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Every now and then photographs appear that shout modelling potential.

Such a photo appeared today in a weekly inspiration trawl showing part of Bristol Barton Hill Depot.


Ironic as I have amassed so many books and publications over the years seeking ideas.


I was looking at the bumped thread started by class37418stag way back in May 2013 :blink:  and the excellent reply by Clive Mortimore regarding the different types of service exams and what they entail.


Simply put.


The layout title is just a title as I have to have one - but in essence it is hopefully what will loosely be portrayed not on the photograph itself but any general railway infrastructure and an adapted trackplan. 





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Every Thread has to start with a tittle, and every title has a meaning to its originator, and inspiration is the one thing that brings an idea to fruition. Looking at that pic, I can see so much inspiration and potential either side of that image, and its screaming to be modelled.


Clive @Clive Mortimore is a fountain of knowledge in such matters.


Go for it:good:

Edited by Andrew P
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  • chickensoup changed the title to "A" EXAM AND FUELLING
7 hours ago, Andrew P said:

Every Thread has to start with a tittle, and every title has a meaning to its originator, and inspiration is the one thing that brings an idea to fruition. Looking at that pic, I can see so much inspiration and potential either side of that image, and its screaming to be modelled.


Clive @Clive Mortimore is a fountain of knowledge in such matters.


Go for it:good:


Yes Andy

Picture looks like a telephoto and has shortened things somewhat,the photo is only a small image and the micro (4ft by 2ft!) will be loosely based but not prototypical it is nice and condensed to focus on 7mm detailing.



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New board cut. Measures a more manageable and portable 4ft by 18 inches My bespoke building scratchbuild skills aren’t as such to reproduce the Barton outbuilding so the Laserlines kit will have to suffice until maybe something on the market looking similar is available.









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Baseboard One


4ft by 18 inches.


A heavy 1 inch MDF. Showing the backscene anchor block under stress from curving 10mm MDF into place. Plastic clips help to form.
The track has been taped on temporary to enable upright storage so it doesn’t drop off....! as I’m a bit short of space. Eventually the total length will be governed by either a trestle setup or some sort of pasting board. Modelled length is 4 foot plus a potential 2 foot fiddle area.

Yes it’s a micro and a bit of a squeeze in 7 mill but detailing will count and further room for expansion to a second 4 foot board will follow. 










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This being a first attempt into 7 mill l set out with the idea of a trial project keeping things simple. Even at 4 foot this micro is quite a size as storage is at a premium. 


The criteria for modelling is: 


(1) A Point

(2) A Buffer

(3) Siding for fuelling static idling and rolling stock display.


Locomotive length (Class 37) is 17 inches and OAA Wagon 10 inches so shunt length to siding is approximately a massive 27 inches.


The exit by a scenic break to the RH lead sto a separate add on 2 foot fiddle “block” with PECO Setrack Bullhead and converter transition sections.






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  • 2 weeks later...
On 04/09/2021 at 20:30, The Bigbee Line said:

A pit is very handy when doing an A exam, especially if blocking or rodding..





Thanks. All good for Shed internals. This is off works after exam. Stabling and fuelling at the rear of the shed.



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Decided to reverse the point to the fiddle plank. Less to see at the business end not to busy and cluttered but I’ve always liked the long telephoto shot peaking through shed buildings from a planned layout concept in 00 days. 









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  • 1 month later...

Decision made to store and go Heljan Modern Depot split to Low Relief on  the "Fuelling" test plank and concentrate on "Leeds Road" mainly to time constraints  - Depot side and fuelling rigs fits nicely into the LH side with Toton Stores and Gable buiding to the end of the layout.


I'll post up some images as soon as.




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23 hours ago, Baggies1961 said:


Following with interest looks a great subject to model.

Is that the Toton fuel store RLL710TC? thinking of getting something similar yours looks longer or is it two joined?





Yes there are two Toton fuel stores. 
One complete and one trimmed down to be slightly different. That long since I trimmed them down I had to think! 

Any links to yours? 




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Thanks for prompt reply. Its a diorama Im thinking of doing, Iv seen a page on the oo scale thread by Alcanman do an excellent small layout loosely based on Tees Yard so thought of doing something similar.

Iv just ordered the wagon repair depot from Railway Laser Lines and the stores building would be ideal to add to a mish mash of buildings like Tees yard has.

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On 11/02/2022 at 07:30, chickensoup said:

Update - Getting expensive. 

From start I really didn’t have a clue where this was going. Probably still don’t. 



Inspiration although loosely based using Laserlines structures. 






At least you have some track on a board!

I've been changing my mind weekly for the past couple of years it seems. :D



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8 hours ago, mopar said:

At least you have some track on a board!

I've been changing my mind weekly for the past couple of years it seems. :D




It’s difficult isn’t it! 
More or less settled now on what is a test plank for 7mm. Got to get things right ish when Tractions £600+ a chuck. 


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Same view. Different Day. 


Time permitting when space is found this weekend hopefully it will be a catalyst to start build proper. 

In the meantime I’ve added the Laserlines buildings and decided on the pump site in front of the as yet unconstructed Shed entrance to RH side. 




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  • 3 weeks later...

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