just to let the trains stretch there legs! 

Out came the tools and some track and within a few hours I had trains running, I then started adding a few things, bay platform, short branch, 4 track mainline on opposite side of station, my usual method of seeing what looks right as I went along. 

At the moment it’s nice just to watch the trains go by, the layout will have no fiddle yard as such and will be scenic throughout, although both sides will be separated by trees etc to create two scenes.


Hopefully there will be regular updates. 


Not the greatest of pictures, but gives an overall view of whats going on. 







Edited by shanks522
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  • shanks522 changed the title to Stanley Bridge ( coming up for the second time )

Hello all, 


 Two steps forward and three back! 

One side of the layout will depict a four track mainline, two lines of the circuit and the inner two will be a long loop with a shuttle unit to have a unit or loco trundling up and down. 

I want to keep it as simple as possible, the shuttle unit is installed but I need the points to change so the loco/unit runs right road, I’ve done sprung points before in N so no big deal. Well it wasn’t a big deal till I started fiddling! I managed to snap the blades of the curved point which has ruined it, I’ve  dug out a spare medium one which will do temporarily till I decide how I’m going to repair it permanently. 







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Hello all, 


 Dodgy point has been removed and replaced. Attention has turned to getting the four track section glued into place, I’ve done three out of the four and also started mocking up the tunnels at one end, I’ll be using scalescenes and I wasn’t sure about size so I’ve increased it slightly to see what looks right with catenery. 

 Also added a cant to all the curves, rather than use slithers of card or plastic, this time I’ve used sliced sections of bluetac, it’s worked quite well as you can adjust the levels much easier before glueing  into place. 








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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello all, 


 First try at a scalescenes kit, I’ve never used printed scenery/buildings before but after seeing the excellent results on Chandwell I thought I’d have a little dabble, granted it’s only a tunnel mouth, and so far this is just a test build to get a feel for how they go together. I’ve made a few mistakes but we’re getting there, fairly happy of what I need to do so I’ll start on the proper one soon. 






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On 10/07/2021 at 09:16, porkie said:

The brick work looks superb on the bridge fella 

cheers Phil, 


 All scalescenes work thankfully, I was a bit apprehensive about using printed stuff but after seeing what can be done on the Chandwell layout I’m well pleased. 


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  • 4 weeks later...

Hello all, 


 little absence from the layout as I’ve been working away, today however I got a tad impatient and made a start on some scenery, the usual cardboard form work then covered in plaster cloth, even threw some scatter down to see how it looks. 








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A question for you good sir. How did you redo the corridor connection of your DBSO as i'm looking at doing the same thing but that looks to be a very professional job so i wondered how you achieved it. I did ask Bachmann whether the corridor connection came off and the reply was buy one and find out. Needless to say i didnt bother with that and thought i'd wait to see if anyone else did the conversion first.



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13 hours ago, G-DIMB said:

A question for you good sir. How did you redo the corridor connection of your DBSO as i'm looking at doing the same thing but that looks to be a very professional job so i wondered how you achieved it. I did ask Bachmann whether the corridor connection came off and the reply was buy one and find out. Needless to say i didnt bother with that and thought i'd wait to see if anyone else did the conversion first.



Good morning, 


 The honest answer is I have no idea, I purchased the DBSO from an ebay seller who I have bought several items from, I have no connection other than a very satisfied customer. 

here’s the link https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Bachmann-FARISH-MK2-DRS-COMPASS-DBSO-9705-WITH-CREW-VERY-NICE-MODEL-DCC-READY-/184808843972?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&_trksid=p2349624.m46890.l6249&mkrid=710-127635-2958-0







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Hello all, 


Nice little delivery arrived today in the form of triple ecofrets, Mike and Ben have surpassed themselves yet again, absolutely fantastic wagon from Revolution! 





Also been playing with trees, I bought some cheap ones from China purely to bulk up the ones at the back, i have a fair amount of 3D model ones which are excellent but don’t fancy them getting lost in the distance, well not for what they cost! 



like I expected there nothing special, I dipped them in a watered down PVA mix then sprinkled various woodland scenic scatters over them to tone them down a little, I then went further by gluing in some foliage to change the size and bulk them up, a few had the scissor treatment as well. 



left to right, first one is the original, middle ones with just a dusting of scatter, and the third ones with additional foliage.


As they’ll be in the shadows I think they’ll work quite well. 





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6 hours ago, pitbull1845 said:

Hi Graham, 

Every time you do a new layout it makes me question whether I should give N  a go.

I really like the concept of this one. 

Keep up the good work.



Hi scott, 

Definately give N a go, but don’t take out what you’ve just built on Eastbury yard, it’s excellent! 


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  • 2 weeks later...

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