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Great Eastern 6 wheel clerestory roof lights!


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I'm building a D&S 4mm kit of a Great Eastern 6 wheel clerestory coach. Some of the windows or lights above the centre of each compartment may hinge outwards and there are a number of odd little castings that appear to be some sort of frame for these. Does anyone know anything about the prototype in this respect, or have any photos they could kindly share that show GER clerestory roofs?




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Not a 6 wheeler, but I've built the bogie Lav-Luggage-Compo from Bill Bedford.   The build is here.   There are vents between the lights on the clerestory - not great photos, but you can just about see them.  They seem to have been angled out from the sides of the clerestory.  is that what Dan's provided?

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Hi Jon, thanks for that, they seem exactly the same except that they are window-like openings instead of blank vents. Very helpful and I very much like your builds!




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