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Class 37/0 and Class 37/4 sound differences?

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  • RMweb Gold

I have three Bachmann Class 37's, 37025 and 37099, plus 37424 which I hopefully want install sound in all three.  37025 came already sound fitted and I was advised to remove it as I want to pair it with 37099, and top and tail it on my test train.  I was told that two different sound decoders could cause issues (37025 had a LokSound V4) with getting them to match, I should put the same sound decoder in both 37025 and 37099. 


I've duly removed it and installed it in 37424 and I've just realised that 37025 is basically a bog standard version, whereas 37424 was refurbished in the 80's and has been fitted with ETH.  My question is, to my untunes ears, does a 37/0 and 37/4 sound the same or are there noticeable differences on the 37/4?

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  • RMweb Gold

I bought a couple of chips that had been in Bachmann 37/5s . I was worried about the starter motor sounds being on them but thankfully they weren't.  That is the main difference with all the alternator fitted 37s

I was surprised it wasn't on as its very noticeable on starting. 

Sound decoders can be strange, no 37 starter motors but DMU buzzers are present and you can't hear them outside 

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3 hours ago, jools1959 said:

I have three Bachmann Class 37's, 37025 and 37099, plus 37424 which I hopefully want install sound in all three.  37025 came already sound fitted and I was advised to remove it as I want to pair it with 37099, and top and tail it on my test train.  I was told that two different sound decoders could cause issues (37025 had a LokSound V4) with getting them to match, I should put the same sound decoder in both 37025 and 37099. 


I've duly removed it and installed it in 37424 and I've just realised that 37025 is basically a bog standard version, whereas 37424 was refurbished in the 80's and has been fitted with ETH.  My question is, to my untunes ears, does a 37/0 and 37/4 sound the same or are there noticeable differences on the 37/4?

As Russ P says the refurbs have starter motors as the Alternators cannot be used to start the engine like the generator could on a 37/0 so the start up sequence sound will be wrong but when running they sound the same.

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  • RMweb Gold

Thanks for information and I think I’ll keep the chip in 37424 as there’s nowhere on the scenic part of layout where the loco would be started up.  It would either be ticking over or working.


I’ll put two similar sound decoders into 37025 and 37099, so I don’t think I’ll have any issues there.

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